convert line ends
[canaan.git] / prj / tech / libsrc / inputbnd / inpbnd_i.h
1 // $Header: x:/prj/tech/libsrc/inputbnd/RCS/inpbnd_i.h 1.27 1999/10/21 15:23:18 MAT Exp $
2 #ifndef __INPBND_I_H
3 #define __INPBND_I_H
4 #pragma once
7 #include <appagg.h>
8 #include <comtools.h>
9 #include <inpguid.h>
11 #include <event.h>
12 #include <types.h>
15 #define GAME_VAR 0
16 #define USER_VAR 1
19 #define IBFLAG_USER 0x00000001
20 #define IBFLAG_ALIAS 0x00000002
21 #define IBFLAG_FALLS_THRU_MOD 0x00000004
27 // Callbacks
30 // Standard UI handler
31 typedef bool (*tBindHandler) (uiEvent *pEvent, Region *pReg, void *pState);
33 // Passes to you the control string, command string, and user data.
34 // Return TRUE if you accept the bind request.
35 typedef BOOL (*tTrapBindFilter) (char *pControl, char *pCmd, void *pUserData);
37 // For doing any work after a bind trap has occured. bBound will contain
38 // whether or not the control was bound to the command.
39 typedef void (*tTrapBindPostFunc) (BOOL bBound);
41 // Accepts an array of pointers to all channels of a var,
42 // the number of channels in the array, and a char buffer
43 // of IB_VARSTRMAX length, for which to stuff the prevailing
44 // value of the conflicting channels. Should also return
45 // TRUE if conflict was resolved.
46 typedef BOOL (*tBindAggCallback) (struct _intrnl_var_channel **ppChannels, long iNum, char *pBuf);
48 // Accepts variable name, value in string form, and
49 // whether or not the control was already down.
50 // Most callbacks should return NULL, as this
51 // is more internal.
52 typedef char *(*tBindProcCallback) (char *pCmd, char *pValStr, BOOL bAlreadyDown);
56 //provided aggregation callbacks
57 EXTERN BOOL IBMaxActiveAgg (struct _intrnl_var_channel **, long, char *);
58 EXTERN BOOL IBAddActiveAgg (struct _intrnl_var_channel **, long, char *);
59 EXTERN BOOL IBAveActiveAgg (struct _intrnl_var_channel **, long, char *);
60 EXTERN BOOL IBMRUActiveAgg (struct _intrnl_var_channel **, long, char *);
66 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 Input Binding command variable. Used for registering cmd vars to the Variable Manager
68 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 #define IB_VARSTRMAX 32
71 #define IB_VALSTRMAX 64
72 typedef struct _IB_var {
73 char name[IB_VARSTRMAX];
74 char val[IB_VALSTRMAX];
75 ulong flags;
76 tBindProcCallback cb;
77 tBindAggCallback agg;
79 //for internal use. user can set this to anything safely, VarSet will just override it
80 char last_val[IB_VARSTRMAX];
81 } IB_var;
85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
86 Input control channel.
87 An array of these gets passed into a variable's aggregation callback.
88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
90 typedef struct _intrnl_var_channel {
91 char val[IB_VARSTRMAX];
92 long adj_type;
93 BOOL active;
94 short stamp;
95 unsigned long context;
96 } intrnl_var_channel;
101 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102 // Structure used to associate binding contexts. In a bind file, a bind command
103 // may be prefixed by a string. This structure is used to map the string (case-
104 // insensitive) to its context. "" for aszStr indicates no prefix.
105 typedef struct _sBindContext {
106 char aszStr[IB_VARSTRMAX];
107 ulong iContext;
108 } sBindContext;
110 #define kBindContextNull {"", 0}
114 #ifdef __cplusplus
117 --------------------------------------------------------------
118 Base class for processing joystick axis input.
119 App's derived class must be registered with the input binder.
120 Expect joystick axis' to be given in -1.0 to 1.0 range,
121 inclusive.
122 --------------------------------------------------------------
124 class cIBJoyAxisProcess {
125 public:
126 cIBJoyAxisProcess ();
128 void SetDeadZoneX (double x) {m_deadzone_x = x;}
129 void SetDeadZoneY (double y) {m_deadzone_y = y;}
130 void SetDeadZoneZ (double z) {m_deadzone_z = z;}
131 void SetDeadZoneR (double r) {m_deadzone_r = r;}
133 void GetDeadZoneX (double *x) {*x = m_deadzone_x;}
134 void GetDeadZoneY (double *y) {*y = m_deadzone_y;}
135 void GetDeadZoneZ (double *z) {*z = m_deadzone_z;}
136 void GetDeadZoneR (double *r) {*r = m_deadzone_r;}
138 //be sure to call this base method in your inherited Process,
139 //probably before you do your own processing
140 virtual void ProcessXY (double *x, double *y);
141 virtual void ProcessZR (double *z, double *r);
143 private:
144 void ApplyDeadzone (double *axis, double deadzone);
146 double m_deadzone_x, m_deadzone_y, m_deadzone_z, m_deadzone_r;
149 #endif
154 ************************************************
155 Interface
156 ************************************************
159 #undef INTERFACE
160 #define INTERFACE IInputBinder
164 #define MAX_CONTEXTS 32
165 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IInputBinder, IUnknown)
170 // Can initialize binding vars and a .bnd file to load upon Init.
171 // pVars and pBndFname can both be NULL.
173 STDMETHOD_(char *, Init) (THIS_ IB_var *pVars, char *pBndFname) PURE;
174 STDMETHOD_(char *, Term) (THIS) PURE;
177 // Stuffs ppHandler with the input binder's ui handler.
179 STDMETHOD_(void, GetHandler) (THIS_ tBindHandler *ppHandler) PURE;
182 // Used to mask which events the binder will trap.
183 // These are defined in event.h
185 STDMETHOD_(void, SetValidEvents) (THIS_ ulong iEventMask) PURE;
186 STDMETHOD_(ulong, GetValidEvents) (THIS) PURE;
189 // Binds pCmd to pControl. Multiple worded commands should
190 // be wrapped in quotes. Returns TRUE if all went well.
192 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, Bind) (THIS_ char *pControl, char *pCmd) PURE;
195 // Uninds pControl. Returns FALSE if pControl is invalid.
197 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, Unbind) (THIS_ char *pControl) PURE;
200 // Stuffs pCmdBuf with whatever command pControl is bound to.
202 STDMETHOD_(void, QueryBind) (THIS_ char *pControl, char *pCmdBuf, long iBufLen) PURE;
205 // Stuffs pValBuf with the value of pVarStr. Currently does not take
206 // channels into account.
208 STDMETHOD_(void, GetVarValue) (THIS_ char *pVarStr, char *pValBuf, long iBufLen) PURE;
211 // Accepts a string which contains commands
212 // to interact with the binder. Most users
213 // should not have to call this.
215 STDMETHOD_(char *, ProcessCmd) (THIS_ char *pCmdStr) PURE;
218 // Trap a control, and bind it to pCmdStr, if the filter callback allows it.
219 // Both callbacks and pUserData may be NULL, however.
221 STDMETHOD_(void, TrapBind) (THIS_ char *pCmdStr, tTrapBindFilter, tTrapBindPostFunc, void *pUserData) PURE;
224 // Merely sets the internal mapper to the correct context.
225 // Usually not needed.
227 STDMETHOD_(char *, Update) (THIS) PURE;
230 // Polls keys and sends out appropriate commands upon change of state.
232 STDMETHOD_(void, PollAllKeys) (THIS) PURE;
235 // Registers the application's joystick processor, inherited from above.
237 STDMETHOD_(void, RegisterJoyProcObj) (void *pJoyProc) PURE;
241 // This is the preferred method of bind loading. You associate context bitmasks
242 // and context strings with the ContextAssociate method, then LoadBndContexted
243 // will parse the file only once, and map the contexted commands accordingly.
245 STDMETHOD_(void, LoadBndContexted) (THIS_ char *pBndFname) PURE;
248 // Accepts a pointer to a kBindContextNull-terminated array of sBindContext's.
249 // A call to this method wipes out any previoius context associations. These
250 // associations are then used when mapping contexted binds during a call to
251 // LoadBndContexted.
253 STDMETHOD_(void, ContextAssociate) (THIS_ sBindContext *pBindContext) PURE;
257 // Loads a .bnd file into the specified iContext. If pPrefix is not NULL,
258 // we bind only the matching prefixed binds.
260 STDMETHOD_(char *, LoadBndFile) (THIS_ char *pBndFname, unsigned long iContext, char *pPrefix) PURE;
263 // Saves a bind file under the current context only. Should undoubtedly
264 // change this in the future. If pHeader is non-NULL, the string will
265 // be placed at the top of the file.
267 STDMETHOD_(char *, SaveBndFile) (THIS_ char *pBndFname, char *pHeader) PURE;
270 // Methods for setting and unsetting bind command variables.
272 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, VarSet) (THIS_ IB_var *pVars) PURE;//must be NULL-terminated
273 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, VarSetn) (THIS_ IB_var *pVars, long iNum) PURE;
274 // if bUser is set, then the variable(s) can be unset by the player.
275 STDMETHOD_(char *, VarUnset) (THIS_ char **ppVarNames, BOOL bUser) PURE;//must be NULL-terminated
276 STDMETHOD_(char *, VarUnsetn) (THIS_ char **ppVarNames, long iNum, BOOL bUser) PURE;
277 STDMETHOD_(char *, VarUnsetAll) (THIS) PURE;
281 // For setting and getting out current context. This should be a bitmask.
282 // Also, do we want to poll when changing to a different context?
284 STDMETHOD_(BOOL, SetContext) (THIS_ unsigned long iContext, BOOL bPoll) PURE;
285 // Stuffs it
286 STDMETHOD_(void, GetContext) (THIS_ unsigned long *pContext) PURE;
289 // Set globally master agg callback.
290 // This is also set interally to IBMaxActiveAgg, so most don't need
291 // to use this.
293 STDMETHOD_(void, SetMasterAggregation) (THIS_ tBindAggCallback) PURE;
296 // Set the default variable processing callback. When a command variable
297 // doesn't have its own callback, or a bound command isn't an input command
298 // this callback will be used. Useful for sending most commands along to
299 // a game's command system.
301 STDMETHOD_(void, SetMasterProcessCallback) (THIS_ tBindProcCallback) PURE;
304 // Iterators for getting which controls are bound to a certain command.
305 // pControlBuf really should be at least 32 chars long.
307 STDMETHOD_(char *, GetControlFromCmdStart) (THIS_ char *pCmd, char *pControlBuf) PURE;
308 STDMETHOD_(char *, GetControlFromCmdNext) (THIS_ char *pControlBuf) PURE;
311 // Not currently used.
313 STDMETHOD_(void, SetResPath) (THIS_ char *pPath) PURE;
316 // Useful for taking a composed control (ie. "p+shift+alt") and separating
317 // then into ppControls. Maximum controls is 4 (some control+alt+crtl+shift).
318 // pNumControls will be stuffed with the number of controls separated.
320 STDMETHOD_(char *, DecomposeControl) (THIS_ char *pControlStr, char ppControls[4][32], long *pNumControls) PURE;
323 // Clears all binds in the current context.
325 STDMETHOD_(void, Reset)(THIS) PURE;
330 #define InputBinderCreate(ppInputBinder) \
332 IUnknown * pAppUnknown = AppGetObj(IUnknown); \
333 _CreateInputBinder(IID_TO_REFIID(IID_IInputBinder), ppInputBinder, pAppUnknown); \
334 COMRelease(pAppUnknown); \
337 // this is internal--use the above macro
338 EXTERN tResult LGAPI _CreateInputBinder(REFIID, IInputBinder **ppInputBinder, IUnknown *pOuter);
342 #define IInputBinder_QueryInterface(p, a, b) COMQueryInterface(p, a, b)
343 #define IInputBinder_AddRef(p) COMAddRef(p)
344 #define IInputBinder_Release(p) COMRelease(p)
345 #define IInputBinder_Init(p, a, b) COMCall2(p, a, b)
346 #define IInputBinder_Term(p) COMCall0(p)
347 #define IInputBinder_GetHandler(p, a) COMCall1(p, a)
348 #define IInputBinder_ProcessCmd(p, a) COMCall1(p, a)
349 #define IInputBinder_Update(p) COMCall0(p)
350 #define IInputBinder_LoadBndFile(p, a, b, c) COMCall3(p, a, b, c)
351 #define IInputBinder_LoadBndFile(p, a, b, c) COMCall3(p, a, b, c)
352 #define IInputBinder_SaveBndFile(p, a) COMCall1(p, a)
353 #define IInputBinder_VarSet(p, a) COMCall1(p, a)
354 #define IInputBinder_VarSetn(p, a, b) COMCall2(p, a, b)
355 #define IInputBinder_VarUnset(p, a, b) COMCall2(p, a, b)
356 #define IInputBinder_VarUnsetn(p, a, b, c) COMCall3(p, a, b, c)
357 #define IInputBinder_SetContext(p, a) COMCall2(p, a, b)
358 #define IInputBinder_GetContext(p, a) COMCall1(p, a)
362 #endif