- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / language / ro / lang_ro_phone.php
1 <?php
2 $fieldname=array(
3 "Nume de familie",
4 "Nume",
5 "Telefon 1",
6 "Telefon2",
7 "Telefon 3",
8 "Apelator 1",
9 "Apelator 2",
10 "Particular 1",
11 "Particular 2"
14 $LDPhoneDir="Telefonul directorului";
15 $LDSearch="Cauta";
16 $LDDir="Director";
17 $LDNewData="Informatie noua";
20 /**************** note the " ~nr~ " must not be erased it will be replaced by the script with the number of search results ******/
21 $LDPhoneFound="S-au gasit <font color=red><b> ~nr~ </b></font> inregistrarie .";
23 $LDKeywordPrompt='Introduceti cheia de cautare, cum ar fi: numele, departamentul, etc';
24 #"Enter search keyword. For example: a name, or a department, or a shortform, etc.";
25 $LDShowDir='Arata tot directorul';
26 #"Show the complete directory";
27 $LDNewEntry='Introduceti nol numar de tel./pager';
28 "Enter new phone or beeper data";
29 $LDExtFields=array(
30 "Nr.",
31 "Titlu",
32 "Nume de familie",
33 "Nume",
34 "Profesie",
35 "Dept.1",
36 "Dept.2",
37 "Tel.1",
38 "Tel.2",
39 "Tel.3",
40 "Particular 1",
41 "Particular 2",
42 "Apelator 1",
43 "Apelator 2",
44 "Nr.camera.",
45 "Data",
46 "Timp",
47 "Codificator");
48 $LDEditFields=array(
49 "Nr.",
50 "Titlu",
51 "Numele de familie",
52 "Nume",
53 "Profesie",
54 "Departament 1",
55 "Departament 2",
56 "Telephone (intern) 1",
57 "Telephone (intern) 2",
58 "Telephone (intern) 3",
59 "Particular (extern) 1",
60 "Particular (extern) 2",
61 "Beeper 1",
62 "Beeper 2",
63 "Room Nr.",
64 "Date",
65 "Time",
66 "Encoder");
67 $LDOK="Foarte bine ";
68 $LDCancel="Anuleaza";
69 $LDSave="Salveaza";
70 $LDEdit="Editeaza";
71 $LDDelete="Sterge";
72 $LDReset="Reseteaza";
73 $LDNewPhoneEntry="Introduce un nou nr.de telefon";
74 $LDShow="Arata";
75 $LDActualDir='Continutul directorului actual';
76 #"Current directory contents";
77 $LDMoreInfo='Mai multe informatii din director';
78 #"More directory info";
79 $LDMaxItem='Numarul total al inregistrarilor din director';
80 #"Total number of directory entries";
81 $LDUpdateOk='Informatiile au fost actualizate cu succes';
82 #"The information was updated succesfully";
83 $LDRows='Randuri';
84 #"Rows";
85 $LDGoodMorning='Buna dimineata!';
86 #"Good Morning!";
87 $LDGoodDay='Buna! Ma bucur sa te vad!';
88 #"Hi! Nice to see you!";
89 $LDGoodEvening='Buna seara';
90 #"Good Evening";
91 $LDShowActualDir='Afiseaza inregistrarile directorului curent';
92 #"Show current directory entries";
93 $LDYesDelete='Da, sterge';
94 #"Yes, delete";
95 $LDNoCancel='NU! RENUNTA';
96 #"NO! CANCEL";
97 $LDDeleteEntry='Sterge inregistrarea';
98 #"Delete entry";
99 $LDNoData='Nu a-ti introdus nimic. Intoduceti date inainte de a apasa butonul "Salvare".';
100 #"You did not enter anything. Please enter the data before clicking the \"Save\" button.";
101 $LDReallyDelete='Sunteti sigur ca vreti sa stergeti inregistrarea?';
102 #"Do you really want to erase the following entry?";
103 $LDHowManage='Cum se administreaza directorul';
104 #"How to manage the directory";
105 $LDHow2OpenDir='Cum se deschide tot directorul';
106 #"How to open the entire directory";
107 $LDHowEnter='Cum se introduce un nou numar de telefon';
108 #"How to enter new phone information";
109 $LDHow2SearchPhone='Cum se cauta un numar de telefon';
110 #"How to search for a phone number";
111 $LDUpdate='Actualizare date';
112 #"Update data";
113 $LDDirData='Editez inregistrarea nr. <font color="red">~nr~</font> din director';
114 #"Edit directory entry nr. <font color=\"red\">~nr~</font>";
115 $LDTelephone='Telefon';
116 $LDBeeper='Pager';