2 $LDPlsFindPersonFirst='Please find the person first';
3 $LDSearchPersonell='Search a personnel';
4 $LDPersonRegister='Person Registration';
7 $LDJobFunction='Job Function';
8 $LDDateJoin='Date of joining';
9 $LDDateExit='Date of Exit';
10 $LDContractClass='Contract Type';
11 $LDContractStart='Contract Start';
12 $LDContractEnd='Contract End';
13 $LDPayClass='Pay Category';
14 $LDPaySubClass='Pay Subcategory';
15 $LDLocalPremiumID='Local Bonus Category';
16 $LDTaxAccountNr='Tax Account Nr';
17 $LDInternalRevenueCode='Internal Revenue Code';
18 $LDNrWorkDay='Nr. of Workdays';
19 $LDNrWeekHour='Nr. of Weekhours';
20 $LDNrVacationDay='Nr. of Vacation days';
21 $LDMultipleEmployer='Multiple employed?';
22 $LDPersonellNr='Personell Nr.';
23 $LDPersonCurrentlyEmployed='Person is currently employed';
24 $LDRecordedBy='Recorded by';
25 $LDNrDependent='Nr. of Dependents';
26 $LDPersonellData='Personell Data';
27 $LDEnterNewEmployment='Enter new personnel\'s data';
28 $LDRegNewPerson='Register new person\'s basic data';
29 $LDFindPersonell='Find a personnel';
30 $LDPersonalID='Personal ID';
31 $LDAssignDoctorDept='Assign as DOCTOR to a department';
32 $LDAssignNurseDept='Assign as NURSE to a department';
33 $LDAssignNurseDept='Assign as NURSE to a department';
34 $LDAddPhoneInfo='Add phone/beeper info';
35 $LDOptions4Employee='Options for this employee';
36 $LDPayrollOptions='Payroll options';
37 $LDLegalDocuments='Legal documents';
38 $LDShowPersonalData='Show personal data';
40 $LDEnterEmployeeSearchKey='Enter search keyword: e.g. Employment-Nr., first name, or family name.';
41 $LDPersonnelManagement='Personnel Management';
42 $LDNewEmployee='New employee';