- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / modules / weberp / EDISendInvoices.php
1 <?php
3 /* $Revision: 1.9 $ */
5 $PageSecurity =15;
7 include ('includes/session.inc');
8 include ('includes/header.inc');
9 include('includes/SQL_CommonFunctions.inc'); //need for EDITransNo
10 include('includes/htmlMimeMail.php'); // need for sending email attachments
12 /*Get the Customers who are enabled for EDI invoicing */
13 $sql = 'SELECT debtorno,
14 edireference,
15 editransport,
16 ediaddress,
17 ediserveruser,
18 ediserverpwd,
19 daysbeforedue,
20 dayinfollowingmonth
21 FROM debtorsmaster INNER JOIN paymentterms ON debtorsmaster.paymentterms=paymentterms.termsindicator
22 WHERE ediinvoices=1';
24 $EDIInvCusts = DB_query($sql,$db);
26 if (DB_num_rows($EDIInvCusts)==0){
27 exit;
30 while ($CustDetails = DB_fetch_array($EDIInvCusts)){
32 /*Figure out if there are any unset invoices or credits for the customer */
34 $sql = "SELECT debtortrans.id,
35 transno,
36 type,
37 order_,
38 trandate,
39 ovgst,
40 ovamount,
41 ovfreight,
42 ovdiscount,
43 debtortrans.branchcode,
44 custbranchcode,
45 invtext,
46 shipvia,
47 rate,
48 brname,
49 braddress1,
50 braddress2,
51 braddress3,
52 braddress4
53 FROM debtortrans INNER JOIN custbranch ON custbranch.debtorno = debtortrans.debtorno
54 AND custbranch.branchcode = debtortrans.branchcode
55 WHERE (type=10 or type=11)
56 AND edisent=0
57 AND debtortrans.debtorno='" . $CustDetails['debtorno'] . "'";
59 $ErrMsg = _('There was a problem retrieving the customer transactions because');
60 $TransHeaders = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg);
63 if (DB_num_rows($TransHeaders)==0){
64 break; /*move on to the next EDI customer */
67 /*Setup the variable from the DebtorsMaster required for the message */
68 $CompanyEDIReference = $_SESSION['EDIReference'];
69 $CustEDIReference = $CustDetails['edireference'];
70 $TaxAuthorityRef = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['gstno'];
72 while ($TransDetails = DB_fetch_array($TransHeaders)){
74 /*Set up the variables that will be needed in construction of the EDI message */
75 if ($TransDetails['type']==10){ /* its an invoice */
76 $InvOrCrd = 388;
77 } else { /* its a credit note */
78 $InvOrCrd = 381;
80 $TransNo = $TransDetails['transno'];
81 /*Always an original in this script since only non-sent transactions being processed */
82 $OrigOrDup = 9;
83 $TranDate = SQLDateToEDI($TransDetails['trandate']);
84 $OrderNo = $TransDetails['order_'];
85 $CustBranchCode = $TransDetails['custbranchcode'];
86 $BranchName = $TransDetails['brname'];
87 $BranchStreet =$TransDetails['braddress1'];
88 $BranchCity = $TransDetails['braddress2'];
89 $BranchState = $TransDetails['braddress3'];
90 $ExchRate = $TransDetails['rate'];
91 $TaxTotal = $TransDetails['ovgst'];
93 $DatePaymentDue = ConvertToEDIDate(CalcDueDate(ConvertSQLDate($TransDetails['trandate']),$CustDetails['dayinfollowingmonth'], $CustDetails['daysbeforedue']));
95 $TotalAmountExclTax = $TransDetails['ovamount']+ $TransDetails['ovfreight'] + $TransDetails['ovdiscount'];
96 $TotalAmountInclTax = $TransDetails['ovamount']+ $TransDetails['ovfreight'] + $TransDetails['ovdiscount'] + $TransDetails['ovgst'];
98 /* NOW ... Get the message lines
99 then replace variable names with data
100 write the output to a file one line at a time */
102 $sql = "SELECT section, linetext FROM edimessageformat WHERE partnercode='" . $CustDetails['debtorno'] . "' AND messagetype='INVOIC' ORDER BY sequenceno";
103 $ErrMsg = _('An error occurred in getting the EDI format template for') . ' ' . $CustDetails['debtorno'] . ' ' . _('because');
104 $MessageLinesResult = DB_query($sql, $db,$ErrMsg);
107 if (DB_num_rows($MessageLinesResult)>0){
110 $DetailLines = array();
111 $ArrayCounter =0;
112 While ($MessageLine = DB_fetch_array($MessageLinesResult)){
113 if ($MessageLine['section']=='Detail'){
114 $DetailLines[$ArrayCounter]=$MessageLine['linetext'];
115 $ArrayCounter++;
118 DB_data_seek($MessageLinesResult,0);
120 $EDITransNo = GetNextTransNo(99,$db);
121 $fp = fopen( $_SESSION['EDI_MsgPending'] . '/EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo , 'w');
123 while ($LineDetails = DB_fetch_array($MessageLinesResult)){
125 if ($LineDetails['section']=='Heading'){
126 $MsgLineText = $LineDetails['linetext'];
127 include ('includes/EDIVariableSubstitution.inc');
128 $LastLine ='Heading';
129 } elseif ($LineDetails['section']=='Summary' AND $LastLine=='Heading') {
130 /*This must be the detail section
131 need to get the line details for the invoice or credit note
132 for creating the detail lines */
134 if ($TransDetail['type']==10){ /*its an invoice */
135 $sql = "SELECT stockmoves.stockid,
136 stockmaster.description,
137 -stockmoves.qty as quantity,
138 stockmoves.discountpercent,
139 ((1 - stockmoves.discountpercent) * stockmoves.price * " . $ExchRate . "* -stockmoves.qty) AS fxnet,
140 (stockmoves.price * " . $ExchRate . ") AS fxprice,
141 stockmoves.taxrate,
142 stockmaster.units
143 FROM stockmoves,
144 stockmaster
145 WHERE stockmoves.stockid = stockmaster.stockid
146 AND stockmoves.type=10
147 AND stockmoves.transno=" . $TransNo . "
148 AND stockmoves.show_on_inv_crds=1";
149 } else {
150 /* credit note */
151 $sql = "SELECT stockmoves.stockid,
152 stockmaster.description,
153 stockmoves.qty as quantity,
154 stockmoves.discountpercent,
155 ((1 - stockmoves.discountpercent) * stockmoves.price * " . $ExchRate . " * stockmoves.qty) as fxnet,
156 (stockmoves.price * " . $ExchRate . ") AS fxprice,
157 stockmoves.taxrate,
158 stockmaster.units
159 FROM stockmoves,
160 stockmaster
161 WHERE stockmoves.stockid = stockmaster.stockid
162 AND stockmoves.type=11 and stockmoves.transno=" . $TransNo . "
163 AND stockmoves.show_on_inv_crds=1";
165 $TransLinesResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
167 $LineNumber = 0;
168 while ($TransLines = DB_fetch_array($TransLinesResult)){
169 /*now set up the variable values */
171 $LineNumber++;
172 $StockID = $TransLines['StockID'];
173 $sql = "SELECT partnerstockid
174 FROM ediitemmapping
175 WHERE supporcust='CUST'
176 AND partnercode ='" . $CustDetails['debtorno'] . "'
177 AND stockid='" . $TransLines['stockid'] . "'";
179 $CustStkResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
180 if (DB_num_rows($CustStkResult)==1){
181 $CustStkIDRow = DB_fetch_row($CustStkResult);
182 $CustStockID = $CustStkIDRow[0];
183 } else {
184 $CustStockID = 'Not_Known';
186 $ItemDescription = $TransLines['description'];
187 $QtyInvoiced = $TransLines['quantity'];
188 $LineTotalExclTax = round($TransLines['fxnet'],3);
189 $UnitPrice = round( $TransLines['fxnet'] / $TransLines['quantity'], 3);
190 $LineTaxAmount = round($TransLines['taxrate'] * $TransLines['fxnet'],3);
192 /*now work through the detail line segments */
193 foreach ($DetailLines as $DetailLineText) {
194 $MsgLineText = $DetailLineText;
195 include ('includes/EDIVariableSubstitution.inc');
199 /*to make sure dont do the detail section again */
200 $LastLine ='Summary';
201 $NoLines = $LineNumber;
202 } elseif ($LineDetails['section']=='Summary'){
203 $MsgLineText = $LineDetails['linetext'];
204 include ('includes/EDIVariableSubstitution.inc');
206 } /*end while there are message lines to parse and substitute vbles for */
207 fclose($fp); /*close the file at the end of each transaction */
208 //DB_query("UPDATE DebtorTrans SET EDISent=1 WHERE ID=" . $TransDetails['ID'],$db);
209 /*Now send the file using the customer transport */
210 if ($CustDetails['editransport']=='email'){
212 $mail = new htmlMimeMail();
213 $attachment = $mail->getFile( $_SESSION['EDI_MsgPending'] . "/EDI_INV_" . $EDITransNo);
214 $mail->SetSubject('EDI Invoice/Credit Note ' . $EDITransNo);
215 $mail->addAttachment($attachment, 'EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo, 'application/txt');
216 $mail->setFrom($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['coyname'] . '<' . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['email'] . '>');
217 $MessageSent = $mail->send(array($CustDetails['ediaddress']));
219 if ($MessageSent==True){
220 echo '<BR><BR>';
221 prnMsg(_('EDI Message') . ' ' . $EDITransNo . ' ' . _('was sucessfully emailed'),'success');
222 } else {
223 echo '<BR><BR>';
224 prnMsg(_('EDI Message') . ' ' . $EDITransNo . _('could not be emailed to') . ' ' . $CustDetails['ediaddress'],'error');
226 } else { /*it must be ftp transport */
228 // set up basic connection
229 $conn_id = ftp_connect($CustDetails['ediaddress']); // login with username and password
230 $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $CustDetails['ediserveruser'], $CustDetails['ediserverpwd']); // check connection
231 if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
232 prnMsg( _('Ftp connection has failed'). '<BR>' . _('Attempted to connect to') . ' ' . $CustDetails['ediaddress'] . ' ' ._('for user') . ' ' . $CustDetails['ediserveruser'],'error');
233 include('includes/footer.inc');
234 exit;
236 $MessageSent = ftp_put($conn_id, $_SESSION['EDI_MsgPending'] . '/EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo, 'EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo, FTP_ASCII); // check upload status
237 if (!$MessageSent) {
238 echo '<BR><BR>';
239 prnMsg(_('EDI Message') . ' ' . $EDITransNo . ' ' . _('could not be sent via ftp to') .' ' . $CustDetails['ediaddress'],'error');
240 } else {
241 echo '<BR><BR>';
242 prnMsg( _('Successfully uploaded EDI_INV_') . $EDITransNo . ' ' . _('via ftp to') . ' ' . $CustDetails['ediaddress'],'success');
243 } // close the FTP stream
244 ftp_quit($conn_id);
248 if ($MessageSent==True){ /*the email was sent sucessfully */
249 /* move the sent file to sent directory */
250 copy ($_SESSION['EDI_MsgPending'] . '/EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo, $_SESSION['EDI_MsgSent'] . '/EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo);
251 unlink($_SESSION['EDI_MsgPending'] . '/EDI_INV_' . $EDITransNo);
254 } else {
256 prnMsg( _('Cannot create EDI message since there is no EDI INVOIC message template set up for') . ' ' . $CustDetails['debtorno'],'error');
257 } /*End if there is a message template defined for the customer invoic*/
258 } /* loop around all the customer transactions to be sent */
260 } /*loop around all the customers enabled for EDI Invoices */
262 include ('includes/footer.inc');