3 * IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not replace the words or characters enclosed in ~ ~ .
7 $LDTechRepair='Technical repair';
8 $LDTechMaint='Technical maintenance';
9 $LDTechSupport='Technical support';
10 $LDTechInfo='Technical information';
12 $LDReRepair='Request repair support';
13 $LDReRepairTxt='Report damage, compose & send request for a repair service.';
14 $LDRepabotActivate='Activate Repabot';
15 $LDRepabotActivateTxt='A robot for automatic reception of repair job requests.';
16 $LDRepairReport='Report repair';
17 $LDRepairReportTxt='Report finished repair jobs.';
18 $LDReportsArchive='Reports archive';
19 $LDReportsArchiveTxt='Research in the technical reports archives';
20 $LDQuestions='Inquiry, Questions';
21 $LDQuestionsTxt='Compose, read, and send questions or inquiries';
22 $LDQBotActivate='Activate Q-Bot';
23 $LDQBotActivateTxt='A robot for automatic reception of question or inquiries.';
24 $LDInfo='Information';
25 $LDInfoTxt='Browse for information of technical nature.';
27 $LDSendRequest='Send request';
28 $LDSendReport='Send report';
29 $LDSendInquiry='Send inquiry';
31 $LDRepairArea='Localization of the damage';
32 $LDReporter='Requested by';
33 $LDPersonnelNr='Personnel nr.';
34 $LDPhoneNr='Telephone nr. <font size=1>(for eventual inquiries)</font>';
35 $LDPlsDescribe='Please describe the nature of the damage';
37 $LDAlertName='Please enter your name.';
38 $LDAlertDept='Please enter your department or localisation of the damage.';
39 $LDAlertDeptOnly='Please enter your department.';
40 $LDAlertPNr='Please enter your personnel number.';
41 $LDAck='Acknowledgement';
43 $LDReceived='was received on';
45 $LDAtTech='. Thanks. <i>Your tech support.</i>';
48 $LDThanksSir='Thank you Sir/Madam';
49 $LDPlsTypeReport='Please describe the repair job you have done.';
50 $LDJobIdNr='Job ID nr.';
51 $LDTechnician='Technician';
52 $LDPlsDoneOnly='(Please report only finished repair jobs.)';
55 $LDEnterQuestion='Please type your question';
57 $LDPlsNoRequest='(Do not type requests for repair here. If you want to report a damage and need a repair pls click this.';
58 $LDLastQuestions='Last ~tagword~ question(s) or answer(s)';
61 $LDAlertQuestion='You did not type any question.';
67 $LDSearchReport='Search for reports';
69 $LDReportListMany='Following are the reports';
70 $LDNotReadMany=' that have not been read or printed yet.';
71 $LDReportList='Following is the report';
72 $LDNotRead=' that has not been read or printed yet.';
73 $LDClk2Read='Click the arrow button to read the content.';
74 $LDLikeSearch=' that corresponds to the search keywords.';
75 $LDLikeSearchMany=' that correspond to the search keywords.';
77 $LDTelephoneNr='Phone nr.';
79 $bcatindex=array(' ',' ',$LDTechnician,$LDDept,'Received on',$LDAt,' ');
80 $blistindex=array("Report $LDFrom",$LDOn,$LDAt,$LDDept,$LDJobIdNr);
81 $reportindex=array(' ',' ',"$LDRequest $LDFrom:",'Received am:',$LDAt,' ');
82 $requestindex=array("$LDRequest $LDFrom:",$LDAt,$LDOn,$LDDept,$LDTelephoneNr,$LDJobIdNr);
83 $queryindex=array(' ',' ',"$LDInquiry $LDFrom:",$LDDept,'Received $LDOn:',$LDAt,' ');
85 $LDMarkRead='Mark as \'Read\'.';
88 $LDImRepabot='I am the repabot';
89 $LDImQBot='I am the Q-Bot';
90 $LDNewReport='The following is the newly arrived request for repair.';
91 $LDNewReportMany='The following are the newly arrived requests for repair.';
92 $LDReportArrived='A request for repair has arrived!';
93 $LDShowRequest='Show request';
94 $LDNoDataFound='No data found. An error occured somewhere. Please click the [Close] button and try to open the list of requests again.
95 If this problem persists despite several attempts, please inform the EDP and the Tech support departments.';
96 $LDAckPrint='Acknowledge and print request';
97 $LDPrintRequest='Print request';
98 $LDArchiveRequest='Move request to archive';
99 $LDAckBy='Acknowledged by';
100 $LDAlertEnterName='Please enter your name in the field [Acknowledged by].';
101 $LDYourReply='Your reply';
102 $LDNewInquiry='The following is the newly arrived inquiry.';
103 $LDNewInquiryMany='The following are the newly arrived inquiries.';
104 $LDClk2Reply='Click the arrow button to read and/or reply';
105 $LDSendReply='Send reply';
106 $LDMove2Archive='Move to archive';
108 $LDShowInquiry='Show inquiry';
109 $LDInquiryArrived='A new inquiry has arrived!';
110 $LDSearchWordPrompt='Enter a search keyword';
112 'Requesting for a repair',
113 'Reporting a damage',
117 'Computer IP addresses',
119 'Environment management, Maintenance',
125 $LDNoFound='I found nothing that corresponds to the search keyword. <br>Please try it again and enter some more information.';