- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / modules / registration_admission / gui_bridge / default / gui_input_show_appointment.php
1 <script language="javascript">
2 <!-- Script Begin
3 function chkForm(d) {
4 if(d.date.value==''){
5 alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterDate; ?>");
6 d.date.focus();
7 return false;
8 }else if(d.to_dept_nr.value==''){
9 alert("<?php echo $LDPlsSelectDept; ?>");
10 d.to_dept_nr.focus();
11 return false;
12 }else if(d.to_personell_name.value==''){
13 alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterDoctor; ?>");
14 d.to_personell_name.focus();
15 return false;
16 }else if(d.purpose.value==''){
17 alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterPurpose; ?>");
18 d.purpose.focus();
19 return false;
20 }else{
21 return true;
24 // Script End -->
25 </script>
26 <?php
28 # If date was in the past, show error message
30 if($bPastDateError) echo '<font class="warnprompt">'.$LDInvalidDate.' '.$LDNoPastDate.'</font>';
33 <form method="post" name="appt_form" onSubmit="return chkForm(this)">
34 <table border=0 cellpadding=2 width=100%>
35 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
36 <td><font color="red"><b>*</b><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDDate; ?></td>
37 <td>
38 <?php
39 //gjergji : new calendar
40 require_once ('../../js/jscalendar/calendar.php');
41 $calendar = new DHTML_Calendar('../../js/jscalendar/', $lang, 'calendar-system', true);
42 $calendar->load_files();
44 echo $calendar->show_calendar($calendar,$date_format,'date',$date);
45 ?>
46 </td>
47 </tr>
48 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
49 <td></font><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDTime; ?></td>
50 <td><input type="text" name="time" size=10 maxlength=10 value="<?php if(!empty($time)) echo convertTimeToLocal($time); ?>"></td>
51 </tr>
52 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
53 <td><font color="red"><b>*</b><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDDepartment; ?></td>
54 <td>
55 <select name="to_dept_nr">
56 <option value=""></option>
57 <?php
59 while(list($x,$v)=each($deptarray)){
60 echo '
61 <option value="'.$v['nr'].'" ';
62 if($v['nr']==$to_dept_nr) echo 'selected';
63 echo ' >';
64 if(isset($$v['LD_var'])&&!empty($$v['LD_var'])) echo $$v['LD_var'];
65 else echo $v['name_formal'];
66 echo '</option>';
69 </select>
70 </td>
71 </tr>
73 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
74 <td><font color="red"><b>*</b><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo "$LDPhysician/$LDClinician"; ?></td>
75 <td><input type="text" name="to_personell_name" size=50 maxlength=60 value="<?php if(isset($to_personell_name)) echo $to_personell_name; ?>"></td>
76 </tr>
78 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
79 <td><font color="red"><b>*</b><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDPurpose; ?></td>
80 <td><textarea name="purpose" cols=40 rows=6 wrap="physical"><?php if(isset($purpose)) echo $purpose; ?></textarea>
81 </td>
82 </tr>
83 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
84 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDUrgency; ?></td>
85 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066">
86 <input type="radio" name="urgency" value="0" <?php if($urgency==0) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDNormal; ?>
87 <input type="radio" name="urgency" value="3" <?php if($urgency==3) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDPriority; ?>
88 <input type="radio" name="urgency" value="5" <?php if($urgency==5) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDUrgent; ?>
89 <input type="radio" name="urgency" value="7" <?php if($urgency==7) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDEmergency; ?>
90 </td>
91 </tr>
92 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
93 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDRemindPatient; ?> ?</td>
94 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066">
95 <input type="radio" name="remind" value="1" <?php if($remind) echo 'checked'; ?>> <?php echo $LDYes; ?> <input type="radio" name="remind" value="0" <?php if(!$remind) echo 'checked'; ?>> <?php echo $LDNo; ?>
96 </td>
97 </tr>
98 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
99 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDRemindBy; ?></td>
100 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066">
101 <input type="checkbox" name="remind_email" value="1" <?php if($remind_email) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDEmail; ?>
102 <input type="checkbox" name="remind_phone" value="1" <?php if($remind_phone) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDPhone; ?>
103 <input type="checkbox" name="remind_mail" value="1" <?php if($remind_mail) echo 'checked'; ?>><?php echo $LDMail; ?>
104 </td>
105 </tr>
106 <tr bgcolor="#f6f6f6">
107 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066"><?php echo $LDPlannedEncType; ?></td>
108 <td><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#000066">
109 <?php
110 if(is_object($encounter_classes)){
111 while($result=$encounter_classes->FetchRow()) {
113 <input name="encounter_class_nr" type="radio" value="<?php echo $result['class_nr']; ?>" <?php if($encounter_class_nr==$result['class_nr']) echo 'checked'; ?>>
114 <?php
115 $LD=$result['LD_var'];
116 if(isset($$LD)&&!empty($$LD)) echo $$LD; else echo $result['name'];
117 echo '&nbsp;';
121 </td>
122 </tr>
124 </table>
125 <input type="hidden" name="encounter_nr" value="<?php echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_en']; ?>">
126 <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="<?php echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_pid']; ?>">
127 <?php
128 if($mode=='select'){
130 <input type="hidden" name="nr" value="<?php echo $nr; ?>">
131 <?php
135 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php if($mode=='select') echo 'update'; else echo 'create';?>">
136 <input type="hidden" name="target" value="<?php echo $target; ?>">
137 <input type="image" <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path,'savedisc.gif','0'); ?>>
139 </form>