- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / modules / weberp / GLBudget.php
1 <?php
3 /* $Revision: 1.17 $ */
6 $PageSecurity = 8;
7 include ('includes/session.inc');
8 $title = _('General Ledger Budget Entry');
9 include('includes/header.inc');
11 if (isset($_POST['Account'])){
12 $SelectedAccount = $_POST['Account'];
13 } elseif (isset($_GET['Account'])){
14 $SelectedAccount = $_GET['Account'];
17 if (isset($_POST['Period'])){
18 $SelectedPeriod = $_POST['Period'];
19 } elseif (isset($_GET['Period'])){
20 $SelectedPeriod = $_GET['Period'];
23 echo "<FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID . '>';
25 /*Dates in SQL format for the last day of last month*/
26 $DefaultPeriodDate = Date ('Y-m-d', Mktime(0,0,0,Date('m'),0,Date('Y')));
28 /*Show a form to allow input of criteria for TB to show */
29 echo '<CENTER><TABLE>
30 <TR>
31 <TD>'._('Account').":</TD>
32 <TD><SELECT Name='Account'>";
33 $sql = 'SELECT accountcode, accountname FROM chartmaster ORDER BY accountcode';
34 $Account = DB_query($sql,$db);
35 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($Account,$db)){
36 if($myrow['accountcode'] == $SelectedAccount){
37 echo '<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=' . $myrow['accountcode'] . '>' . $myrow['accountcode'] . ' ' . $myrow['accountname'];
38 } else {
39 echo '<OPTION VALUE=' . $myrow['accountcode'] . '>' . $myrow['accountcode'] . ' ' . $myrow['accountname'];
42 echo '</SELECT></TD></TR>
43 <TR>
44 <TD>'._('For Period range').':</TD>
45 <TD><SELECT Name=Period[] multiple>';
46 $sql = 'SELECT periodno, lastdate_in_period FROM periods';
47 $Periods = DB_query($sql,$db);
48 $id=0;
49 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($Periods,$db)){
51 if($myrow['periodno'] == $SelectedPeriod[$id]){
52 echo '<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=' . $myrow['periodno'] . '>' . _(MonthAndYearFromSQLDate($myrow['lastdate_in_period']));
53 $id++;
54 } else {
55 echo '<OPTION VALUE=' . $myrow['periodno'] . '>' . _(MonthAndYearFromSQLDate($myrow['lastdate_in_period']));
59 echo "</SELECT></TD>
60 </TR>
61 </TABLE><P>
62 <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME='Show' VALUE='"._('Show Account Transactions')."'></CENTER>";
64 /* End of the Form rest of script is what happens if the show button is hit*/
66 if (isset($_POST['Show'])){
68 if (!isset($SelectedPeriod)){
69 prnMsg(_('A period or range of periods must be selected from the list box'),'info');
70 include('includes/footer.inc');
71 exit;
73 /*Is the account a balance sheet or a profit and loss account */
74 $result = DB_query("SELECT pandl
75 FROM accountgroups
76 INNER JOIN chartmaster ON accountgroups.groupname=chartmaster.group_
77 WHERE chartmaster.accountcode=$SelectedAccount",$db);
78 $PandLRow = DB_fetch_row($result);
79 if ($PandLRow[0]==1){
80 $PandLAccount = True;
81 }else{
82 $PandLAccount = False; /*its a balance sheet account */
85 $FirstPeriodSelected = min($SelectedPeriod);
86 $LastPeriodSelected = max($SelectedPeriod);
88 $sql="SELECT *, chartmaster.accountname from chartdetails
89 INNER JOIN chartmaster on chartmaster.accountcode = chartdetails.accountcode
90 WHERE chartdetails.accountcode = $SelectedAccount
91 AND period>=$FirstPeriodSelected
92 AND period<=$LastPeriodSelected
93 ORDER BY period";
94 $ErrMsg = _('The transactions for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved because') ;
95 $TransResult = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg);
96 $TransCount = DB_num_rows ($TransResult);
97 echo '<p>row count ' . $TransCount . '</p>';
98 echo '<table>';
100 $TableHeader = "<TR>
101 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Month') . "</TD>
102 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Actual') . "</TD>
103 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Budget') . "</TD>
104 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Variance') . "</TD>
105 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Period Actual') . "</TD>
106 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Period Budget') . "</TD>
107 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Revised Budget') . '</TD>
108 </TR>';
110 echo $TableHeader;
112 if ($PandLAccount==True) {
113 $RunningTotal = 0;
114 } else {
115 // added to fix bug with Brought Forward Balance always being zero
116 $sql = "SELECT *
117 FROM chartdetails
118 WHERE chartdetails.accountcode= $SelectedAccount
119 AND chartdetails.period=" . $FirstPeriodSelected;
121 $ErrMsg = _('The chart details for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved');
122 $ChartDetailsResult = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg);
123 $ChartDetailRow = DB_fetch_array($ChartDetailsResult);
124 $ChartDetailCount = DB_num_rows ($ChartDetailsResult);
126 // --------------------
128 $RunningTotal =$ChartDetailRow['bfwd'];
129 if ($RunningTotal < 0 ){ //its a credit balance b/fwd
130 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'>
131 <TD COLSPAN=3><B>" . _('Brought Forward Balance') . '</B><TD>
132 </TD></TD>
133 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format(-$RunningTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
134 <TD></TD>
135 </TR>';
136 } else { //its a debit balance b/fwd
137 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'>
138 <TD COLSPAN=3><B>" . _('Brought Forward Balance') . '</B></TD>
139 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format($RunningTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
140 <TD COLSPAN=2></TD>
141 </TR>';
144 $RunningBTotal =$ChartDetailRow['bfwdbudget'];
145 if ($RunningBTotal < 0 ){ //its a credit balance b/fwd
146 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'>
147 <TD COLSPAN=3><B>" . _('Brought Forward Budget Balance') . '</B><TD>
148 </TD></TD>
149 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format(-$RunningBTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
150 <TD></TD>
151 </TR>';
152 } else { //its a debit balance b/fwd
153 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'>
154 <TD COLSPAN=3><B>" . _('Brought Forward Budget Balance') . '</B></TD>
155 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format($RunningBTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
156 <TD COLSPAN=2></TD>
157 </TR>';
160 $PeriodTotal = 0;
161 $PeriodNo = -9999;
162 $ShowIntegrityReport = False;
163 $j = 1;
164 $k=0; //row colour counter
166 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($TransResult)) {
168 if ($myrow['periodno']!=$PeriodNo){
169 if ($PeriodNo!=-9999){ //ie its not the first time around
170 /*Get the ChartDetails balance b/fwd and the actual movement in the account for the period as recorded in the chart details - need to ensure integrity of transactions to the chart detail movements. Also, for a balance sheet account it is the balance carried forward that is important, not just the transactions*/
172 $sql = "SELECT *,periods.lastdate_in_period,periods.periodno
173 FROM chartdetails,periods
174 INNER JOIN periods on periods.periodno=chartdetails.period
175 WHERE chartdetails.accountcode=" . $PeriodNo;
177 $ErrMsg = _('The chart details for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved');
178 $ChartDetailsResult = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg);
179 $ChartDetailRow = DB_fetch_array($ChartDetailsResult);
181 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'>
182 <TD COLSPAN=3><B>" . _('Total for period') . ' ' . $PeriodNo . '</B></TD>';
183 if ($PeriodTotal < 0 ){ //its a credit balance b/fwd
184 echo '<TD></TD>
185 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format(-$PeriodTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
186 <TD></TD>
187 </TR>';
188 } else { //its a debit balance b/fwd
189 echo '<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format($PeriodTotal,2) . '</B></TD>
190 <TD COLSPAN=2></TD>
191 </TR>';
193 $IntegrityReport .= '<BR>' . _('Period') . ': ' . $PeriodNo . _('Account movement per transaction') . ': ' . number_format($PeriodTotal,2) . ' ' . _('Movement per ChartDetails record') . ': ' . number_format($ChartDetailRow['actual'],2) . ' ' . _('Period difference') . ': ' . number_format($PeriodTotal -$ChartDetailRow['actual'],3);
195 if (ABS($PeriodTotal -$ChartDetailRow['actual'])>0.01){
196 $ShowIntegrityReport = True;
199 $PeriodNo = $myrow['periodno'];
200 $PeriodTotal = 0;
203 if ($k==1){
204 echo "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>";
205 $k=0;
206 } else {
207 echo "<tr bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>";
208 $k++;
211 $RunningTotal += $myrow['actual'];
212 $RunningBTotal += $myrow['budget'];
213 $PeriodTotal += $myrow['actual'];
215 if($myrow['actual']>=0){
216 $ActualAmount = number_format($myrow['actual'],2);
217 } else {
218 $ActualAmount = number_format(-$myrow['actual'],2);
221 if($myrow['budget']>=0){
222 $BudgetAmount = number_format($myrow['budget'],2);
223 } else {
224 $BudgetAmount = number_format(-$myrow['budget'],2);
227 //$Variance = $BudgetAmount-$ActualAmount;
228 //if ($Variance == "" || $Variance == 0)
229 // {
230 if ($myrow['actual']<=0)
232 $Actual1 = $myrow['actual']*(-1);
233 $Budget1 = $myrow['budget']*(-1);
234 $Variance = $Budget1 - $Actual1;
236 else
238 $Variance = $Budget1 - $Actual1;
240 $Variance1 = number_format($Variance,2);
243 $sql = "SELECT lastdate_in_period FROM periods
244 WHERE periods.periodno=" . $myrow['period'];
246 $ErrMsg = _('The Period dates') . ' ' . $myrow['period'] . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved');
247 $PeriodResult = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg);
248 $PeriodRow = DB_fetch_array($PeriodResult);
250 $PeriodText = MonthAndYearFromSQLDate($PeriodRow['lastdate_in_period']);
253 printf('<td>%s</td>
254 <td>%s</td>
255 <td><input name="budget" type="text" size="15" value="%s"></td>
256 <td ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</td>
257 <td ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</td>
258 <td ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</td>
259 <td><input name="revised_budget" type="text" size="15" value="%s"></td>
260 </tr>',
261 $PeriodText,
262 $ActualAmount,
263 $BudgetAmount,
264 $Variance1,
265 $RunningTotal,
266 $RunningBTotal,
267 $myrow['budget']);
269 $j++;
271 If ($j == 18){
272 echo $TableHeader;
273 $j=1;
278 echo "<TR bgcolor='#FDFEEF'><TD COLSPAN=3><B>";
279 if ($PandLAccount==True){
280 echo _('Total Period Movement');
281 } else { /*its a balance sheet account*/
282 echo _('Balance C/Fwd');
284 echo '</B></TD>';
286 if ($RunningTotal >0){
287 echo '<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format(($RunningTotal),2) . '</B></TD><TD COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>';
288 }else {
289 echo '<TD></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>' . number_format((-$RunningTotal),2) . '</B></TD><TD COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>';
291 echo '<tr><td colspan=6><input NAME="BudgetUpdate" type="submit" value="Update Budget">';
292 printf ("%s",$ChartDetailCount);
293 echo '</td></tr>';
296 echo '</table>';
297 echo $ChartDetailCount;
298 } /* end of if Show button hit */
300 if (isset($_POST['BudgetUpdate'])){
302 prnMsg(_('SUCCESS'),'info');
303 $sql = "UPDATE chartdetails
304 SET budget='" . $_POST['budget'] . "'
305 WHERE period='" . $ChartDetailRow['period'] . "'
306 AND accountcode = " . $ChartDetailRow['accountcode'];
307 // $result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
308 $result = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
311 // stick an echo in here:
312 echo $sql;
314 exit;
317 if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
319 //initialise no input errors assumed initially before we test
321 $InputError = 0;
323 /* actions to take once the user has clicked the submit button
324 ie the page has called itself with some user input */
326 //first off validate inputs sensible
328 if (strpos($_POST['SectionName'],'&')>0 OR strpos($_POST['SectionName'],"'")>0) {
329 $InputError = 1;
330 prnMsg( _('The account section name cannot contain the character') . " '&' " . _('or the character') ." '",'error');
331 } elseif (isset($_POST['SectionID']) && (!is_long((int) $_POST['SectionID']))) {
332 $InputError = 1;
333 prnMsg( _('The section number must be an integer'),'error');
336 if ($_POST['SelectedSectionID']!='' AND $InputError !=1) {
338 /*SelectedSectionID could also exist if submit had not been clicked this code would not run in this case cos submit is false of course see the delete code below*/
340 $sql = "UPDATE accountsection
341 SET sectionname='" . $_POST['SectionName'] . "'
342 WHERE sectionid = " . $_POST['SelectedSectionID'];
344 $msg = _('Record Updated');
345 } elseif ($InputError !=1) {
347 /*SelectedSectionID is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be submitting new entries in the new account section form */
349 $sql = "INSERT INTO accountsection (
350 sectionid,
351 sectionname )
352 VALUES (
353 " . $_POST['SectionID'] . ",
354 '" . $_POST['SectionName'] ."'
356 $msg = _('Record inserted');
359 if ($InputError!=1){
360 //run the SQL from either of the above possibilites
361 $result = DB_query($sql,$db);
362 prnMsg($msg,'success');
364 unset ($_POST['SelectedSectionID']);
365 unset ($_POST['SectionID']);
366 unset ($_POST['SectionName']);
371 echo "</FORM>";
372 include('includes/footer.inc');