- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / include / inc_ttf_check_ar.php
1 <?php
2 # This subroutine detects the ttf capability of the system and checks if the arial font is available
3 // Modified on ( 22/01/2004) By Walid Fathalla
4 # Set the font type here
5 $ttf_fonttype='arial.ttf';
6 $font_path=$root_path.'main/imgcreator/';
8 # Check if TTF text possible
9 if(function_exists(ImageTTFText)){
10 # Workaround to avoid upper/lower case error
11 if(file_exists($font_path.$ttf_fonttype)){
12 $ttf_ok=TRUE;
13 $arial=$font_path.$ttf_fonttype;
14 }elseif(file_exists($font_path.strtoupper($ttf_fonttype))){
15 $ttf_ok=TRUE;
16 $arial=$font_path.strtoupper($ttf_fonttype);