4 /* $Revision: 1.16 $ */
8 /* Session started in header.inc for password checking and authorisation level check */
10 include('includes/DefineSerialItems.php');
11 include('includes/SQL_CommonFunctions.inc');
12 include('includes/session.inc');
14 $title = _('Reverse Goods Received');
16 include('includes/header.inc');
18 if ($_SESSION['SupplierID']!="" AND isset($_SESSION['SupplierID']) AND !isset($_POST['SupplierID']) OR $_POST['SupplierID']==""){
19 $_POST['SupplierID']=$_SESSION['SupplierID'];
21 if (!isset($_POST['SupplierID']) OR $_POST['SupplierID']==""){
22 echo '<BR>' . _('This page is expected to be called after a supplier has been selected');
23 echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT='0; URL=" . $rootpath . '/SelectSupplier.php?' . SID
. "'>";
25 } elseif ($_POST['SuppName']=="" OR !isset($_POST['SuppName'])) {
26 $sql = "SELECT suppname FROM suppliers WHERE supplierid='" . $_SESSION['SupplierID'] . "'";
27 $SuppResult = DB_query($sql,$db, _('Could not retrieve the supplier name for') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SupplierID']);
28 $SuppRow = DB_fetch_row($SuppResult);
29 $_POST['SuppName'] = $SuppRow[0];
32 echo '<CENTER><FONT SIZE=4><B><U>' . _('Reverse Goods Received from') . ' ' . $_POST['SuppName'] . ' </U></B></FONT></CENTER><BR>';
34 if (isset($_GET['GRNNo']) AND isset($_POST['SupplierID'])){
35 /* SQL to process the postings for the GRN reversal.. */
37 //Get the details of the GRN item and the cost at which it was received and other PODetail info
38 $SQL = "SELECT grns.podetailitem,
43 purchorderdetails.glcode,
46 purchorderdetails.stdcostunit,
47 purchorders.intostocklocation,
49 FROM grns, purchorderdetails, purchorders
50 WHERE grns.podetailitem=purchorderdetails.podetailitem
51 AND purchorders.orderno = purchorderdetails.orderno
52 AND grnno=" . (int) $_GET['GRNNo'];
54 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('Could not get the details of the GRN selected for reversal because') . ' ';
55 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to retrieve the GRN details was used') . ':';
57 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
59 $GRN = DB_fetch_array($Result);
60 $QtyToReverse = $GRN['qtyrecd'] - $GRN['quantityinv'];
62 if ($QtyToReverse ==0){
63 echo '<BR><BR>' . _('The GRN') . ' ' . $_GET['GRNNo'] . ' ' . _('has already been reversed or fully invoiced by the supplier - it cannot be reversed - stock quantities must be corrected by stock adjustments - the stock is paid for');
64 include ('includes/footer.inc');
68 /*If the item is a stock item then need to check for Controlled or not ...
69 if its controlled then need to check existence of the controlled items
70 that came in with this GRN */
73 $SQL = "SELECT stockmaster.controlled
74 FROM stockmaster WHERE stockid ='" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'";
75 $CheckControlledResult = DB_query($SQL,$db,'<BR>' . _('Could not determine if the item was controlled or not because') . ' ');
76 $ControlledRow = DB_fetch_row($CheckControlledResult);
77 if ($ControlledRow[0]==1) { /*Then its a controlled item */
79 /*So check to ensure the serial items received on this GRN are still there */
80 /*First get the StockMovement Reference for the GRN */
81 $SQL = "SELECT stockserialmoves.serialno,
82 stockserialmoves.moveqty
83 FROM stockmoves INNER JOIN stockserialmoves
84 ON stockmoves.stkmoveno= stockserialmoves.stockmoveno
85 WHERE stockmoves.stockid='" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'
86 AND stockmoves.type =25
87 AND stockmoves.transno=" . $GRN['grnbatch'];
88 $GetStockMoveResult = DB_query($SQL,$db,_('Could not retrieve the stock movement reference number which is required in order to retrieve details of the serial items that came in with this GRN'));
90 while ($SerialStockMoves = DB_fetch_array($GetStockMoveResult)){
92 $SQL = "SELECT stockserialitems.quantity
94 WHERE stockserialitems.stockid='" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'
95 AND stockserialitems.loccode ='" . $GRN['intostocklocation'] . "'
96 AND stockserialitems.serialno ='" . $SerialStockMoves['serialno'] . "'";
97 $GetQOHResult = DB_query($SQL,$db,_('Unable to retrieve the quantity on hand of') . ' ' . $GRN['itemcode'] . ' ' . _('for Serial No') . ' ' . $SerialStockMoves['serialno']);
98 $GetQOH = DB_fetch_row($GetQOHResult);
99 if ($GetQOH[0] < $SerialStockMoves['moveqty']){
100 /*Then some of the original goods received must have been sold
101 or transfered so cannot reverse the GRN */
102 prnMsg(_('Unfortunately, of the original number') . ' (' . $SerialStockMoves['moveqty'] . ') ' . _('that were received on serial number') . ' ' . $SerialStockMoves['serialno'] . ' ' . _('only') . ' ' . $GetQOH[0] . ' ' . _('remain') . '. ' . _('The GRN can only be reversed if all the original serial number items are still in stock in the location they were received into'),'error');
103 include ('includes/footer.inc');
107 /*reset the pointer on this resultset ... will need it later */
108 DB_data_seek($GetStockMoveResult,0);
113 /*Start an SQL transaction */
115 $Result = DB_query("BEGIN",$db);
117 $PeriodNo = GetPeriod(ConvertSQLDate($GRN['deliverydate']), $db);
119 /*Now the SQL to do the update to the PurchOrderDetails */
121 $SQL = "UPDATE purchorderdetails
122 SET quantityrecd = quantityrecd - " . $QtyToReverse . ",
124 WHERE purchorderdetails.podetailitem = " . $GRN['podetailitem'];
126 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The purchase order detail record could not be updated with the quantity reversed because');
127 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the purchase order detail record was used');
128 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
130 /*Need to update the existing GRN item */
133 SET qtyrecd = qtyrecd - $QtyToReverse
134 WHERE grns.grnno=" . $_GET['GRNNo'];
136 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The GRN record could not be updated') . '. ' . _('This reversal of goods received has not been processed because');
137 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GRN record was used');
138 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
140 $SQL = "SELECT stockmaster.controlled
142 WHERE stockmaster.stockid = '" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'";
143 $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db, _('Could not determine if the item exists because'),'<BR>' . _('The SQL that failed was') . ' ',true);
145 if (DB_num_rows($Result)==1){ /* if the GRN is in fact a stock item being reversed */
147 $StkItemExists = DB_fetch_row($Result);
148 $Controlled = $StkItemExists[0];
150 /* Update location stock records - NB a PO cannot be entered for a dummy/assembly/kit parts */
151 /*Need to get the current location quantity will need it later for the stock movement */
152 $SQL="SELECT quantity
154 WHERE stockid='" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'
155 AND loccode= '" . $GRN['intostocklocation'] . "'";
157 $Result = DB_query($SQL, $db, _('Could not get the quantity on hand of the item before the reversal was processed'),_('The SQL that failed was'),true);
158 if (DB_num_rows($Result)==1){
159 $LocQtyRow = DB_fetch_row($Result);
160 $QtyOnHandPrior = $LocQtyRow[0];
162 /*There must actually be some error this should never happen */
166 $SQL = "UPDATE locstock
167 SET quantity = quantity - " . $QtyToReverse . "
168 WHERE stockid = '" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'
169 AND loccode = '" . $GRN['intostocklocation'] . "'";
171 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The location stock record could not be updated because');
172 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to update the location stock record was used');
173 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
175 /* If its a stock item .... Insert stock movements - with unit cost */
177 $SQL = "INSERT INTO stockmoves (
189 '" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "',
191 " . $_GET['GRNNo'] . ",
192 '" . $GRN['intostocklocation'] . "',
193 '" . $GRN['deliverydate'] . "',
195 '" . _('Reversal') . ' - ' . $_POST['SupplierID'] . ' - ' . $GRN['orderno'] . "',
196 " . -$QtyToReverse . ',
197 ' . $GRN['stdcostunit'] . ',
198 ' . ($QtyOnHandPrior - $QtyToReverse) . '
201 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('Stock movement records could not be inserted because');
202 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the stock movement records was used');
203 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
205 $StkMoveNo = DB_Last_Insert_ID($db,'stockmoves','stkmoveno');
207 if ($Controlled==true){
208 while ($SerialStockMoves = DB_fetch_array($GetStockMoveResult)){
209 $SQL = "INSERT INTO stockserialmoves (
216 '" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "',
217 '" . $SerialStockMoves['serialno'] . "',
218 " . -$SerialStockMoves['moveqty'] . ")";
219 $result = DB_query($SQL,$db,_('Could not insert the reversing stock movements for the batch/serial numbers'),_('The SQL used but failed was') . ':',true);
221 $SQL = "UPDATE stockserialitems
222 SET quantity=quantity - " . $SerialStockMoves['moveqty'] . "
223 WHERE stockserialitems.stockid='" . $GRN['itemcode'] . "'
224 AND stockserialitems.loccode ='" . $GRN['intostocklocation'] . "'
225 AND stockserialitems.serialno = '" . $SerialStockMoves['serialno'] . "'";
226 $result = DB_query($SQL,$db,_('Could not update the batch/serial stock records'),_('The SQL used but failed was') . ':',true);
229 } /*end of its a stock item - updates to locations and insert movements*/
231 /* If GLLink_Stock then insert GLTrans to debit the GL Code and credit GRN Suspense account at standard cost*/
233 if ($_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['gllink_stock']==1 AND $GRN['glcode'] !=0 AND $GRN['stdcostunit']!=0){ /*GLCode is set to 0 when the GLLink is not activated
234 this covers a situation where the GLLink is now active but it wasn't when this PO was entered */
235 /*first the credit using the GLCode in the PO detail record entry*/
237 $SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (
247 " . $_GET['GRNNo'] . ",
248 '" . $GRN['deliverydate'] . "',
250 " . $GRN['glcode'] . ",
251 '" . _('GRN Reversal for PO') .": " . $GRN['orderno'] . " " . $_POST['SupplierID'] . " - " . $GRN['itemcode'] . "-" . $GRN['itemdescription'] . " x " . $QtyToReverse . " @ " . number_format($GRN['stdcostunit'],2) . "',
252 " . -($GRN['stdcostunit'] * $QtyToReverse) . "
255 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The purchase GL posting could not be inserted for the reversal of the received item because');
256 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the purchase GLTrans record was used');
257 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
259 /*now the GRN suspense entry*/
260 $SQL = "INSERT INTO gltrans (
270 " . $_GET['GRNNo'] . ",
271 '" . $GRN['deliverydate'] . "',
273 " . $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['grnact'] . ", '"
274 . _('GRN Reversal PO') . ': ' . $GRN['orderno'] . " " . $_POST['SupplierID'] . " - " . $GRN['itemcode'] . "-" . $GRN['itemdescription'] . " x " . $QtyToReverse . " @ " . number_format($GRN['stdcostunit'],2) . "',
275 " . $GRN['stdcostunit'] * $QtyToReverse . "
278 $ErrMsg = _('CRITICAL ERROR') . '! ' . _('NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE') . ': ' . _('The GRN suspense side of the GL posting could not be inserted because');
279 $DbgMsg = _('The following SQL to insert the GRN Suspense GLTrans record was used');
280 $Result=DB_query($SQL,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
281 } /* end of if GL and stock integrated*/
284 $Result = DB_query($SQL,$db);
286 echo '<BR>' . _('GRN number') . ' ' . $_GET['GRNNo'] . ' ' . _('for') . ' ' . $QtyToReverse . ' x ' . $GRN['itemcode'] . ' - ' . $GRN['itemdescription'] . ' ' . _('has been reversed') . '<BR>';
287 unset($_GET['GRNNo']); // to ensure it cant be done again!!
288 echo '<A HREF="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID
. '">' . _('Select another GRN to Reverse') . '</A>';
289 /*end of Process Goods Received Reversal entry */
292 echo '<FORM ACTION="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID
294 if (!isset($_POST['RecdAfterDate']) OR !Is_Date($_POST['RecdAfterDate'])) {
295 $_POST['RecdAfterDate'] = Date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'],Mktime(0,0,0,Date("m")-3,Date("d"),Date("Y")));
298 echo '<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SupplierID" VALUE="' . $_POST['SupplierID'] . '">';
299 echo '<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SuppName" VALUE="' . $_POST['SuppName'] . '">';
300 echo _('Show all goods received after') . ': <INPUT type=text name="RecdAfterDate" Value="' . $_POST['RecdAfterDate'] . '" MAXLENGTH =10 SIZE=10>
301 <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="ShowGRNS" VALUE=' . _('Show Outstanding Goods Received') . '>';
304 if (isset($_POST['ShowGRNS'])){
306 $sql = "SELECT grnno,
312 qtyrecd-quantityinv AS qtytoreverse
314 WHERE grns.supplierid = '" . $_POST['SupplierID'] . "'
315 AND (grns.qtyrecd-grns.quantityinv) >0";
317 $ErrMsg = _('An error occurred in the attempt to get the outstanding GRNs for') . ' ' . $_POST['SuppName'] . '. ' . _('The message was') . ':';
318 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL that failed was') . ':';
319 $result = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
321 if (DB_num_rows($result) ==0){
322 prnMsg(_('There are no outstanding goods received yet to be invoiced for') . ' ' . $_POST['SuppName'] . '.<BR>' . _('To reverse a GRN that has been invoiced first it must be credited'),'warn');
323 } else { //there are GRNs to show
327 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('GRN') . ' #</TD>
328 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Item Code') . '</TD>
329 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Description') . '</TD>
330 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Date') . '<BR>' . _('Received') . '</TD>
331 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Quantity') . '<BR>' . _('Received') . '</TD>
332 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Quantity') . '<BR>' . _('Invoiced') . '</TD>
333 <TD class="tableheader">' . _('Quantity To') . '<BR>' . _('Reverse') . '</TD>
338 /* show the GRNs outstanding to be invoiced that could be reversed */
340 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($result)) {
342 echo '<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">';
345 echo '<tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">';
349 $DisplayQtyRecd = number_format($myrow['qtyrecd'],2);
350 $DisplayQtyInv = number_format($myrow['quantityinv'],2);
351 $DisplayQtyRev = number_format($myrow['qtytoreverse'],2);
352 $DisplayDateDel = ConvertSQLDate($myrow['deliverydate']);
353 $LinkToRevGRN = '<A HREF="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . SID
. '&GRNNo=' . $myrow['grnno'] . '">' . _('Reverse') . '</A>';
366 $myrow['itemdescription'],
374 if ($RowCounter >20){
384 include ('includes/footer.inc');