9 * Extract non-cacheable parts out of compiled template and write it
11 * @param string $compile_path
12 * @param string $template_compiled
16 function smarty_core_write_compiled_include($params, &$smarty)
18 $_tag_start = 'if \(\$this->caching && \!\$this->_cache_including\) \{ echo \'\{nocache\:('.$params['cache_serial'].')#(\d+)\}\'; \};';
19 $_tag_end = 'if \(\$this->caching && \!\$this->_cache_including\) \{ echo \'\{/nocache\:(\\2)#(\\3)\}\'; \};';
21 preg_match_all('!('.$_tag_start.'(.*)'.$_tag_end.')!Us',
22 $params['compiled_content'], $_match_source, PREG_SET_ORDER
24 // no nocache-parts found: done
25 if (count($_match_source)==0) return;
27 // convert the matched php-code to functions
28 $_include_compiled = "<?php /* Smarty version ".$smarty->_version
.", created on ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."\n";
29 $_include_compiled .= " compiled from " . strtr(urlencode($params['resource_name']), array('%2F'=>'/', '%3A'=>':')) . " */\n\n";
31 $_compile_path = $params['include_file_path'];
33 $smarty->_cache_serials
[$_compile_path] = $params['cache_serial'];
34 $_include_compiled .= "\$this->_cache_serials['".$_compile_path."'] = '".$params['cache_serial']."';\n\n?>";
36 $_include_compiled .= $params['plugins_code'];
37 $_include_compiled .= "<?php";
39 $this_varname = ((double)phpversion() >= 5.0) ?
'_smarty' : 'this';
40 for ($_i = 0, $_for_max = count($_match_source); $_i < $_for_max; $_i++
) {
41 $_match =& $_match_source[$_i];
43 if ($this_varname == '_smarty') {
44 /* rename $this to $_smarty in the sourcecode */
45 $tokens = token_get_all('<?php ' . $_match[4]);
47 /* remove trailing <?php */
50 $token = array_shift($tokens);
51 if (is_array($token)) {
52 $open_tag .= $token[1];
56 if ($open_tag == '<?php ') break;
59 for ($i=0, $count = count($tokens); $i < $count; $i++
) {
60 if (is_array($tokens[$i])) {
61 if ($tokens[$i][0] == T_VARIABLE
&& $tokens[$i][1] == '$this') {
62 $tokens[$i] = '$' . $this_varname;
64 $tokens[$i] = $tokens[$i][1];
68 $source = implode('', $tokens);
71 /* add function to compiled include */
72 $_include_compiled .= "
73 function _smarty_tplfunc_$_match[2]_$_match[3](&\$$this_varname)
80 $_include_compiled .= "\n\n?>\n";
82 $_params = array('filename' => $_compile_path,
83 'contents' => $_include_compiled, 'create_dirs' => true);
85 require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR
. 'core.write_file.php');
86 smarty_core_write_file($_params, $smarty);