7 //Variablen für sub_modul_neu.php
8 $LDNeuesModulanlegen = 'Create';
9 $LD_sub_NeuesModulAnlegenTxt= "creates a new module with your own defaults";
10 $LD_Hinweise="references";
11 $LD_HinweiseTxt="references for the supply of a login within the new module";
14 //Variablen für edv_modul_neu.php
15 $modul_titel="Title of the new module:";
16 $menue_eintrag_ja="Should there be made an entry in the standard menue(standard value).";
17 $menue_eintrag_nein="No thanks, no entry. A submenu of another module will be created manually.";
18 $modulanlegen="create module";
19 $LD_menufolge_txt1="Please choose the position, where you want to insert the entry for the new module.";
20 $LD_menufolge_txt2="if no changes are given, standard would be the end of the menu.";
21 $LD_automatic="automatic";
22 $LD_stelle="position";
23 $LD_weiter="next page...";
24 $LD_mit_untermenu="Check this field if you plan to create more than one submenu, a file with a submenu for easy expansion will be generated automatically.";
27 //Variablen für edv_modul_neu_2.php
28 $blank_eingabe="You have entered more than one word or space characters. That´s not allowed. Recommended would be to keep the stripped-down version. Klick \"No\" to change your entry.";
29 $fehleingabe="Empty module names are not allwed.";
30 $kontrollmeldung_1="The modules´new name would be:";
31 $kontrollmeldung_2="called";
32 $kontrollmeldung_3="Create a module with the title shown above?";
34 //Variablen für edv_modul_neu_3.php
35 $weiter_info="Please click \"contiue\" for creating the main file. Some more information is necessary.";
36 $wichtige_info="Click here for important advices for adjusting the files \"Modulname\"-main-pass.php and test_person_search.php";
38 //Variablen für check_patientwahl.php
39 $LD_headline_frage="Please choose. If nothing is changed, a patient based module will be generated.";
40 $haken_info="The module is patient based. When starting it, you have the ability to choose a patient number.";
42 //Variablen für radio_tabwahl.php
43 $LD_wahl1="edit an existing table using dbForm (type the name into the field below)";
44 $LD_wahl2="Send CREATE TABLE STATEMENT (a default querey is given in an editoring field)";
45 //$LD_wahl3=" Load a DB-designer-file into MySQL (import function)";
46 $LD_wahl3="No more changes NOW,create an empty file.";
47 $setback_fields="Set back fields";
49 //Variablen für radio_tabwahl.php U N D radio1_memofeld.php
50 $nenne_tabelle="specify the table name";
51 $nenne_tabelle2="<strong>(the same like in the memo field!)</strong>";
52 $nenne_suchfeld="specify the search field (normally \"id\")";
53 $nenne_tab_bezeichner="specify a string name for the table headline";
54 $nenne_anzeigefeld="specify the field shown in the search list (e.g. name/firstname)";
55 $nenne_server="specify the database server";
56 $fertig="create table and finish module $ModulNeuBez.";
58 //Variablen für radio1_memofeld.php
59 $infoline="Change the example table as you wish.</br>";
61 //Variablen für editsql.php
62 $sql_meldung="The following SQL string was executed in your database.";
64 //Variablen aus inc_datei_array.de
65 $err_ida_var_fehlt="The variables root_path or MoulNeuBez are empty. path of goal couldn't be aquired.";
66 $err_keinpfad="Break. The path does not exist. This is an error from the file inc_datei_array.php.";
67 $err_mainpass_copy="Copying the main-pass-file failed!";
68 $err_kopieren="Error accured while copying ";
69 $err_fehlgeschlagen=" .<br/>";
71 //Variablen aus Schlusssatz.php
72 $ld_gratulation="Congratulation, the module <strong> $ModulNeuBez</strong>is finish.";