- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / modules / system_admin / edv_user_access_list.php
1 <?php
3 require('./roots.php');
4 require($root_path.'include/inc_environment_global.php');
5 /**
6 * CARE2X Integrated Hospital Information System Deployment 2.1 - 2004-10-02
7 * GNU General Public License
8 * Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Elpidio Latorilla
9 * elpidio@care2x.org,
11 * See the file "copy_notice.txt" for the licence notice
13 $lang_tables[] = 'access.php';
14 define('LANG_FILE','edp.php');
15 $local_user='ck_edv_user';
17 ///$db->debug=true;
19 require_once($root_path.'include/inc_front_chain_lang.php');
20 /**
21 * The following require loads the access areas that can be assigned for
22 * user permissions.
24 require($root_path.'include/inc_accessplan_areas_functions.php');
26 $breakfile='edv-system-admi-welcome.php'.URL_APPEND;
27 //$returnfile=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_file_return'].URL_APPEND;
28 $returnfile='edv_user_access_edit.php'.URL_APPEND;
29 $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_file_return']=basename(__FILE__);
31 /* Load the date formatter */
32 include_once($root_path.'include/inc_date_format_functions.php');
34 $sql='SELECT * FROM care_users ORDER BY login_id';
36 if($ergebnis=$db->Execute($sql)) {
38 $rows=$ergebnis->RecordCount();
41 # Start Smarty templating here
42 /**
43 * LOAD Smarty
45 # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so
46 # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme
48 require_once($root_path.'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php');
49 $smarty = new smarty_care('system_admin');
51 # Title in toolbar
52 $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle',$LDListActual);
54 # href for return button
55 $smarty->assign('pbBack',$returnfile);
57 # href for help button
58 $smarty->assign('pbHelp',"javascript:gethelp('edp.php','access','list')");
60 # href for close button
61 $smarty->assign('breakfile',$breakfile);
63 # Window bar title
64 $smarty->assign('sWindowTitle',$LDListActual);
66 # Buffer page output
68 ob_start();
70 if ($remark=='itemdelete') echo '<img '.createMascot($root_path,'mascot1_r.gif','0','absmiddle').'><FONT class="warnprompt"> '.$LDAccessDeleted.'<br>'.$LDFfActualAccess.' </font><p>';
72 echo '
73 <table border=0 class="frame" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
74 <tr>
75 <td>
76 <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">';
77 echo '
78 <tr class="submenu">';
79 echo "
80 <td colspan=8><FONT color=\"#800000\"><b>$LDActualAccess</b></td>";
81 echo "
82 </tr>";
83 echo '
84 <tr class="wardlisttitlerow">';
85 for($i=0;$i<sizeof($LDAccessIndex);$i++)
86 echo "
87 <td><b>".$LDAccessIndex[$i]."</b></td>";
88 echo "</tr>";
90 /* Load common icons */
91 $img_padlock=createComIcon($root_path,'padlock.gif','0');
92 $img_arrow=createComIcon($root_path,'arrow-gr.gif','0');
94 while ($zeile=$ergebnis->FetchRow())
96 if($zeile['exc']) continue;
97 echo "
98 <tr class=\"wardlistrow1\">\n";
99 echo "
100 <td>".$zeile['name']."</td>\n
101 <td>".$zeile['login_id']."</td>\n
102 <td>*****</td><td>\n";
103 if ($zeile['lockflag'])
104 echo '
105 <img '.$img_padlock.'>'; else echo '<img '.$img_arrow.'>';
106 echo "
107 </td>\n <td>";
109 /* Display the permitted areas */
110 $area=explode(' ',$zeile['permission']);
111 for($n=0;$n<sizeof($area);$n++) echo $area_opt[$area[$n]].'<br>';
113 echo '</td>
114 <td> '.formatDate2Local($zeile['s_date'],$date_format).' / '.convertTimeToLocal($zeile['s_time']).' </td>';
116 echo '
117 <td>'.$zeile['create_id'].'</td>';
119 echo "
120 <td>
121 <a href=edv_user_access_edit.php?sid=$sid&lang=$lang&mode=edit&userid=".str_replace(' ','+',$zeile['login_id'])." title=\"$LDChange\"> $LDInitChange</a> \n
122 <a href=edv_user_access_lock.php?sid=$sid&lang=$lang&itemname=".str_replace(' ','+',$zeile['login_id'])." ";
123 if ($zeile['lockflag']) echo "title=\"$LDUnlock\" > $LDInitUnlock"; else echo "title=\"$LDLock\"> $LDInitLock";
124 echo "</a> \n
125 <a href=edv_user_access_delete.php?sid=$sid&lang=$lang&itemname=".str_replace(' ','+',$zeile['login_id'])." title=\"$LDDelete\"> $LDInitDelete</a> </td>";
126 echo "</tr>";
128 echo "
129 </table>
130 </td>
131 </tr>
132 </table>";
137 <FORM method="post" action="<?php if($ck_edvzugang_src=="listpass") echo "edv-accessplan-list-pass.php"; else echo "edv_user_access_edit.php"; ?>" >
138 <input type=hidden name="sid" value="<?php echo $sid; ?>">
139 <input type=hidden name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?>">
140 <input type=hidden name="remark" value="fromlist">
141 <INPUT type="submit" value=" <?php echo $LDOK ?> ">
142 </FORM>
146 <?php
148 $sTemp = ob_get_contents();
149 ob_end_clean();
151 # Assign page output to the mainframe template
153 $smarty->assign('sMainFrameBlockData',$sTemp);
155 * show Template
157 $smarty->display('common/mainframe.tpl');