- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / en / lang_en_aufnahme.php
1 <?php
2 $LDAdmission='Admission';
3 $LDAdmitDate='Admission date';
4 $LDAdmitTime='Admission time';
5 $LDCaseNr='Admission number';
6 $LDTitle='Title';
7 $LDLastName='Family name';
8 $LDFirstName='Given name';
9 $LDBday='Date of birth';
10 $LDPhone='Phone';
11 $LDAdmitBy='Admitted by';
12 $LDSex='Sex';
13 $LDMale='male';
14 $LDFemale='female';
15 $LDAddress='Address';
16 $LDAmbulant='Outpatient';
17 $LDStationary='Inpatient';
18 $LDSelfPay='Self pay';
19 $LDPrivate='Private Insurance';
20 $LDInsurance='Health Fund';
21 $LDDiagnosis='Diagnosis';
22 $LDRecBy='Referred by';
23 $LDTherapy='Therapy';
24 $LDSpecials='Referrer notes';
26 $LDPatientSearch='Search patient\'s data';
27 $LDAdmit='Admission';
28 $LDSearch='Search';
29 $LDArchive='Archive';
30 $LDCatPls='I like to see the cat please!';
31 $LDGoodMorning='Good Morning!';
32 $LDGoodDay='Hi! Nice to see you!';
33 $LDGoodAfternoon='Good afternoon!';
34 $LDGoodEvening='Good Evening';
36 $LDNewForm='I need an empty form please.';
38 $LDForceSave='Save anyway';
39 $LDSaveData='Save data';
40 $LDResetData='Reset data';
41 $LDReset='Reset';
42 $LDSave='Save';
43 $LDCancel='Cancel';
45 $LDCancelClose='Cancel and back to start page';
46 $LDCloseWin='Close admission window';
47 $LDError='Information is missing in the input field marked <font color=red>red</font>!';
48 $LDErrorS='Some information are missing in the input fields marked with <font color=red>red</font>!';
50 $fieldname=array('Patient nr.','Lastname','Firstname','Date of birth','Options');
51 $LDEntryPrompt='Enter the search keyword. For example: lastname, or firstname, or date of birth, etc.';
53 $LDAdmWantEntry='I need to admit a patient';
54 $LDAdmWantSearch='I am looking for a patient';
55 $LDAdmWantArchive='I need to research in the archive';
57 /**************** note the ' ~nr~ ' must not be erased it will be replaced by the script with the number of search results ******/
58 $LDSearchFound='The search found <font color=red><b>~nr~</b></font> relevant data.';
60 $LDShowData='Show data';
61 $LDPatientData='Admission Data';
62 $LDBack2Admit='Back to admission';
63 $LDBack2Search='Back to search';
64 $LDBack2Archive='Back to archive';
66 $LDFrom='from';
67 $LDTo='to';
68 $LDUpdateData='Update data';
69 $LDNewArchive='New research in archive';
70 $LDAdmArchive='Admission - Archive';
72 /************** note: do not erase the ' ~nr~ ' it will be replaced by the script with a number **************/
73 $LDFoundData='I found ~nr~ relevant data!<br>Please click the right one.';
75 $LDClk2Show='Click to show the data';
77 $LDElements=array(
78 '',
79 'Lastname',
80 'Firstname',
81 'Date of birth',
82 'Patient nr.',
83 'Admission date'
85 $LDSearchKeyword='Search keyword or condition';
86 $LDMEDOCS='Medical Documentation System (Medocs)';
87 $LDMedocsSearchTitle='Medocs - Document search';
88 $LDHideCat='Click to hide the cat';
89 $LDNewDocu='Document the following patient';
90 $LDExtraInfo='Extra information';
91 $LDMedAdvice='Medical Advice';
92 $LDMedocs='Medocs';
94 $LDYes='Yes';
95 $LDNo='No';
97 $LDEditOn='Documented on';
98 $LDEditBy='Documented by';
99 $LDKeyNr='Key number';
100 $LDDocSearch='Search a medocs document';
102 $LDMedDocOf='Medocs document of';
103 $LDMedocsElements=array(
105 'Lastname',
106 'Firstname',
107 'Date of birth',
108 'Patient Nr.',
109 'Document Nr.',
110 'Department',
111 'Date',
112 'Time'
114 $LDStartNewDoc='Start a new medocs document';
115 $LDNoMedocsFound='No medocs document of the patient found!';
116 $LDAt='at';
118 $LDDept='Dept';
119 $LDRoomNr='Room nr';
120 $LDAdmitType='Admission type';
121 $LDCivilStat='Civil status';
122 $LDInsuranceNr='Insurance nr';
123 $LDNameAddr='Name & Address';
124 $LDBillInfo='Billing info';
125 $LDAdmitDiagnosis='Admission diagnosis';
126 $LDInfo2='Info to';
127 $LDPrintDate='Print date';
128 $LDReligion='Religion';
129 $LDTherapyType='Therapy type';
130 $LDTherapyOpt='Therapy option';
131 $LDServiceType='Service type';
133 $LDClick2Print='Click the barcode labels to print';
135 $LDEnterDiagnosisNote='Attach links to diagnosis related notes & publications:';
136 $LDEnterTherapyNote='Attach links to therapy related notes & publications:';
137 $LDSeeDiagnosisNote='Diagnosis related notes & publications:';
138 $LDSeeTherapyNote='Therapy related notes & publications:';
139 $LDMakeBarcodeLabels='Make barcode labels';
141 $LDPlsEnterDept='<b>Please enter your department, clinic, or work area.</b><br>(e.g. PLOP, Internal Med2, or M4A, etc.)';
142 $LDOkSaveNow='OK save now';
144 $LD_ddpMMpyyyy='dd.mm.yyyy';
145 $LD_yyyyhMMhdd='yyyy-mm-dd';
146 $LD_MMsddsyyyy='mm/dd/yyyy';
147 /* 2002-10-13 EL */
148 $LDPlsSelectPatientFirst='Please find the patient first.';
149 /* 2002-11-30 EL */
150 $LDPatientRegister='Person registration';
151 $LDRegDate='Registration date';
152 $LDRegTime='Registration time';
153 $LDRegBy='Registered by';
154 $LDName2='Second name';
155 $LDName3='Third name';
156 $LDNameMid='Middle name';
157 $LDNameMaiden='Maiden name';
158 $LDNameOthers='Other names';
159 $LDStreet='Street';
160 $LDStreetNr='Nr.';
161 $LDTownCity='Town/City';
162 $LDProvState='Province/State';
163 $LDRegion='Region';
164 $LDCountry='Country';
165 $LDCitizenship='Citizenship';
166 $LDCivilStatus='Civil status'; /* Civil status = married, single, divorced, widow */
167 $LDSingle='Single';
168 $LDMarried='Married';
169 $LDDivorced='Divorced';
170 $LDWidowed='Widowed';
171 $LDSeparated='Separated';
172 $LDCellPhone='Cellphone.';
173 $LDFax='Fax';
174 $LDEmail='Email';
175 $LDZipCode='Zip';
176 $LDPhoto='Photo';
177 /* 2002-12-02 EL*/
178 $LDPatientRegisterTxt='Register patient, search registrations, archive research';
179 $LDAdmitNr='Admission Nr.';
180 $LDPatient='Patient';
181 $LDVisit='Visit';
182 $LDVisitTxt='Ambulatory or outpatient admission';
183 $LDAdmissionTxt='Inpatient admission, search, research';
184 $LDImmunization='Immunization';
185 $LDESE='Enter, search, edit';
186 $LDImmunizationTxt=$LDESE.' immunization report';
187 $LDDRG='DRG (composite)';
188 $LDDRGTxt=$LDESE.' DRG (Diagnosis related groups)';
189 $LDProcedures='Procedures';
190 $LDProceduresTxt=$LDESE.' therapy procedures';
191 $LDPrescriptions='Prescriptions';
192 $LDPrescriptionsTxt=$LDESE.' Prescriptions';
193 /* 2002-12-03 EL*/
194 $LDDiagXResults='Diagnostic Results';
195 $LDDiagXResultsTxt='Search, research, display diagnostic results or reports';
196 $LDAppointments='Appointments';
197 $LDAppointmentsTxt=$LDESE.', research appointments or schedules';
198 $LDPatientDev='Development';
199 $LDPatientDevTxt=$LDESE.', display reports on patient\'s development';
200 $LDWtHt='Weights & Heights';
201 $LDWtHtTxt=$LDESE.' weight, height & head circumference';
202 $LDPregnancies='Pregnancies';
203 $LDPregnanciesTxt=$LDESE.' pregnancy information';
204 $LDBirthDetails='Birth details';
205 $LDBirthDetailsTxt=$LDESE.' birth details';
206 /* 2002-12-07 EL*/
207 $LDInsuranceCo='Insurance Company';
208 $LDInsuranceNr_2='Extra Insurance Nr.';
209 $LDInsuranceCo_2='Extra Insurance Co.';
210 $LDBillType='Billing Type';
211 $LDWard='Ward/Station';
212 $LDMakeWristBand='Make wristbands';
213 $LDClickImgToPrint='Click the image to print out.';
214 $LDPrintPortraitFormat='Set your printer to landscape format.';
215 /* 2002-12-14 EL */
216 $LDRegistryNr='PID Nr.';
217 $LDRedirectToRegistry='Note: Your search will be redirected to the registration module!';
218 /* 2002-12-24 EL */
219 $LDSSSNr='SSS Nr.';
220 $LDNatIdNr='National ID Nr.';
221 $LDEthnicOrigin='Ethnic origin';
222 $LDOtherNr='Other number(s)';
223 /* 2002-12-25 EL */
224 $LDSendBill='Send bill to';
225 $LDContactPerson='Contact person';
226 $LDOptsForPerson='Options for this person';
227 $LDSickReport='Confirmation of inability to work';
228 $LDAnamnesisForm='Anamnesis form';
229 $LDConsentDec='Consent declaration';
230 $LDUpdate='Update';
231 /* 2002-12-29 EL */
232 $LDGuarantor='Guarantor';
233 $LDCareServiceClass='Care service class';
234 $LDRoomServiceClass='Room service class';
235 $LDAttDrServiceClass='Medical service class';
236 $LDAdmitClass='Admission class';
237 /* 2003-02-15 EL*/
238 $LDEnterSearchKeyword='Please enter search keyword';
239 $LDSearchFoundData='The search found <font color=red><b>~nr~</b></font> relevant data.';
240 $LDQuickList='Quicklist';
241 $LDSeveralInsurances='Patient has several insurances. Click here to edit.';
242 $LDTop='Top';
243 $LDInsuranceClass='Insurance class';
244 $LDRecordsHistory='DB Record\'s History';
245 /* 2003-02-16 EL*/
246 $LDNotYetAdmitted='Not yet admitted';
247 $LDPatientCurrentlyAdmitted='Patient is currently admitted!';
248 $LDOptions='Options';
249 /** note the ' ~nr~ ' must not be erased it will be replaced by the script with the number of search results ******/
250 $LDSearchFoundAdmit='I found <font color=red><b>~nr~</b></font> relevant admission data.';
251 $LDPatientNr='Patient Nr.';
252 $LDNoRecordYet='~tag~ has no ~obj~ yet.';
253 $LDNoRecordFor='No ~obj~ record for ~tag~ yet.';
254 $LDRegistrationNr='Registration Nr.';
255 $LDDate='Date';
256 $LDType='Type';
257 $LDMedicine='Medicine';
258 $LDTiter='Titer';
259 $LDRefreshDate='Refresh date';
260 $LDReportingDept='Reporting Dept';
261 $LDReportNr='Report Nr.';
262 $LDDelivery='Delivery';
263 $LDTime='Time';
264 $LDClass='Class';
265 $LDOutcome='Outcome';
266 $LDNrOfFetus='Nr. of Fetuses';
267 $LDDetails='Details';
268 /* 2003-03-02 */
269 $LDDosage='Dosage';
270 $LDAppType='Application type';
271 $LDAppBy='Application by';
272 $LDNotes='Notes';
273 $LDEnterNewRecord='Enter new record';
274 $LDPrescription='Prescription';
275 $LDDrugClass='Drug Class';
276 $LDPrescribedBy='Prescribed by';
277 $LDPharmOrderNr='Pharmacy Order Number';
278 $LDEncounterNr='Encounter Nr.';
279 $LDValue='Value';
280 $LDUnit='Unit';
281 $LDWeight='Weight';
282 $LDHeight='Height';
283 $LDMeasuredBy='Measured by';
284 $LDSickUntil='Unable to work until (inclusive)';
285 $LDStartingFrom='Starting from';
286 $LDConfirmedOn='Confirmed on';
287 $LDInsurersCopy='Insurer\'s copy';
288 $LDDiagnosis2='Diagnosis';
289 /* 2003-03-03*/
290 $LDBy='By';
291 $LDSendCopyTo='Send copy to';
292 /* 2003-03-05 EL*/
293 $LDAndSym='&';
294 $LDReports='Reports';
295 $LDRefererDiagnosis='Referer Diagnosis';
296 $LDRefererRecomTherapy='Referer recommended therapy';
297 $LDShortNotes='Short Notes';
298 /* 2003-03-08 EL */
299 $LDCreateNewAppointment='Create new appointment';
300 $LDDepartment='Department';
301 $LDRemindPatient='Remind patient';
302 $LDRemindBy='Remind by';
303 $LDMail='Mail';
304 $LDPurpose='Purpose';
305 $LDClinician='Clinician';
306 $LDPhysician='Physician';
307 $LDBackToOptions='Back to options';
308 $LDStatus='Status';
309 /* 2003-03-08 EL*/
310 $LDUrgency='Urgency';
311 $LDNormal='Normal';
312 $LDPriority='Priority';
313 $LDUrgent='Urgent';
314 $LDEmergency='Emergency';
315 /* 2003-03-09 EL*/
316 $LDCancelReason='Reason for cancellation';
317 $LDSureCancelAppt='Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment?';
318 $LDEnterCancelReason='Enter the reason for cancellation';
319 $LDpending='pending';
320 $LDcancelled='cancelled';
321 /* 2003-03-10 EL */
322 $LDGotMedAdvice='Did patient receive medical advice?';
323 /* 2003-03-15 EL */
324 $LDShowDocList='Show document list';
325 $LDScheduleNewAppointment='Schedule New Appointment';
326 /* 2003-04-04 EL */
327 $LDNoPendingApptThisDay='There is no pending appointment for this day.';
328 $LDNoPendingApptToday='There is no pending appointment today.';
329 /* 2003-04-27 EL */
330 $LDOptsForPatient='Options for this patient';
331 /* 2003-05-06 EL */
332 $LDRegisterNewPerson='Register a new person';
333 /* 2003-05-17 EL */
334 $LDEnterPersonSearchKey='Enter search keyword: e.g. PID, first name, family name, or birth date';
335 $LDPersonData='Personal data';
336 /* 2003-05-26 EL*/
337 $LDDiagnoses='Diagnoses';
338 $LDCreateNewForm='Create a form for';
339 $LDOtherRecords='Other records';
340 /*2003-06-17 El*/
341 $LDFullForm='Full form';
342 $LDAllContents='All contents';
343 $LDAllText='Dynamic contents only';
344 $LDDataOnly='Encounter relevant data only';
345 /*2003-06-21 EL*/
346 $LDChartsRecords='Charts folder';
347 # 2003-07-26 EL
348 $LDMode='Mode';
349 $LDPatientIsDischarged='This patient is already discharged';
350 $LDShow='Show';
351 $LDPlannedEncType='Planned admission type';
352 # 2003-08-01 EL
353 $LDListEncounters='Encounters\' list';
354 $LDDischarged='Discharged';
355 $LDDischargeDate='Discharge date';
356 # 2003-08-04 EL
357 $LDCancelThisAdmission='Cancel this admission';
358 $LDInsShortID[1]='PRIV'; // privately paid insurance
359 $LDInsShortID[2]='COM'; // Common state sponsored insurance
360 $LDInsShortID[3]='SP'; // self pay, direct pay
361 # 2003-08-26 EL
362 $LDMeasurements='Measurements';
363 #2003-08-28 eL
364 $LDPlsEnterReferer='Please enter refering physician';
365 $LDPlsEnterRefererDiagnosis='Please enter referal diagnosis';
366 $LDPlsEnterRefererTherapy='Please enter referer\'s recommended therapy';
367 $LDPlsEnterRefererNotes='Please enter referer\'s notes';
368 $LDPlsSelectAdmissionType='Please select admission type';
369 $LDForInpatient='For inpatient';
370 $LDForOutpatient='For outpatient';
371 #2003-09-18 EL
372 $LDPersonSearch='Search a person';
373 #2003-09-24 EL
374 $LDShowing='Showing';
375 $LDPrevious='Previous';
376 $LDNext='Next';
377 $LDAdvancedSearch='Advanced search';
379 #2003-10-28 EL
380 $LDIncludeFirstName='Search for first names too.';
381 $LDTipsTricks='Tips & tricks';
382 #2003-12-06 EL
383 $LDPrintPDFDoc='Make PDF document';
384 $LDDeathDate='Death date';
386 # 2003-10-14 NDHC
387 $LDITA='Intratracheal anesthesia';
388 $LDLA='Local anesthesia';
389 $LDAS='Analgesic sedation';
390 $LDOral='Oral';
391 $LDAnticoagulant='Anticoagulant';
392 $LDHemolytic='Hemolytic';
393 $LDDiuretic='Diuretic';
394 $LDAntibiotic='Antibiotic';
395 $LDMask='Mask';
396 $LDIntravenous='Intravenous';
397 $LDSubcutaneous='Subcutaneous';
398 $LDPreAdmission='Pre-admission';
399 #2004-01-01 EL
400 $LDPersonDuplicate='This person seems to be registered already.';
401 $LDSimilarData='The following listed person has similar personal data.';
402 $LDSimilarData2='The following listed persons have similar personal data.';
403 $LDPlsCheckFirst='Please check it out first before you decide the next step.';
404 $LDPlsCheckFirst2='Please check them out first before you decide the next step.';
405 $LDShowDetails='Show details';
407 # 2004-05-22 KB
408 $LDNr='Nr.';
409 $LDOtherHospitalNr='Other Hospital Nr.';
410 $LDSelectOtherHospital = 'Select other hospital to change the number';
411 $LDNoNrNoDelete = 'no number = delete';