14 $LDPhoneDir="Telefonul directorului";
17 $LDNewData="Informatie noua";
20 /**************** note the " ~nr~ " must not be erased it will be replaced by the script with the number of search results ******/
21 $LDPhoneFound="S-au gasit <font color=red><b> ~nr~ </b></font> inregistrarie .";
23 $LDKeywordPrompt='Introduceti cheia de cautare, cum ar fi: numele, departamentul, etc';
24 #"Enter search keyword. For example: a name, or a department, or a shortform, etc.";
25 $LDShowDir='Arata tot directorul';
26 #"Show the complete directory";
27 $LDNewEntry='Introduceti nol numar de tel./pager';
28 "Enter new phone or beeper data";
56 "Telephone (intern) 1",
57 "Telephone (intern) 2",
58 "Telephone (intern) 3",
59 "Particular (extern) 1",
60 "Particular (extern) 2",
73 $LDNewPhoneEntry="Introduce un nou nr.de telefon";
75 $LDActualDir='Continutul directorului actual';
76 #"Current directory contents";
77 $LDMoreInfo='Mai multe informatii din director';
78 #"More directory info";
79 $LDMaxItem='Numarul total al inregistrarilor din director';
80 #"Total number of directory entries";
81 $LDUpdateOk='Informatiile au fost actualizate cu succes';
82 #"The information was updated succesfully";
85 $LDGoodMorning='Buna dimineata!';
87 $LDGoodDay='Buna! Ma bucur sa te vad!';
88 #"Hi! Nice to see you!";
89 $LDGoodEvening='Buna seara';
91 $LDShowActualDir='Afiseaza inregistrarile directorului curent';
92 #"Show current directory entries";
93 $LDYesDelete='Da, sterge';
95 $LDNoCancel='NU! RENUNTA';
97 $LDDeleteEntry='Sterge inregistrarea';
99 $LDNoData='Nu a-ti introdus nimic. Intoduceti date inainte de a apasa butonul "Salvare".';
100 #"You did not enter anything. Please enter the data before clicking the \"Save\" button.";
101 $LDReallyDelete='Sunteti sigur ca vreti sa stergeti inregistrarea?';
102 #"Do you really want to erase the following entry?";
103 $LDHowManage='Cum se administreaza directorul';
104 #"How to manage the directory";
105 $LDHow2OpenDir='Cum se deschide tot directorul';
106 #"How to open the entire directory";
107 $LDHowEnter='Cum se introduce un nou numar de telefon';
108 #"How to enter new phone information";
109 $LDHow2SearchPhone='Cum se cauta un numar de telefon';
110 #"How to search for a phone number";
111 $LDUpdate='Actualizare date';
113 $LDDirData='Editez inregistrarea nr. <font color="red">~nr~</font> din director';
114 #"Edit directory entry nr. <font color=\"red\">~nr~</font>";
115 $LDTelephone='Telefon';