3 $LDLOGBOOK='Sálová kniha';
4 $LDOrDocument='Dokumentace operaèního sálu';
5 $LDOrDocumentTxt='Dokumentace operaèních výkonù';
9 * DOC = doctor on call duty
10 * ORNOC = Operating room nurse on call duty
11 * OR = operating room (surgery room)
15 $LDScheduler='Plánovaè';
17 $LDQuickView='Rychlý náhled';
18 $LDQviewTxtDocs='Rychlé nalezení lékaøe na telefonu';
19 $LDOrLogBook='Záznamy sálové sestry';
20 $LDOrLogBookTxt='Dokumentace výkonù sestry na operaèním sále, archívní soubory';
21 $LDOrProgram='Program operaèního sálu';
22 $LDOrProgramTxt='Zobrazit, editovat nebo vytvoøit program operaèního sálu';
23 $LDQviewTxtNurse='Rychlý pøehled sester èekajících na zavolání';
24 $LDDutyPlanTxt='Zobrazení, editace a vytvoøení ORNOC(===pøelo¾it----OR Nurse-On-Call)';
25 $LDOnCallDuty='Standby duty';
26 $LDOnCallDutyTxt='Documenting the work during an On-Call duty';
27 $LDAnaLogBook='Anesthesia logbook';
28 $LDAnaLogBookTxt='Documenting the anesthesia services, archive files';
29 $LDQviewTxtAna='Quick view of today\'s ORNOC for anesthesia';
30 $LDNewDocu='Nový dokument';
34 $LDUpdate='Aktualizovat';
36 $LDCreatePersonList='Vytvoøit seznam sester na operaèním sále';
37 $LDDoctor='Lékaø/Chirurg';
44 $LDReset='Vymazat formuláø';
45 $LDContinue='Pokraèovat...';
47 $LDHideCat='Schovat koèièku';
48 $LDPatientsFound='Bylo nalezeno více pacientù!';
49 $LDPlsClk1='Prosím vyberte po¾adovaného pacienta ze seznamu.';
50 $LDShowCat='Chci vidìt koèièku, prosím!';
51 $LDResearchArchive='Prohledávat archív';
52 $LDSearchDocu='Hledat dokument';
55 $LDMiddle='uprostøed';
57 $LDOperation='Operace';
59 $LDLastName='Pøíjmení';
62 $LDPatientNr='Èíslo pacienta.';
63 $LDMatchCode='_____translate____Matchcode Name';
64 $LDOpDate='Datum operace';
65 $LDOperator='Chirurg';
66 $LDStationary='Pacient z nemocnice';
67 $LDAmbulant='Abulantní pacient';
68 $LDInsurance='Poji¹tìní';
69 $LDPrivate='Privátní';
70 $LDSelfPay='Platí sám';
72 $LDDiagnosis='Diagnóza/ICD-10';
73 $LDLocalization='Lokalizace --- Hospitalizace---';
75 $LDSpecials='Zvlá¹tní poznámka';
76 $LDClassification='Klasifikace';
80 * OP = operation (surgical operation)
82 $LDOpStart='Zaèátek operace';
83 $LDOpEnd='Konec operace';
86 * Scrub nurse = the nurse in sterile clothing assisting the surgeon, in charge of the sterile instruments and surgical materials
88 $LDScrubNurse='Scrub nurse Sterilnì obleèená sestra podávající nástroje';
89 $LDOpRoom='Operaèní sál';
90 $LDResetAll='Smazat v¹echny polo¾ky';
91 $LDUpdateData='Doplnit èi modifikovat údaje';
92 $LDStartNewDocu='Zaèít nový dokument';
93 $LDSearchKeyword='Klíèové slovo: napøíklad jméno èi pøíjmení';
95 $LDSrcListElements=array(
102 'Oddìlení operaèno sálu',
103 'Èíslo operaèního sálu'
105 $LDClk2Show='Kliknutím se zobrazí ùdaje';
106 $LDSrcCondition='Hledání podle klíèových slov nebo jiných podmínelk';
107 $LDNewArchiveSearch='Nové prohledávání archivu';
129 $LDPrevDay='Vèerej¹í den';
132 $LDOpMainElements=array(
133 nr_date
=>'Èíslo dne',
135 diagnosis
136 operator
138 cutclose
139 therapy
141 inout
149 $LDEditPatientData='Editovat data v knize záznamù ze dne ~tagword~';
150 $LDOpenPatientFolder='Otevøít poøadaè sestry ze dne ~tagword~';
152 $tbuf=array('O','A','S','R');
153 $cbuf=array('Surgeon','Assistant','Scrub nurse','Rotating nurse');
157 * rotating nurse = the nurse in non-sterile clothing assisting the scrub nurse, in charge of the non-sterile instruments and surgical materials
159 $LDOpPersonElements=array(
162 scrub
=>'Scrub nurse',
163 rotating
=>'Rotating nurse',
164 ana
167 $LDPatientNotFound='Patient not found!';
168 $LDPlsEnoughData='Please enter enough information.';
171 $LDClk2DropMenu='Click to drop down menu';
172 $LDSaveLatest='Save latest entries';
173 $LDHelp='Open help window';
175 $LDSearchPatient='Search patient';
176 $LDUsedMaterial='Used OP materials';
177 $LDContainer='Used container/instruments';
179 $LDShowLogbook='Show logbook';
183 * ITA = Intra Tracheal Anesthesia
184 * ITN = Intratrachele Narkose (german)
185 * LA = Local anesthesia (locally injected or applied)
186 * DS = Daemmerschlaf (a local dialect meaning analgesic sedation )
187 * AS = Analgesic sedation (german = Analgosidierung)
188 * Plexus = Anesthesia on the Plexus nerve
193 'ITN-Jet'=>'ITA-Jet',
194 'ITN-Mask'=>'ITA-Mask',
202 $LDAnaDoc='Anesthesiologist';
204 $LDEnterPerson='Enter a new ~tagword~';
205 $LDExtraInfo='Additional information';
208 $LDFunction='Function';
209 $LDCurrentEntries='Current entries';
210 $LDDeleteEntry='Delete entry';
211 $LDSearchNewPerson='Search a new ~tagword~';
212 $LDSorryNotFound='Sorry. I have not found anything. Please try a different keyword.';
213 $LDSearchPerson='Search ~tagword~';
214 $LDJobId='Profession';
215 $LDSearchResult='Search results';
216 $LDUseData='Enter this person as ~tagword~';
219 doctor
221 $LDQuickSelectList='Quick select list';
223 $LDPlasterCast='Plaster cast';
225 * Reposition = repositioning of bone dislocation or fracture
227 $LDReposition='Reposition';
228 $LDWaitTime='Idle time';
231 $LDPatNoExist='The patient is not yet entered in the logbook. Please close this window and start the logbook from the very beginning. If this problem persists, please notify the EDP department.';
233 'Patient arrived late in OR',
234 'Anesthesiologists arrived late in OR',
235 'OR nurses arrived late in OR',
236 'Cleaning team finished late',
239 $LDMaterialElements=array(
248 $LDSearchElements=array(
257 $LDContainerElements=array(
266 $LDArticleNr='Article nr.';
267 $LDContainerNr='Container nr.';
268 $LDArticleNotFound='Article not found!';
269 $LDNoArticleTxt='The article is either not listed in the databank or you have typed the number incorrectly.';
270 $LDClk2ManualEntry='To enter the article manually, <b>click here.</b>';
271 $LDPlsClkArticle='Please click the desired article!';
272 $LDSelectArticle='Click to select this article';
273 $LDDbInfo='Info from the databank';
274 $LDRemoveArticle='Remove article from this list';
275 $LDArticleNoList='Article not listed in the databank';
276 $LDPromptSearch='Please enter a search keyword.<br>Like for example a given name, family name, or a birthdate, etc. (Read also the <a href=\'ucons.php\'>Tips</a>.)';
277 $LDKeyword='Keyword';
278 $LDOtherFunctions='Other functions';
279 $LDInfoNotFound='The needed information is not found!';
280 $LDButFf='But the following';
281 $LDSimilar=' entry is';
282 $LDSimilarMany=' entries are';
283 $LDNeededInfo=' similar to the search keyword.';
284 $LDPatLogbook='The patient is documented in the following logbook.';
285 $LDPatLogbookMany='The patient is documented in the following logbooks.';
286 $LDDepartment='Department';
288 $LDLastEntry='The following is the last entry in the logbook';
289 $LDLastEntryMany='The following are the last entries in the logbook';
292 $LDYesterday='yesterday';
293 $LDVorYesterday='2 days ago';
295 $LDChangeDept='Change the department or OP room';
297 $LDTabElements=array('OR Department',
304 $LDStandbyPerson='Standby';
305 $LDOnCallPerson='On call';
308 $LDDutyElements = array('Date',' ','Family name, Given name','from','to','OP Room','Diagnosis & therapy');
310 $LDAlertNoPrinter='You must print manually. Right click on the window, then select Print.';
311 $LDAlertNotSavedYet='The latest entry is not saved yet. Do you want to save first?';
315 $LDNoPersonList='The list of personell is not yet created. Please create the list first. Click on the following button.';
316 $LDNoEntryFound='No entry in plan found!';
318 $LDShowPrevLog='Show the previous log entries';
319 $LDShowNextLog='Show the next log entries';
320 $LDShowGuideCal='Show the guide calendar';
322 $LDPerformance='Performance';
324 $LDPlsSelectPatientFirst='Please find the patient first.';
325 $LD_ddpMMpyyyy='dd.mm.yyyy';
326 $LD_yyyyhMMhdd='yyyy-mm-dd';
327 $LD_MMsddsyyyy='mm/dd/yyyy';
329 $LDStandbyInit='S'; /* S = Standby */
330 $LDOncallInit='O'; /* O = Oncall */
331 $LDDutyPlan='Duty plan';