- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / en / lang_en_lab.php
1 <?php
2 $LDLab='Laboratories';
3 $LDMedLab='Medical laboratory';
4 $LDPathLab='Pathological laboratory';
5 $LDBacLab='Bacteriological laboratory';
6 $LDClose='Close';
7 $LDSeeLabData='Search and display patient\'s laboratory data.';
8 $LDSeeData='Display data';
9 $LDEnterLabData='Enter patient\'s laboratory data';
10 $LDNewData='Enter new data';
11 $LDEnterPrioParams='Set priority parameters';
12 $LDPrioParams='Priority parameters';
13 $LDEnterNorms='Set normal range';
14 $LDNorms='Normal range';
15 $LDOtherOptions='Other options';
16 $LDOptions='Options';
17 $LDMemo='Read or compose a memo';
18 $LDTitleMemo='Memo';
19 $LDfieldname=array('Patient nr.','Family name','Name','Birthdate');
20 $LDSearchWordPrompt='Enter a search keyword, for example: a family name, a name, a birthdate, etc.';
21 $LDEnterData='Click to enter data';
22 $LDClk2See='Click to see data';
23 $LDFoundPatient='The search found <b>~nr~</b> patients';
24 $LDWildCards='What are wildcards and how to use them';
25 $LDNewSearch='New search';
27 $LDCaseNr='Patient nr.';
28 $LDLabReport='Lab report';
29 $LDLastName='Family name';
30 $LDName='Name';
31 $LDBday='Birthdate';
32 $LDNoLabReport='No lab report available for';
33 $LDParameter='Parameter';
34 $LDNormalValue='Normal range';
35 $LDOClock='Hour';
36 $LDClk2Graph='Click to show the graphical display';
37 $LDClk2SelectAll='Click to select or deselect all for graphical display';
38 $LDGraph='Graph';
39 $LDBack='Go back';
40 $LDReportFound='The following is a lab report for patient number ';
41 $LDReportFoundMany='The following are lab reports for patient number ';
42 $LDIfWantEdit='If you want to edit the report, click on the arrow button.';
43 $LDIfWantEditMany='If you want to edit one of them, click on its arrow button.';
45 $LDJobIdNr='Batch nr.';
46 $LDExamDate='Examination date';
47 $LDOn='On';
48 $LDAt='At';
49 $LDClk2Edit='Click to edit this report';
51 $LDNewJob='I want to create a new lab report!';
52 $LDNew='New';
53 $LDEdit='Edit';
54 $LDCreate='Create';
55 $LDParamGroup='Parameter group';
56 $LDSelectParamGroup='Select parameter group';
57 $LDValue='Value';
59 $LDParamNoSee='The parameter I need is not displayed!';
60 $LDOnlyPair='I need to enter only a few values!';
61 $LDHow2Save='How should I save the values?';
62 $LDWrongValueHow='I saved a wrong value. How can I correct that?';
63 $LDVal2Note='I need to enter a note instead of value. How to do that?';
64 $LDImDone='I\'m done. What now?';
65 $LDAlertJobId='Enter the batch number first!';
66 $LDAlertTestDate='Enter the examination date first!';
68 /* 2002-09-01 EL */
69 $LDTestRequest='Test Request';
70 $LDFillUpSend='Fill up and send request form for ';
71 $LDTestRequestPathoTxt=$LDFillUpSend.'pathology/histology test';
72 $LDTestRequestBacterioTxt=$LDFillUpSend.'bacteriological test';
73 $LDTestRequestChemLabTxt=$LDFillUpSend.'chemical laboratory test';
74 $LDBloodBank='Blood bank';
75 $LDBloodRequest='Blood Request';
76 $LDBloodRequestTxt=$LDFillUpSend.'blood products';
78 $LDRequestSent['insert']='The test request was sent. ';
79 $LDFormSaved['insert']='The form was saved (not yet sent).';
80 $LDRequestSent['update']='The update test request was sent. ';
81 $LDFormSaved['update']='The updated test was saved (not yet sent).';
82 $LDWhatToDo=' What do you want to do now?';
84 $LDNewFormSamePatient='Create a new test request for the <b>same</b> patient';
85 $LDEditForm='Edit the same test request';
86 $LDEndTestRequest='I\'m finished.';
87 $LDNewFormOtherPatient='Create a test request for <b>another</b> patient';
89 /* 2002-09-03 EL */
90 $LDSearchPatient='Search patient';
91 $LDSearchFound='~nr~ patients were found.';
92 /* 2002-09-04 EL */
93 $LDTestRequestFor='Request for ';
94 $LDTestType=array('chemlabor'=>'chemical laboratory test',
95 'patho'=>'pathological test',
96 'baclabor'=>'bacteriological test',
97 'radio'=>'radiological test',
98 'blood'=>'blood product',
99 'radio'=>'radiology');
100 /* 2002-09-10 EL */
101 $LDTestReception='Pending Request';
102 $LDTestReceptionTxt='Receive & process requests, write results/findings/diagnoses';
103 /* 2002-09-15 EL */
104 $LDPrintForm='Print the request form';
106 /* 2002-09-21 EL */
107 $LDInitFindings='Initial findings';
108 $LDCurrentFindings='Current findings';
109 $LDFinalFindings='Final findings';
110 $LDFillLabOnly='For lab use only';
111 $LDLEN='LEN'; /* Lab entry number */
112 /*2003-07-11 EL*/
113 $LDAdministration='Administration';
114 $LDTestParameters='Test parameters';
115 $LDTestParametersTxt='Enter or edit units or measure, values, range, limits, etc.';
116 $LDMsrUnit='Msr. Unit';
117 $LDMedian='Median';
118 $LDUpperBound='Upper boundary';
119 $LDLowerBound='Lower boundary';
120 $LDUpperCritical='Upper critical';
121 $LDLowerCritical='Lower critical';
122 $LDUpperToxic='Upper toxic';
123 $LDLowerToxic='Lower toxic';
124 /* 2007-07-22 Gjergj Sheldija*/
125 $LDShowParam='Show/Hide param';
126 $LDHide='Hide';
127 $LDDelete='Delete';
128 $LDShow='Show';
129 $LDMale='Males';
130 $LDFemales='Females';
131 $LD01Moth='0-1 month';
132 $LD112Month='1-12 month';
133 $LD114Years='1-14 year';
134 $LDID='Param ID';
135 $LDMethod='Method';
136 $LDGroup='GRoup';
137 $LDTestGroups='Analysis Group';
138 $LDTestGroupsTxt='Create / Change analysis group';
139 $LDHiddenParams='Parameters in green are hidden';
140 $LDDeletedParams='Parameters in red are deleted';
141 $LDHiddenGroups='Groups in green are hidden';
142 $LDDeletedGroups='Groups in red are deleted';
143 $LDUrgent='Urgent';