- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / nl / lang_nl_konsil.php
1 <?php
2 $LDEntryDate='Entry date';
3 $LDJournalNumber='Journal number';
4 $LDBlockNumber='No. of Blocks';
5 $LDDeepCuts='deep Blocks';
6 $LDSpecialDye='Special stain';
7 $LDImmuneHistoChem='Immune Histo-chemistry';
8 $LDHormoneReceptors='Hormone receptors';
9 $LDSpecials='Specials';
10 $LDSend='Send';
11 $LDSendLater='Send later';
12 $LDReset='Reset';
13 $LDClose='Close';
14 $LDSpeedTest='Urgent test.';
15 $LDDiagnosticTest='Request diagnostic test';
16 $LDRelayResult='Relay diagnosis at Phone/Beeper';
17 $LDSpeedCut='Express cut.';
18 $LDDate='Date';
19 $LDOpDate='Date of operation';
20 $LDDoctor='Doctor';
21 $LDDept='Department';
22 $LDTel='Tel:';
23 $LDMatType='Type of specimen';
24 $LDPE='Biopsy, sample excision';
25 $LDSpecimen='Op specimen';
26 $LDShave='Curettage';
27 $LDCytology='Cytology';
28 $LDLocalization='Localization';
29 $LDClinicalQuestions='Clinical Diagnoses, Reports, Queries:';
30 $LDExtraInfo='Supporting information';
31 $LDExtraInfoSample='(e.g. important Lab results, after Radiation in excision area, after Chemotherapy)';
32 $LDForGynTests='For gynecological tests:';
33 $LDLastPeriod='Last period:';
34 $LDPeriodType='Period type:';
35 $LDGravidity='Gravida:';
36 $LDMenopauseSince='Menopause since:';
37 $LDHormoneTherapy='Hormonal therapy:';
38 $LDContraceptive='Contraceptive:';
39 $LDIUD='IUD:';
40 $LDRepeatedTest='For repeated test:';
41 $LDRepeatedTestPls='please enter the early Journal number with date';
42 $LDHysterectomy='Hysterectomy:';
43 $LDClinicalInfo='Clinical information';
44 $LDReqTest='Requested diagnostic test';
45 $LDNotesTempReport='Notes / Initial findings:';
46 $LDRequestingDoc='Requesting doctor';
47 $LDReportingDoc='Reporting doctor';
48 $LDXrayNumber='X-ray Nr.:';
49 $LD_r_cm2='r cm² :';
50 $LDXrayTechnician='X-ray tech.';
51 $LDYes='Yes';
52 $LDNo='No';
53 $LDXrayTest='X-ray diagnostics';
54 $LDMammograph='Mammography';
55 $LDSonograph='Sonography';
56 $LDCT='Computer Tomography';
57 $LDNuclear='Nuclear medicine';
58 $LDMRT='Magnetic Resonance Tomography';
60 $LDPatMobile='Patient mobile?';
61 $LDAllergyKnown='Allergy known?';
62 $LDHyperthyreosisKnown='Hyperthyreosis known?';
63 $LDPregnantPossible='Pregnancy possible?';
65 $LDDiagnosesInquiries='Diagnoses / Inquiries:';
66 $LDDeptReport='Department\'s Report:';
67 $LDRequestTo='Request to the';
68 $LDDepartment='department';
69 $LDVisitRequested='Visit requested';
70 $LDPatCanBeOrdered='Patient can be ordered';
72 $LDShortMonth=array('',
73 'Ja',
74 'Fe',
75 'Ma',
76 'Ap',
77 'My',
78 'Jn',
79 'Jl',
80 'Au',
81 'Se',
82 'Oc',
83 'No',
84 'De');
85 $LDBatchNumber='Batchnumber';
86 $LDMaterial='Material:';
87 $LDDiagnosis='Diagnosis:';
88 $LDImmuneSupp='Immune supp.';
90 $LDRequestedTest='Requested Test';
91 $LDLabel='Label';
92 $LDCentralLab='Central Laboratory';
94 $LDRequestOf='Request for ';
95 $LDTelephone='Telephone';
96 $LDToBloodBank='To the blood bank';
97 $LDWithMatchTest='with match test sample(s)';
98 $LDByBloodBank='from the blood bank:';
100 $LDBloodGroup='Blood group:';
101 $LDRhFactor='Rh-factor:';
102 $LDKell='Kell';
103 $LDDateProtNumber='Date & protocol nr. of test by:';
104 $LDBloodSpecimen='Specimen';
105 $LDCount='Count';
106 $LDPureBlood='Pure blood';
107 $LDRedBloodCon='Red blood cell concentrate';
108 $LDLeukoLessRedBlood='Leukocytedepleted red blood cell';
109 $LDWashedRedBlood='Washed red blood cells';
110 $LDPRP='Platelet rich plasma';
111 $LDThromboCon='Platelet concentrate';
112 $LDFFP='Fresh frozen plasma</font>';
113 $LDTransfusionDevice='Transfusion devices';
114 $LDTransfusionDate='Transfusion date:';
115 $LDNotesRequests='Notes/special orders:';
116 $LDDoctorNotice='<b>The ordering doctor is responsible for this order!</b><br>For security reasons, only sample tubes with full name & birthdate will be accepted.';
118 $LDPB='PB'; /* Pure blood */
119 $LD350='350';
120 $LDRB='RB'; /* Red blood cells */
121 $LDLLRB='LRB'; /* Leukocyteless Red blood cells */
122 $LDWRB='WRB'; /* washed red blood cells */
123 $LDPRP_Initial='PRP'; /* Platelet rich plasma*/
124 $LDTC='TC'; /* Platelet - Thrombocytes concentrate*/
125 $LDFFP_Initial='FFP'; /* Fresh frozen plasma*/
126 $LDLabServices='Computation of lab services';
127 $LDServiceCode='S-CODE';
128 $LDBloodGroupCode='1360';
129 $LDA_SubgroupCode='1342';
130 $LDExtraBGFactorsCode='1391';
131 $LDCoombsTestCode='1343';
132 $LDAntibodyTestCode='1355';
133 $LDCrossTestCode='1365';
134 $LDAntibodyDiffCode='1355';
135 $LDA_Subgroup='A-subgroup';
136 $LDExtraBGFactors='other blood group factors';
137 $LDCoombsTest='Dir. Coombstest';
138 $LDAntibodyTest='Antibody search test';
139 $LDCrossTest='Cross test';
140 $LDAntibodyDiff='Antibody differentiation';
141 $LDTotalAmount='Total amount';
142 $LDPrice='Price';
143 $LDConserveNrPaste='(Paste product number here immediately)';
144 $LDLabTimeStamp='(Blood bank time stamp)';
145 $LDReleaseVia='Release via';
146 $LDReceiptAck='Receipt acknowledgement';
147 $LDSignature='Signature';
148 $LDLabLogBook='Journal-nr:';
149 $LDLabNumber='Lab-Nr.';
150 $LDBookedOn='booked on';
152 $LDFillByLab='To be filled up by blood bank only!';
153 $LDFillByWard='Must be filled up at the ward!';
155 /* 2002-09-03 EL */
156 $LDSearchPatient='Search patient';
157 $LDPlsSelectPatientFirst='Please search for the patient first.';
158 /* 2002-09-07 EL*/
159 $LDAlertQuickCut='The quick cut is selected.';
160 $LDAlertQuickDiagnosis='The quick diagnosis is selected.';
161 $LDPlsEnterPhone='Please enter the phone or beeper number.';
162 $LDPlsEnterOpDate='Please enter the op date.';
163 $LDPlsEnterDoctorName='Please enter the doctor\\\'s name.';
165 /* 2002-09-08 EL */
166 $LDPlsEnterBloodGroup='Please enter the blood group.';
167 $LDPlsEnterRhFactor='Please enter the Rh-factor.';
168 $LDPlsEnterKell='Please enter the Kell value.';
169 $LDPlsEnterBloodPcs='Please enter the blood product\'s number of pcs.';
170 $LDPlsEnterDate='Please enter the date.';
171 /* 2002-09-09 EL */
172 $LDPlsEnterDiagnosisQuiry='Please enter the diagnoses or inquiries.';
173 $LDPlsSelectDept='Please select a department.';
174 $LDPlsSelectDeptShort='pls. select department';
175 /* 2002-12-09 EL */
176 $LDPendingTestRequest='Pending Test Request';
177 /* 2002-09-13 EL */
178 $LDPrevRequest='Previous request';
179 $LDNextRequest='Next request';
180 $LDEnterResult='Write findings/results for this test request';
181 $LDPrintOut='Print this form';
182 $LDSaveEntry='Save entries';
183 /* 2002-09-14 EL */
184 $LDNoPendingRequest='There are no pending requests.';
185 /* 2002-09-15 EL */
186 $LDTestFindings='Test findings';
187 $LDCaseNr='Case number';
188 $LDFamilyName='Family name';
189 $LDName='First name';
190 $LDBDay='Birthdate';
191 /* 2002-09-15 EL */
192 $LDMACROFindings='Macro findings';
193 $LDMicroFindings='Micro findings';
194 $LDAddFindings='Additional notes';
195 $LDXrayDate='Xray date';
196 $LDPlsEnterTransfusionDate='Please enter the date of transfusion.';
197 /* 2002-09-21 EL */
198 $LDPlsEnterLEN='Please enter the Lab Entry Number (LEN)';
199 /* 2002-09-28 EL */
200 $LDHospitalName='Care';
202 /* 2002-09-29 EL */
203 $LDHematology='Hematology';
204 $LDCoagulation='Coagulation';
205 $LDUrine='Urine';
206 $LDSerum='Serum';
207 $LDNuechtern='sob';
208 $LDGlucose='Glucose';
209 $LDBLP='BLP'; /* BLP = Blood plasma */
210 $LDBS='BLS'; /* BLS = Blood sugar */
211 $LDBS1='BLS 1';
212 $LD900='9.00';
213 $LD1500='15.00';
215 /* 2002-10-14 EL */
216 $LDDone='It\'s done! Move the form to the archive';
218 /* Note: the following arrays use strict medical terminology.
219 * If you are not sure about their translation, please leave the
220 * english word untranslated
222 $LDBacLabMaterialType = array(_mx_k_urin_=>'C.Urin',
223 _mx_sputum_=>'Sputum',
224 _mx_m_urin_=>'M.Urin',
225 _mx_trachealsecrete_=>'Trac.scrt.',
226 _mx_uricult_=>'Uricult',
227 _mx_bronchiallavage_=>'B.lavage',
228 _mx_wundabstrich_=>'W.smr',
229 _mx_magensaft_=>'Gastrc.j.',
230 _mx_augen_abstrich_right_=>'Ey.s.r.',
231 _mx_secrete_=>'Secrete',
232 _mx_augen_abstrich_left_=>'Ey.s.l.',
233 _mx_exsudat_=>'Exsudat',
234 _mx_ear_abstrich_right_=>'E.s.r.',
235 _mx_punction_=>'Punctat',
236 _mx_ear_abstrich_left_=>'E.s.l.',
237 _mx_pleura_=>'Pleura',
238 _mx_rachen_abstrich_=>'Th.smr',
239 _mx_ascites_=>'Ascetis',
240 _mx_tonsillen_abstrich_=>'Tons.s.',
241 _mx_douglas_=>'Douglas',
242 _mx_nose_abstrich_=>'N.smr',
243 _mx_liquor_=>'Liquor',
244 _mx_vaginal_abstrich_=>'Vag.s.',
245 _mx_blood_culture_=>'Blood.C.');
247 $LDBacLabTestType=array(_tx_special_body_material_=>'S.body.m.',
248 _tx_culture_aerob_=>'Aerob.C.',
249 _tx_op_material_=>'OP.Mat.',
250 _tx_culture_anaerob_=>'Anae.C.',
251 _tx_k_point_=>'Cat.tip',
252 _tx_fungus_culture_=>'Fungal.C.',
253 _tx_tubus_point_=>'Tube.tip',
254 _tx_stool_parasite_=>'St.f.paras.',
255 _tx_go_culture_=>'GO-Cult.',
256 _tx_stool_pathogen_=>'St.f.patho.',
257 _tx_hygiene_material_=>'Hygien.Mat.',
258 _tx_stool_dyspepsy_=>'St.f.Dysp.',
259 _tx_biopsy_material_=>'Biops.Mat.',
260 _tx_stool_clost_toxin_=>'St.f.C.Tox.',
261 _tx_stool_=>'Stool',
262 _tx_tbc_dye_=>'TBC.Stain',
263 _tx_stool_yersinia_=>'St.f.Yers.',
264 _tx_tbc_culture_=>'TBC.cult.',
265 _tx_stool_ehec_=>'St.f.EHEC',
266 _tx_liquor_antigen_=>'Liq.antigen',
267 _tx_own_blood_=>'Own blood',
268 _tx_gram_dye_=>'Gram.stain',
269 _tx_pharma_material_=>'Pharm.mat.',
270 _tx_go_dye_=>'GO-stain');