- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / nl / lang_nl_specials.php
1 <?php
2 $LDNews='Nieuws';
3 $LDNewsTxt='Write headline news articles';
4 $LDMemo='Memo';
5 $LDMemoTxt='Read or write a memo';
7 $LDClose='Close';
8 $LDCancel='Cancel';
9 $LDResetEntry='Erase entries';
10 $LDSave='Save';
11 $LDReset='Reset';
13 $LDNewSearch='New search';
14 $LDSearch='Search';
16 $LDContinue='Continue';
17 $LDBack='Go back';
19 $LDOn='On';
20 $LDAt='At';
22 $LDNew='New';
23 $LDEdit='Edit';
24 $LDCreate='Create';
26 $LDPastAll='All';
27 $LDSelect='Select';
29 $LDOrderArchive='Archive';
31 $LDGoodMorning='Good morning';
32 $LDGoodDay='Hello, nice to see you';
33 $LDGoodEvening='Good evening';
35 $LDDate='Date';
36 $LDDept='Department';
37 $LDPrio='Priority';
40 $LDPageTop='Back to top.';
41 $LDPreview='Preview';
42 $LDUpdateData='Update or edit';
44 $LDNoBack='No. Go back.';
45 $LDOK='OK';
46 $LDName='Name';
47 $LDPassword='Password';
48 $LDUserId='User login name';
49 $LDChange='Change';
50 $LDLock='Lock';
51 $LDUnlock='Unlock';
52 $LDDelete='Delete';
53 $LDYesSure='Yes, I\'m sure.';
54 $LDKeywordPrompt='Enter a search keyword';
55 $LDWelcome='Welcome';
58 $LDLogin='Login';
60 $LDFirstName='Given name';
62 $LDOptions='Options';
63 $LDHelp='Help';
64 $LDSent='Sent';
65 $LDDrafts='Drafts';
66 $LDDate='Date';
67 $LDTime='Time';
68 $LDSize='Size';
69 $LDFrom='From';
70 $LDTo='To';
71 $LDSend='Send';
72 $LDChange='Change';
73 $LDInsertAddr='Insert';
74 $LDRead='Read';
75 $LDBack2='Back to';
76 $LDReply2='Reply to';
77 $LDPrint='Print';
78 $LDMoreInfo='More info';
79 $LDTakeOver='Take over';
80 $LDJustReset='Reset';
81 $LDMaximum='Maximum';
83 $LDSpexFunctions='Speciale Functies';
84 $LDDutyPlanOrg='Duty Plan Organizer';
85 $LDDutyPlanOrgTxt='Duty planner and organizer, Bundy machine';
86 $LDStandbyDuty='Standby duty';
87 $LDStandbyDutyTxt='Documenting work performance in standby duty';
88 $LDHandStat='Hand surgery statistics';
89 $LDHandStatTxt='Documenting hand surgery operations';
90 $LDCalendar='Kalender';
91 $LDCalendarTxt='A multifunction calender';
92 $LDBlackBoard='Blackboard';
93 $LDBlackBoardTxt='Post or search any information';
94 $LDForum='Forum';
95 $LDForumTxt='Post, search, read discussion, ideas, or comments, etc.';
96 $LDCalc='Calculator';
97 $LDCalcTxt='An online calculator';
98 $LDClock='Clock';
99 $LDDigitalClock='A digital online clock';
100 $LDColorOpt='Color options';
101 $LDColorOptTxt='Set the colors for background or text';
102 $LDColorOptExt='Extended color options';
103 $LDColorOptExtTxt='Set the colors for hyperlinks, mouseovers, etc.';
104 $LDMyIntranet='myIntranet';
105 $LDMyIntranetTxt='My personal planner, organizer, diary, memo, calendar, etc.';
106 $LDAccessPw='Access password';
107 $LDAccessPwTxt='Change or update access password';
108 $LDWebCam='Video Security';
109 $LDWebCamTxt='Intranet webcamera security surveillance';
110 $LDPhotoLab='Photolab';
111 $LDPhotoLabTxt='Save, document, index photos of patients';
113 $LDBundyMachine='Bundy machine';
114 $LDDutyPlanner='Duty planner';
115 $LDPrevMonth='Previous month';
116 $LDNextMonth='Next month';
117 $monat=array('','January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
118 $LDEntry='Entry';
119 $LDExit='Exit';
120 $LDRemarks='Remarks';
122 $tage=array('<font color=\'#ff0000\'>S</font>','M','T','W','T','F','S');
123 $tagename=array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday');
125 $LDTotal='Total';
126 $LDClk4Options='Click for options';
127 $LDMonth='Month';
128 $LDYear='Year';
129 $LDGO='GO';
130 $LDPlus1Year='Plus 1 year';
131 $LDMinus1Year='Minus 1 year';
132 $LDDirectDial='Direct select';
133 $LDFor='for';
135 $LDShowMyCalendar='Show my duty in the calendar.';
136 $LDShowMySched='Show my appointments.';
137 $LDShowMyOvertime='Show when I worked overtime.';
138 $LDShowMyWorkTime='Show details of my work schedule.';
139 $LDPlanSched='Plan appointment on this day.';
140 $LDPlanDuty='Plan duty on this day.';
141 $LDORProgram='OR program';
142 $LDDutyPerson='Nurse on duty';
143 $LDDocsOnDuty='Doctors on duty';
144 $LDORLogbook='OR logbook (Document new operation)';
145 $LDORLogbookArch='OR logbook (Archive)';
146 $LDORLogbookSearch='OR logbook (Search operated patient)';
147 $LDPresent='Present';
149 $LDBgColor='Background color';
150 $LDTxtColor='Text color';
151 $LDClk4BgColor='Click to select background color';
152 $LDClk4TxtColor='Click to select text color';
153 $LDApply='Apply';
155 $LDColorMap='Color map';
156 $LDPlsClkColor='Click the color you want';
157 $LDMainFrame='Main frame';
158 $LDTopFrame='Top frame';
159 $LDBottomFrame='Bottom frame';
161 $LDPWChange='Password change';
162 $LDUserIdPWPrompt='Enter your user login name and actual password:';
163 $LDNewPwPrompt='Now, enter the new password of your choice:';
164 $LDNewPw='New password';
165 $LDNewPw2='Repeat new password';
166 $LDChangePw='Change password';
167 $LDOops='Ooops! No, do not change.';
169 $LDWrongEntry='Wrong entries!';
170 $LDNoAuth='No access right';
171 $LDAuthLocked='Access right frozen.';
173 $LDAlertPwError='The new passwords are not the same. Please enter the new passwords again.';
174 $LDPWChanged='The new password is saved.';
176 $LDBday='Birthdate';
177 $LDShotDate='Shotdate';
178 $LDPatientNr='Patient number';
179 $LDSetShotDate='Set this date for all pictures.';
180 $LDFotoLab='Photolab';
181 $LDHowManyPics='How many pictures do you wish to save in the databank?';
182 $LDNr='Number';
183 $LDNewPics='pictures from a new patient';
184 $LDMorePics='pictures from the same patient';
185 $LDAdditional='Additional';
186 $LDLinkBroken='Link to the photo server is broken.';
187 $LDPicsSaved='The following photo files are renamed and saved in the databank:';
188 $LDEditTitle='Headline';
190 $LDAlertPhotoInfo='The information in the entry field number ';
191 $LDAlertNoPhotoInfo=' is not complete. Please enter the complete information.';
192 $LDAlertNoPatientData='The patient\'s data is not complete. Please enter the complete patient\'s data on the lower left frame.';
193 $LDAlertNumberOnly='Please enter a number or the word \'main\'.';
195 $LDStatistics='Statistics';
196 $LDDisplay1='Display 1';
197 $LDDisplay1Txt='Switch over to the display with the menu always on the left frame';
198 $LDDisplay2='Display 2';
199 $LDDisplay2Txt='Switch over to the display with the menu on a floating frame. ';
201 $LDNewPwDiffer='The new passwords differ from each other.<br> Please enter the new password again.';
202 /* 2003-03-22 EL*/
203 $LDPersonellMngmnt='Personnel Management';
204 $LDPersonellMngmntTxt='Tools and functions for managing personnel';
205 /* 2003-04-25 EL */
206 $LDBilling='eCombill';
207 $LDBillingTxt='Bill patient, create billable items, generate bill reports, etc.';
208 $LDInsuranceCoMngr='Insurance Co. Manager';
209 $LDInsuranceCoMngrTxt='Enter new, edit insurance company data';
210 $LDAddressMngr='Address Manager';
211 $LDAddressMngrTxt='Enter, list, edit, & update address data';