- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / nl / lang_nl_chemlab_params.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * This are the chemical lab test groups and parameters. If you are not sure of their exact translation please leave it in the original form
4 */
5 $top_param=array(
6 '00q'=>'Quick',
7 '00ptt'=>'PTT',
8 '00hb'=>'Hb',
9 '00hc'=>'Hk',
10 '00pla'=>'Platelets',
11 '00rbc'=>'RBC',
12 '00wbc'=>'WBC',
13 '00ca'=>'Calcium',
14 '00na'=>'Sodium',
15 '00k'=>'Potassium',
16 '00sug'=>'Blood sugar');
18 // Klinische Chemie parameter
19 $klinichemie_list0=array(
20 '0aph'=>'Alk. Ph.',
21 '0agt'=>'Alpha GT',
22 '0amm'=>'Ammonia',
23 '0amy'=>'Amylase',
24 '0bit'=>'Bili total',
25 '0bid'=>'Bili direct',
26 '0ca'=>'Calcium',
27 '0chl'=>'Chloride',
28 '0cho'=>'Chol',
29 '0chol'=>'Cholinesterase',
30 '0ccmb'=>'CKMB',
31 '0cpc'=>'CPK',
32 '0crp'=>'CRP',
33 '0fe'=>'Iron',
34 '0rbc'=>'RBC',
35 '0fhb'=>'free HgB',
36 '0gldh'=>'GLDH',
37 '0got'=>'GOT',
38 '0gpt'=>'GPT',
39 '0ucid'=>'Uric acid',
40 '0urea'=>'Urea',
41 '0hbdh'=>'HBDH',
42 '0hdlc'=>'HDL Chol',
43 '0pot'=>'Potassium',
44 '0cre'=>'Creatinine',
45 '0co'=>'Copper',
46 '0lac'=>'Lactate i.P.',
47 '0ldh'=>'LDH',
48 '0ldlc'=>'LDL Chol',
49 '0lip'=>'Lipase',
50 '0lpid'=>'Lipid Elpho',
51 '0mg'=>'Magnesium',
52 '0myo'=>'Myoglobin',
53 '0na'=>'Sodium',
54 '0osm'=>'Osmolal.',
55 '0pho'=>'Phosphor',
56 '0glo'=>'Serum sugar',
57 '0tri'=>'Tri',
58 '0tro'=>'Troponin T' );
60 // Liquor parameter
61 $liquor_list1=array(
62 '1stat'=>'Liquor status',
63 '1elp'=>'Liquor elpho',
64 '1oli'=>'Oligoclonales IgG',
65 '1sch'=>'Reiber Scheme',
66 '1a1'=>'A1');
68 // Gerinnung parameter
69 $gerinnung_list2=array(
70 '2fiby'=>'Fibrinolysis',
71 '2q'=>'Quick',
72 '2ptt'=>'PTT',
73 '2ptz'=>'PTZ',
74 '2fibg'=>'Fibrinogen',
75 '2fibs'=>'Sol.Fibr.mon.',
76 '2fsp'=>'FSP dimer',
77 '2coag'=>'Thr.Coag.',
78 '2at3'=>'AT III',
79 '2f8'=>'Faktor VII',
80 '2apc'=>'APC Resistance',
81 '2prc'=>'Protein C',
82 '2prs'=>'Protein S',
83 '2bt'=>'Bleeding time');
85 //Hämatologie parameter
86 $haematologie_list3=array(
87 '3ret'=>'Retikulocytes',
88 '3mal'=>'Malaria',
89 '3hbe'=>'Hb Elpho',
90 '3hla'=>'HLA B 27',
91 '3tab'=>'Platelets AB',
92 '3wbp'=>'WBC Phosp.');
94 // Blutzucker parameter
95 $blutzucker_list4=array(
96 '4bsf'=>'Blood sugar fasting',
97 '4bs9'=>'Blood sugar 9:00',
98 '4bsp'=>'Blood sugar p.prandial',
99 '4bs15'=>'Bl15:00',
100 '4bs1'=>'Blood sugar 1',
101 '4bs2'=>'Blood sugar 2',
102 '4glo'=>'Glucose stress.',
103 '4lac'=>'Lactose stress',
104 '4hba'=>'HBA 1c',
105 '4fru'=>'Fructosamine');
107 // Säugling parameter
108 $saeugling_list5=array(
109 '5bil'=>'Neonate bilirubin',
110 '5bilc'=>'Cord bilirubin',
111 '5bild'=>'Bilirubin direct',
112 '5glo1'=>'Neonate sugar 1',
113 '5glo2'=>'Neonate sugar 2',
114 '5ret'=>'Reticulocytes',
115 '5b1'=>'B1');
117 // Proteine parameter
118 $proteine_list6=array(
119 '6tot'=>'Total proteins',
120 '6alb'=>'Albumin',
121 '6elp'=>'Elpho',
122 '6imm'=>'Immune fixation',
123 '6b2'=>'Beta2 Microglobulin.i.S',
124 '6img'=>'Immune globulin quant.',
125 '6ige'=>'IgE',
126 '6hap'=>'Haptoglobin',
127 '6tra'=>'Transferrin',
128 '6fer'=>'Ferritin',
129 '6coe'=>'Coeruloplasmin',
130 '6alp'=>'Alpha 1 Antitrypsin',
131 '6afp'=>'AFP Grav.',
132 '6ssw'=>'SSW:',
133 '6mic'=>'Alpha 1 Microglobulin');
135 // Schilddrüse parameter
136 $schilddruse_list7=array(
137 '7t3'=>'T3',
138 '7t4'=>'Thyroxin/T4',
139 '7tshb'=>'TSH basal',
140 '7tshs'=>'TSH stim.',
141 '7tab'=>'TAB',
142 '7mab'=>'MAB',
143 '7trab'=>'TRAB',
144 '7glob'=>'Thyreoglobulin',
145 '7thx'=>'Thyroxinbind.Glob.',
146 '7ft3'=>'free T3',
147 '7ft4'=>'free T4');
149 // Hormone parameter
150 $hormone_list8=array(
151 '8acth'=>'ACTH',
152 '8ald'=>'Aldosteron',
153 '8cal'=>'Calcitonin',
154 '8cor'=>'Cortisol',
155 '8dcor'=>'Cortisol day',
156 '8fsh'=>'FSH',
157 '8gas'=>'Gastrin',
158 '8hcg'=>'HCG',
159 '8ins'=>'Insulin',
160 '8cat'=>'Catecholam.i.P.',
161 '8lh'=>'LH',
162 '8osd'=>'Ostradiol',
163 '8osd'=>'Ostriol',
164 '8ssw'=>'SSW:',
165 '8par'=>'Parat hormone',
166 '8prg'=>'Progesteron',
167 '8pr1'=>'Prolactin I',
168 '8pr2'=>'Prolactin II',
169 '8ren'=>'Renin',
170 '8ser'=>'Serotonin',
171 '8som'=>'Somatomedin C',
172 '8tes'=>'Testosteron',
173 '8c1'=>'C1');
175 // Tumormarker parameter
176 $tumormarker_list9=array(
177 '9afp'=>'AFP',
178 '9c153'=>'CA. 15 3',
179 '9c199'=>'CA. 19 9',
180 '9c125'=>'CA. 125',
181 '9cea'=>'CEA',
182 '9c212'=>'Cyfra. 21 2',
183 '9hcg'=>'HCG',
184 '9nse'=>'NSE',
185 '9psa'=>'PSA',
186 '9scc'=>'SCC',
187 '9tpa'=>'TPA');
189 // Gewebe AK parameter
190 $gewebeak_list10=array(
191 '10ana'=>'ANA',
192 'ama'=>'AMA',
193 '10dnsab'=>'DNS AB',
194 '10asm'=>'ASMA',
195 '10ena'=>'ENA',
196 '10anc'=>'ANCA');
198 // Rheumafakt~
199 $rheumafakt_list11=array(
200 '11ast'=>'Anti Strepto Titer',
201 '11lrf'=>'Lat. RF',
202 '11stz'=>'Streptozym',
203 '11waa'=>'Waaler Rose');
205 // Hepatitis parameter
206 $hepatitis_list12=array(
207 '12hav'=>'Anti HAV',
208 '12hai'=>'Anti HAV IgM',
209 '12hba'=>'Hbs Antigen',
210 '12hbt'=>'Anti HBs Titer',
211 '12hbe'=>'Anti HBe',
212 '12hbc'=>'Anti HBc',
213 '12hci'=>'Anti HBc.IgM',
214 '12hcv'=>'Anti HCV',
215 '12hda'=>'Hep.D Delta A.',
216 '12hev'=>'Anti HEV');
218 // Punktate parameter
219 $punktate_list13=array(
220 '13pro'=>'Protein i.biopsy',
221 '13ldh'=>'LDH i.biopsy',
222 '13cho'=>'Chol.i.biopsy',
223 '13cea'=>'CEA i.biopsy',
224 '13afp'=>'AFP i.biopsy',
225 '13ure'=>'Uric acid.i.biopsy',
226 '13rhe'=>'Rheuma fact.i.biopsy',
227 '13d1'=>'D1',
228 '13d2'=>'D2');
230 // Infektionsserologie
231 $infektion_list14=array(
232 '14stap'=>'Antistaph.Titer',
233 '14ade'=>'Adenovirus AB',
234 '14bor'=>'Borrelia AB',
235 '14bori'=>'Borr.Immunoblot',
236 '14bru'=>'Brucellia AB',
237 '14cam'=>'Campylob. AB',
238 '14can'=>'Candida AB',
239 '14car'=>'Cardiotr.Virus',
240 '14chl'=>'Chlamydia AB',
241 '14psi'=>'C.psittaci AB',
242 '14cox'=>'Coxsack. AB',
243 '14qf'=>'Cox.burn. AB(Q fever)',
244 '14cyt'=>'Cytomegaly AB',
245 '14ebv'=>'EBV AB',
246 '14ecc'=>'Echinococcus AB',
247 '14ecv'=>'Echo Virus AB',
248 '14fsme'=>'FSME AB',
249 '14hs1'=>'Herpes simp. I AB',
250 '14hs2'=>'Herpes simp. II AB',
251 '14hiv'=>'HIV1/HIV2 AB',
252 '14ina'=>'Influenza A AB',
253 '14inb'=>'Influenza B AB',
254 '14lcm'=>'LCM AB',
255 '14leg'=>'Leg.pneum AB',
256 '14lep'=>'Leptospiria AB',
257 '14lis'=>'Listeria AB',
258 '14mas'=>'Masern AB',
259 '14mon'=>'Mononucleose',
260 '14mum'=>'Mumps AB',
261 '14myc'=>'Mycoplas.pneum AB',
262 '14neu'=>'Neutrop Virus AB',
263 '14pi2'=>'Parainfluenza II AB',
264 '14pi3'=>'Parainfluenza III AB',
265 '14pic'=>'Picorna Virus AB',
266 '14vric'=>'Rickettsia AB',
267 '14rot'=>'Röteln AB',
268 '14roi'=>'Röteln Immune status',
269 '14rsv'=>'RS Virus AB',
270 '14shi'=>'Shigella/Salm AB',
271 '14tox'=>'Toxoplasma AB',
272 '14tpha'=>'TPHA',
273 '14vrc'=>'Varicella AB',
274 '14yer'=>'Yersinia AB',
275 '14e1'=>'E1',
276 '14e2'=>'E2',
277 '14e3'=>'E3',
278 '14e4'=>'E4');
280 // Medikamente
281 $medikamente_list15=array(
282 '15ami'=>'Amiodaron',
283 '15bar'=>'Barbiturate.i.S.',
284 '15ben'=>'Benzodiazep.i.S.',
285 '15car'=>'Carbamazepin',
286 '15clo'=>'Clonazepam',
287 '15dig'=>'Digitoxin',
288 '15dgo'=>'Digoxin',
289 '15gen'=>'Gentamycin',
290 '15lit'=>'Lithium',
291 '15phe'=>'Phenobarbital',
292 '15pny'=>'Phenytoin',
293 '15pri'=>'Primidon',
294 '15sal'=>'Salicylic acid',
295 '15the'=>'Theophyllin',
296 '15tob'=>'Tobramycin',
297 '15val'=>'Valproin acid',
298 '15van'=>'Vancomycin',
299 '15amp'=>'Amphetamine.i.u.',
300 '15ant'=>'Antidepressant.i.u.',
301 '15bau'=>'Barbiturate.i.u.',
302 '15beu'=>'Benzodiazep.i.u.',
303 '15can'=>'Cannabinol.i.u.',
304 '15coc'=>'Cocain.i.u',
305 '15met'=>'Methadon.i.u.',
306 '15opi'=>'Opiate.i.u.');
308 // Muttersch~ Vorsorge
309 $muttersch_list16=array(
310 '16chl'=>'Chlamyd.cult./SSW',
311 '16ssw'=>'SSW:',
312 '16dow'=>'Down Screening',
313 '16stb'=>'Strep B quick test',
314 '16tpha'=>'TPHA',
315 '16hbs'=>'HBs Ag',
316 '16hiv'=>'HIV1/HIV2 AV' );
318 // Stuhl
319 $stuhl_list17=array(
320 '17chy'=>'Chymotrypsin',
321 '17ob1'=>'Occult blood 1',
322 '17ob2'=>'Occult blood 2',
323 '17ob3'=>'Occult blood 3');
325 // Raritäten
326 $raritaeten_list18=array(
327 '18rh'=>'Rare H.',
328 '18re'=>'Rare E.',
329 '18rs'=>'Rare S.',
330 '18uri'=>'Urine rare',
331 '18f1'=>'F1',
332 '18f2'=>'F2',
333 '18f3'=>'F3');
335 // Urin / Spontanurin
336 $urin_list19=array(
337 '19amy'=>'Urine amylase',
338 '19sug'=>'Urine sugar',
339 '19pro'=>'Protein.i.u.',
340 '19alb'=>'Albumin.i.u.',
341 '19osm'=>'Osmol.i.u.',
342 '19pre'=>'Pregnancy test.',
343 '19cym'=>'Cytomeg.i.urine',
344 '19cyt'=>'Urine cytology',
345 '19bj'=>'Bence Jones',
346 '19elp'=>'Urine elpho',
347 '19bm2'=>'Beta2 microglobulin.i.u.');
349 // Sammelurin
350 $sammelurin_list20=array(
351 '20adc'=>'Addis Count',
352 '20na'=>'Sodium i.u.',
353 '20k'=>'Potass. i.u.',
354 '20ca'=>'Calcium i.u.',
355 '20pho'=>'Phospor i.u.',
356 '20ura'=>'Uric acid i.u.',
357 '20cre'=>'Creatinin i.u.',
358 '20por'=>'Porphyrine i.u.',
359 '20cor'=>'Cortisol i.u.',
360 '20hyd'=>'Hydroxyprolin i.u.',
361 '20cat'=>'Catecholamins i.u.',
362 '20pan'=>'Pancreol.',
363 '20gam'=>'Gamma Aminoläbulinsre.i.u.');
365 // Sonstiges
366 $sonstiges_list21=array(
367 '21bal'=>'Blood alcohol',
368 '21cdt'=>'CDT',
369 '21vb12'=>'Vitamin B12',
370 '21fol'=>'Folic acid',
371 '21inab'=>'Insulin AB',
372 '21iab'=>'Intrinsic AB',
373 '21sto'=>'Stone analysis',
374 '21ace'=>'ACE',
375 '21g1'=>'G1',
376 '21g2'=>'G2',
377 '21g3'=>'G3',
378 '21g4'=>'G4',
379 '21g5'=>'G5',
380 '21g6'=>'G6',
381 '21g7'=>'G7',
382 '21g8'=>'G8',
383 '21g9'=>'G9',
384 '21g10'=>'G10');