- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / nl / nl_credits.php
1 <?php
3 require_once('./roots.php');
4 require_once($root_path.'include/inc_environment_global.php');
5 ?>
6 <?php html_rtl($lang); ?>
7 <head>
8 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
9 <title>Credits</title>
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11 <body onLoad="if(window.focus) window.focus()">
12 <font face="verdana,arial" size=6 color="#0000ff">Credits</fonts>
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14 <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0 width=100%>
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17 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
18 <b>Erik de Wild (NL)</b>
19 <p>
20 Erik made the initial translations to Dutch language.
22 <P><a href="mailto:kalbun@inwind.it"><u>Erik de Wild can be contacted here.</u></a>
23 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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28 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
29 <b>Peter Bartels (NL)</b>
30 <p>
31 Peter, with the help of his company Inconel, made a large portion of the language translations to Dutch.
32 His company is also actively marketing Care2x in the Netherlands.
34 <P><a href="mailto:kalbun@inwind.it"><u>Peter Bartels can be contacted here.</u></a>
35 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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41 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
42 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/elpidio_latorilla_3.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
43 <b>De eerste beta versie van Care2x is ontwikkeld door Elpidio Latorilla:</b>
44 <p>
45 Kennisgebied: <br>Programeur, verpleger bij chirurgie, Electronica & telecommunicatie techneut
46 <p>
47 Intressante gebieden: <br>C, C++, PHP, Javascript, SQL, TCL/TK, HTML, Perl, ASP, Java
48 <P><a href="mailto:elpidio@latorilla.com"><u>Contact opnemen met Elpidio Latorilla.</u></a>
49 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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54 <td vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
55 <p><img src="../../fotos/credits/lopo_l_almeida.jpg"
56 width=135 height=170 border=0 align=right vspace=10>
57 <b>Lopo Lencastre de Almeida (PT)</b> is one of the most productive developers.
58 Some of his contributions to the project are:
59 <p><font size=1>
60 Marketing, Promotion and Public Relations<br>
61 Web and Logo design<br>
62 Implementation &amp; maintenance of several web tools (Bugtracker, Forum, FAQ, etc.)<br>
63 Implementation &amp; maintenance of the new web site (almost done)<br>
64 Forum moderation and administration<br>
65 Code finder/digger<br>
66 Consultations on PHP<br>
67 Advises on security<br>
68 Abstraction Layers Advisor (DB, Template, etc.)<br>
69 Debugging<br>
70 Ideas, discussions, hints, tips, etc.
71 </font><p>
72 Lopo L. de Almeida was born in Angola in 1966. He is working in the computer sector - ranging from commercial automation
73 to industrial automation - as a software developer and interface designer for more than 16 years now . During the last 5 years he
74 worked mostly in web development and company management. He is the CEO/CTO of HumanEasy - a
75 partner of Care2002 project in charge of its <b>Public Relations and Marketing Management</b>.<br>
76 He is also involved in many other GNU/GPL projects; some of them are in use at Care2x's site.<br>
77 <p><a href="http://www.humaneasy.com" target="_blank"><u>Lopo L. de Almeida can be contacted here.</u></a>
78 </td></tr></tbody></table>
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83 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
84 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/giuseppe_scarpi.jpg" border=0 width=135 height=170 align=right vspace=10>
85 <b>Giuseppe Scarpi (IT) translated CARE 2X to italian.</b>
86 <p>
87 Giuseppe Scarpi was born in Rome, Italy, 35 years ago.
88 <p>He has a degree in Electronic Engineering and has worked for several companies in the biomedical sector,
89 where he developed an understanding about the relationships between medical and informatics worlds.<br>
90 He uses and appreciates both Linux and Windows, "<i>as both are the result of a great human work that must be respected</i>".<p>
91 He decided to actively join open source because: <br><i>"Such an ideal world can survive only if perfectly balanced. If you take something,
92 you should also give back in proportion."</i>
94 <P><a href="mailto:kalbun@inwind.it"><u>Giuseppe Scarpi can be contacted here.</u></a>
95 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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101 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
102 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/gabriele_cicala.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
103 <b>Gabriele Cicala (IT) translated most of the the www.care2x.com website to italian.</b>
105 Gabriele Cicala was born in Rossano, in Calabria southern Italy, in 1970.
106 He has obtained a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Politecnico
107 di Torino. Currently, he is working as a consultant for an informatics company. <p>Since
108 he has known Linux and the
109 open-source environment, he is very interested in every kind of project
110 of this movement. Despite the
111 fact that he is neither working in medical nor in health sector, he decided
112 to join the Care project because
113 he believes in the same things that the Care's creator and contributors
114 believe.
116 <P><a href="mailto:gabcicala@tiscali.it"><u>Gabriele Cicala can be contacted here.</u></a>
117 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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123 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
124 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/daniel_zilli.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
125 <b>Daniel Zilli (BR) translated CARE 2X and www.care2x.com website to brazilian-portuguese.</b>
127 Daniel is a nice guy who loves to live a happy life. He likes computers, football, and good music.
128 He loves computers and has 10 years of computer experience it.
129 Daniel owns a company that produces computer
130 science education products, open source software and local linux distro.
131 <P><a href="mailto:danielz@cco.matrix.com.br"><u>Daniel Zilli can be contacted here.</u></a>
132 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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137 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
138 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/muhammad_panji.png" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
139 <b>Muhammad Panji (ID) cotranslated CARE 2X and www.care2x.com website to indonesian.</b>
141 <P><a href="mailto:sumodirjo@users.sourceforge.net"><u>Muhammad Panji can be contacted here.</u></a>
142 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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148 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
149 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/agus_mr.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
150 <b>Agus Muhammad Ramdan (ID) translated CARE 2X and www.care2x.com website to indonesian.</b>
152 <P><a href="mailto:agusmr@mweb.co.id"><u>Agus M. Ramdan can be contacted here.</u></a>
153 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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158 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
159 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/thomas_wiedmann.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
160 <b>Thomas Wiedmann (DE) is the most active debugger</b>
161 <p><font size=1>
162 Complete testing <br>
163 Debugging<br>
164 DB 'optimistic locking' concept<br>
165 DB optimizations<br>
166 Validation scripts for date and numbers<p>
167 </font>
168 Thomas Wiedmann is a long time software developer and works in Stuttgart, Germany. He has
169 been working with Gupta Team Developer and IBM DB2 since 7 years and is an
170 IBM Certified UDB DB2 Administrator, too. Read more about DB2 in his book
171 "DB2" ISBN 3-932311-80-9. He is an author for TOOLBOX (www.toolbox-mag.de),
172 a German developer magazine.
175 <P><a href="mailto:tho123@users.sourceforge.net"><u>Thomas Wiedmann can be contacted here.</u></a>
176 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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181 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
182 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/hinostroza.jpg" border=0 width=135 align=right vspace=10>
183 <b>Dr. med Daniel Hinostroza C. (EC)</b><br>
184 Spanish translations
185 <p><font size=1>
186 Author and coauthor of numerous medical textbooks<br>
187 5 years as Director of the Grünenthal Medical Informatics Center, Quito
188 - Ecuador <br>
189 Initial studies in Medical Informatics at Stanford University<br>
190 2 years as Multimedia Project Leader of Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany</font><p>
191 Official translator for phpMyAdmin (Spanish)<br>
192 Webmaster of the largest Ecuadorian medical website initiative
193 (www.cmpichincha.med.ec) and the Ecuadorian Society of Dermatology
194 (www.sociedadecuatorianadedermatologia.org.ec).<br>
195 Website: www.cerebroperiferico.com
196 <P><a href="mailto:postmaster@cerebroperiferico.com"><u>Dr. Daniel Hinostroza can be contacted here.</u></a>
197 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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202 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
203 <P><img src="../../fotos/credits/noel_villamor.jpg" border=0 align=right vspace=10>
204 <b>Noel R. Villamor (PH)</b><br>
205 Module programming
206 <p>Finished the laboratory test plotting module tackling some tough mathematical problems.
207 <P><a href="mailto:noelrv@nipahut.org"><u>Noel Villamor can be contacted here.</u></a>
208 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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212 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
213 <b>Matej Hausenblas (FR) did the french translations of CARE 2X</b>
215 Matej Hausenblas was born in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1981.
216 He is a student on a math-informatics-physics university. After several years
217 of using Windows he decided to have a look at Linux, as a worthy challenge
218 and after some time, he decided to participate on the Open Source projects to
219 improve some skills and also to return something back and to see how things
220 work in this kind of community.
221 <P><a href="mailto:matejh@users.sourceforge.net"><u>Matej Hausenblas can be contacted here.</u></a>
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226 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
227 <b>Nino Novak (DE) edited the german edition of www.care2x.com.</b>
229 Nino Novak is a poor lonesome cowboy. He shoots faster than he thinks. Sometimes a bit fussy.
230 Loves "real gurus" and sophisticated discussions with them. Wants to help in creating a better
231 world. Some scientific and medical background (thus joined the care2x project).
234 <P><a href="mailto:nino@kflog.org"><u>Nino Novak can be contacted here.</u></a>
235 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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240 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
241 <b>Patxi Gomaríz (ES) did the spanish translations.</b>
243 Patxi Gomaríz was born in the spring of 1966 in Murcia, Spain. His life and work revolve mostly around photography
244 being a specialist in photography for Ophtalmology (fundus camera). He is an internet enthusiast and also designs
245 websites.<p>
246 "<i>I think the open source code is an effective weapon against the negative effects of economic globalization specially in
247 fundamental areas which are important to humanity like health. For that reason, I feel proud of my small
248 contribution to this great project.</i>"
250 <P><a href="mailto:pgomariz@ono.com"><u>Patxi Gomaríz can be contacted here.</u></a>
251 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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256 <TD vAlign=top><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
257 <b>Daniele Frijia (DE) checked the security aspects of CARE 2X.</b>
258 <br>
259 A few of his many contributions:<p>
260 <font size=1>
261 Advice on security<br>
262 Consultations on php matters<br>
263 He is the "sentinel" of the project
264 </font>
266 Daniele Frijia (born 81), currently working for an ISP in Nuremberg, Germany, dedicates his php
267 knowledge to improve the security of Care2x. The intention is to open a new "market" (medical)
268 for the open source community.
270 <P><a href="mailto:daniele@infra.de"><u>Daniele Frijia can be contacted here.</u></a>
271 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
272 <hr>
273 <font face="verdana,arial" size=3 color="#0000ff">More credits</font>
274 <font face="verdana,arial" size=1 > (in alphabetical order)</font>
276 <table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
277 <tr>
278 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Abrar H. Hazarika (ID)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
279 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;eComBill billing module</font></td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Are Kristensen (NO)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
283 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Norwegian translations & online demo</font></td>
284 </tr>
285 <tr>
286 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Agus M. Ramdan (ID)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
287 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Code revisions, care2x.com CMS</font></td>
288 </tr>
289 <tr>
290 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Biju Gopinath (IN)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
291 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Alternate GUI design</font></td>
292 </tr>
293 <tr>
294 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Daniele Frijia (DE)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
295 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Security checks, php consultant</font></td>
296 </tr>
297 <tr>
298 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Dilip Bharatee (IN)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
299 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;ecomscience.com, full time programmers</font></td>
300 </tr>
301 <tr>
302 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Erik de Wild (NL)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
303 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Dutch translation, server package</font></td>
304 </tr>
305 <tr>
306 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Luki Rustianto (ID)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
307 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Security enhancements</font></td>
308 </tr>
309 <tr>
310 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Matêj Hausenblas (FR)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
311 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;French translation</font></td>
312 </tr>
313 <tr>
314 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Muhammad Panji (ID)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
315 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Additional indonesian translations</font></td>
316 </tr>
317 <tr>
318 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Nino Novak (DE)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
319 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;German edition of www.care2x.com</font></td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Patxi Gomaríz (ES)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
323 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Spanish translation</font></td>
324 </tr>
325 <tr>
326 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Pawel Cyrta (PL)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
327 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Polish translation</font></td>
328 </tr>
329 <tr>
330 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Petr Roupec(CZ)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
331 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Czech translation</font></td>
332 </tr>
333 <tr>
334 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Prantar Deka (IN)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
335 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Generic billing module</font></td>
336 </tr>
337 <tr>
338 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Roberto Nanucci (IT)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
339 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;care2x.it mirror site</font></td>
340 </tr>
341 <tr>
342 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Simone Aveotti (IT)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
343 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Additional italian translations</font></td>
344 </tr>
345 <tr>
346 <td bgcolor="#efefef"><nobr><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/redpfeil.gif" border=0 width=4 height=7 align="absmiddle"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2> Thomas Wiedmann (DE)</font></nobr>&nbsp;</td>
347 <td bgcolor="#f9f9f9"><font face="verdana,arial" size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;Testing, debugging, validation scripts</font></td>
348 </tr>
349 </table>
351 <font face="verdana,arial" size=1>Note: This is a partial list. Additional credits are coming.</font>
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