- modules/fotolab updated imagej to current version & some cod fixes to make it work
[care2x.git] / Care2007 / modules / weberp / SpecialOrder.php
1 <?php
3 /* $Revision: 1.12 $ */
5 $PageSecurity = 4;
7 include('includes/DefineSpecialOrderClass.php');
8 /* Session started in header.inc for password checking and authorisation level check */
9 include('includes/session.inc');
11 $title = _('Special Order Entry');
13 include('includes/header.inc');
15 echo "<FORM ACTION='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . SID . "' METHOD=POST>";
18 if ($_GET['NewSpecial']=='yes'){
19 unset($_SESSION['SPL']);
22 if (!isset($_SESSION['SupplierID'])){
23 echo '<BR><BR>';
24 prnMsg(_('To set up a special') . ', ' . _('the supplier must first be selected from the Select Supplier page'),'info');
25 echo "<BR><A HREF='$rootpath/SelectSupplier.php?" . SID . "'>" . _('Select the supplier now') . "</A>";
26 exit;
29 if (!isset($_SESSION['CustomerID']) OR $_SESSION['CustomerID']==""){
30 echo "<BR><BR>" . _('To set up a special') . ', ' . _('the customer must first be selected from the Select Customer page') . "<BR><A HREF='$rootpath/SelectCustomer.php?" . SID . "'>" . _('Select the customer now') . "</A>";
31 exit;
34 if (isset($_POST['Cancel'])){
35 unset($_SESSION['SPL']);
39 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL'])){
40 /* It must be a new special order being created $_SESSION['SPL'] would be set up from the order modification code above if a modification to an existing order. */
42 $_SESSION['SPL'] = new SpecialOrder;
47 /*if not already done populate the SPL object with supplier data */
48 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierID)){
49 $sql = "SELECT suppliers.suppname,
50 suppliers.currcode,
51 currencies.rate
52 FROM suppliers INNER JOIN currencies
53 ON suppliers.currcode=currencies.currabrev
54 WHERE supplierid='" . $_SESSION['SupplierID'] . "'";
55 $ErrMsg = _('The supplier record of the supplier selected') . ": " . $_SESSION['SupplierID'] . ' ' . _('cannot be retrieved because');
56 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL used to retrieve the supplier details and failed was');
57 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
59 $myrow = DB_fetch_row($result);
60 $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierID = $_SESSION['SupplierID'];
61 $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierName = $myrow[0];
62 $_SESSION['SPL']->SuppCurrCode = $myrow[1];
63 $_SESSION['SPL']->SuppCurrExRate = $myrow[2];
65 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerID)){
66 // Now check to ensure this account is not on hold */
67 $sql = "SELECT debtorsmaster.name,
68 holdreasons.dissallowinvoices,
69 debtorsmaster.currcode,
70 currencies.rate
71 FROM debtorsmaster,
72 holdreasons,
73 currencies
74 WHERE debtorsmaster.holdreason=holdreasons.reasoncode
75 AND debtorsmaster.currcode=currencies.currabrev
76 AND debtorsmaster.debtorno = '" . $_SESSION['CustomerID'] . "'";
78 $ErrMsg = _('The customer record for') . ' : ' . $_SESSION['CustomerID'] . ' ' . _('cannot be retrieved because');
79 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL used to retrieve the customer details and failed was');
80 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg);
82 $myrow = DB_fetch_row($result);
83 if ($myrow[1] != 1){
84 if ($myrow[1]==2){
85 prnMsg(_('The') . ' ' . $myrow[0] . ' ' . _('account is currently flagged as an account that needs to be watched please contact the credit control personnel to discuss'),'warn');
88 $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerID = $_SESSION['CustomerID'];
89 $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerName = $myrow[0];
90 $_SESSION['SPL']->CustCurrCode = $myrow[2];
91 $_SESSION['SPL']->CustCurrExRate = $myrow[3];
96 if (isset($_POST['SelectBranch'])){
98 $sql = "SELECT brname
99 FROM custbranch
100 WHERE debtorno='" . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerID . "'
101 AND branchcode='" . $_POST['SelectBranch'] . "'";
102 $BranchResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
103 $myrow=DB_fetch_array($BranchResult);
104 $_SESSION['SPL']->BranchCode = $_POST['SelectBranch'];
105 $_SESSION['SPL']->BranchName = $myrow['brname'];
108 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL']->BranchCode)){
109 echo "<BR><FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=BLUE>" . _('Purchase from') . " " . $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierName . " " . _('in') . " " . $_SESSION['SPL']->SuppCurrCode . " " . _('for') . " " . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerName . " (" . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustCurrCode . ")";
110 } else {
111 echo '<BR><FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=BLUE>' . _('Purchase from') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierName . ' ' . _('in') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->SuppCurrCode . ' ' . _('for') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerName . ' (' . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustCurrCode . ') - ' . _('delivered to') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->BranchName . ' ' . _('branch');
114 /*if the branch details and delivery details have not been entered then select them from the list */
115 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL']->BranchCode)){
117 $sql = "SELECT branchcode,
118 brname
119 FROM custbranch
120 WHERE debtorno='" . $_SESSION['CustomerID'] . "'";
121 $BranchResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
123 If (DB_num_rows($BranchResult)>0) {
125 echo '<BR><BR>' . _('Select the customer branch to deliver the special to from the list below');
129 $tableheader = "<TR><TD class='tableheader'>" ._('Code') . "</TD>
130 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Branch Name') . '</TD></TR>';
131 echo $tableheader;
133 $j = 1;
134 $k = 0; //row counter to determine background colour
136 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($BranchResult)) {
138 if ($k==1){
139 echo "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>";
140 $k=0;
141 } else {
142 echo "<tr bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>";
143 $k++;
146 printf("<td><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME='SelectBranch' VALUE='%s'</td><td>%s</td></tr>", $myrow['branchcode'], $myrow['brname']);
148 $j++;
149 If ($j == 11){
150 $j=1;
151 echo $tableheader;
153 //end of page full new headings if
155 //end of while loop
157 echo '</TABLE></CENTER>';
158 echo '</FORM>';
159 include('includes/footer.inc');
160 exit;
162 } else {
163 prnMsg( _('There are no branches defined for the customer selected') . '. ' . _('Please select a customer that has branches defined'),'info');
164 include('includes/footer.inc');
165 exit;
170 If(isset($_GET['Delete'])){ /*User hit the delete link on a line */
171 $_SESSION['SPL']->remove_from_order($_GET['Delete']);
175 If(isset($_POST['EnterLine'])){
177 /*Add the header info to the session variable in any event */
179 if (strlen($_POST['QuotationRef'])<3){
180 prnMsg(_('The reference for this order is less than 3 characters') . ' - ' . _('a reference more than 3 characters is required before the order can be added'),'warn');
182 if ($_POST['Initiator']==""){
183 prnMsg( _('The person entering this order must be specified in the initiator field') . ' - ' . _('a blank initiator is not allowed'),'warn');
186 $AllowAdd = True; /*always assume the best */
190 if (!is_numeric($_POST['Qty'])){
191 $AllowAdd = False;
192 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The quantity of the order item must be numeric'),'warn');
195 if ($_POST['Qty']<0){
196 $AllowAdd = False;
197 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The quantity of the ordered item entered must be a positive amount'),'warn');
200 if (!is_numeric($_POST['Price'])){
201 $AllowAdd = False;
202 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The price entered must be numeric'),'warn');
205 if (!is_numeric($_POST['Cost'])){
206 $AllowAdd = False;
207 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The cost entered must be numeric'),'warn');
210 if ($_POST['Price']-$_POST['Cost']<0){
211 $AllowAdd = False;
212 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The sale is at a lower price than the cost'),'warn');
215 if (!is_date($_POST['ReqDelDate'])){
216 $AllowAdd = False;
217 prnMsg( _('Cannot Enter this order line') . '<BR>' . _('The date entered must be in the format') . ' ' . $_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'],'warn');
219 If ($AllowAdd == True){
221 $_SESSION['SPL']->add_to_order ($_POST['LineNo'], $_POST['Qty'], $_POST["ItemDescription"], $_POST['Price'], $_POST['Cost'], $_POST['StkCat'], $_POST['ReqDelDate']);
223 unset($_POST['Price']);
224 unset($_POST['Cost']);
225 unset($_POST['ItemDescription']);
226 unset($_POST['StkCat']);
227 unset($_POST['ReqDelDate']);
228 unset($_POST['Qty']);
232 $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation = $_POST['StkLocation'];
233 $_SESSION['SPL']->Initiator = $_POST['Initiator'];
234 $_SESSION['SPL']->QuotationRef = $_POST['QuotationRef'];
235 $_SESSION['SPL']->Comments = $_POST['Comments'];
236 $_SESSION['SPL']->CustRef = $_POST['CustRef'];
239 if (isset($_POST['Commit'])){ /*User wishes to commit the order to the database */
241 /*First do some validation
242 Is the delivery information all entered*/
243 $InputError=0; /*Start off assuming the best */
244 if ($_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation=='' OR ! isset($_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation)){
245 prnMsg( _('The purchase order can not be committed to the database because there is no stock location specified to book any stock items into'),'error');
246 $InputError=1;
247 } elseif ($_SESSION['SPL']->LinesOnOrder <=0){
248 $InputError=1;
249 prnMsg(_('The purchase order can not be committed to the database because there are no lines entered on this order'),'error');
250 }elseif (strlen($_POST['QuotationRef'])<3){
251 $InputError=1;
252 prnMsg( _('The reference for this order is less than 3 characters') . ' - ' . _('a reference more than 3 characters is required before the order can be added'),'error');
253 }elseif ($_POST['Initiator']==""){
254 $InputError=1;
255 prnMsg( _('The person entering this order must be specified in the initiator field') . ' - ' . _('a blank initiator is not allowed'),'error');
259 if ($InputError!=1){
261 $sql = "SELECT contact,
262 deladd1,
263 deladd2,
264 deladd3,
265 deladd4,
266 deladd5,
267 deladd6
268 FROM locations
269 WHERE loccode='" . $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation . "'";
271 $StkLocAddResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
272 $StkLocAddress = DB_fetch_array($StkLocAddResult);
274 $sql = "BEGIN";
275 $result = DB_query($sql,$db);
277 /*Insert to purchase order header record */
278 $sql = "INSERT INTO purchorders (supplierno,
280 orddate,
281 rate,
282 initiator,
283 requisitionno,
284 intostocklocation,
285 deladd1,
286 deladd2,
287 deladd3,
288 deladd4,
289 deladd5,
290 deladd6,
291 contact)
292 VALUES(";
294 $sql = $sql . "'" . $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierID . "',
295 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->Comments . "',
296 '" . Date("Y-m-d") . "',
297 " . $_SESSION['SPL']->SuppCurrExRate . ",
298 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->Initiator . "',
299 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->QuotationRef . "',
300 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation . "',
301 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd1'] . "',
302 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd2'] . "',
303 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd3'] . "',
304 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd4'] . "',
305 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd5'] . "',
306 '" . $StkLocAddress['deladd6'] . "',
307 '" . $StkLocAddress['contact'] . "')";
310 $ErrMsg = _('The purchase order header record could not be inserted into the database because');
311 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to insert the purchase order header record and failed was') . "<BR>$sql";
312 $result = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
314 /*Get the auto increment value of the order number created from the SQL above */
315 $_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo = DB_Last_Insert_ID($db,'purchorders','orderno');
318 /*Insert the purchase order detail records */
319 foreach ($_SESSION['SPL']->LineItems as $SPLLine) {
321 /*Set up the part codes required for this order */
323 $PartCode = "*" . $_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo . "_" . $SPLLine->LineNo;
325 $PartAlreadyExists =True; /*assume the worst */
326 $Counter = 0;
327 While ($PartAlreadyExists==True) {
328 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stockmaster WHERE stockid = '" . $PartCode . "'";
329 $PartCountResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
330 $PartCount = DB_fetch_row($PartCountResult);
331 if ($PartCount[0]!=0){
332 $PartAlreadyExists =True;
333 if (strlen($PartCode)==20){
334 $PartCode = "*" . strtoupper(substr($_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo,0,13)) . "_" . $SPLLine->LineNo;
336 $PartCode = $PartCode . $Counter;
337 $Counter++;
338 } else {
339 $PartAlreadyExists =False;
343 $_SESSION['SPL']->LineItems[$SPLLine->LineNo]->PartCode = $PartCode;
345 $sql = "INSERT INTO stockmaster (stockid,
346 categoryid,
347 description,
348 longdescription,
349 materialcost)
350 VALUES ('" . $PartCode . "',
351 '" . $SPLLine->StkCat . "',
352 '" . $SPLLine->ItemDescription . "',
353 '" . $SPLLine->ItemDescription . "',
354 " . $SPLLine->Cost . ")";
357 $ErrMsg = _('The item record for line') . " " . $SPLLine->LineNo . " " . _('could not be create because');
358 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to insert the item and failed was') . "<BR>$sql";
360 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
362 $sql = "INSERT INTO locstock (loccode, stockid) SELECT loccode,'" . $PartCode . "' FROM locations";
363 $ErrMsg = _('The item stock locations for the special order line') . " " . $SPLLine->LineNo . " " ._('could not be created because');
364 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to insert the location stock records and failed was');
365 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
367 /*need to get the stock category GL information */
368 $sql = "SELECT stockact FROM stockcategory WHERE categoryid = '" . $SPLLine->StkCat . "'";
369 $ErrMsg = _('The item stock category information for the special order line') ." " . $SPLLine->LineNo . " " . _('could not be retrieved because');
370 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to get the category information and that failed was');
371 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
373 $StkCatGL=DB_fetch_row($result);
374 $GLCode = $StkCatGL[0];
376 $OrderDate = FormatDateForSQL($SPLLine->ReqDelDate);
378 $sql = "INSERT INTO purchorderdetails (orderno,
379 itemcode,
380 deliverydate,
381 itemdescription,
382 glcode,
383 unitprice,
384 quantityord)
385 VALUES (";
386 $sql = $sql . $_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo . ",
387 '" . $PartCode . "',
388 '" . $OrderDate . "',
389 '" . $SPLLine->ItemDescription . "',
390 " . $GLCode . ",
391 " . $SPLLine->Cost . ",
392 " . $SPLLine->Quantity . ")";
394 $ErrMsg = _('One of the purchase order detail records could not be inserted into the database because');
395 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to insert the purchase order detail record and failed was');
396 $result = DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
398 } /* end of the loop round the detail line items on the order */
400 echo '<BR><BR>' . _('Purchase order') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo . ' ' . _('on') . ' ' . $_SESSION['SPL']->SupplierName . ' ' . _('has been created');
401 echo "<BR><A HREF='$rootpath/PO_PDFPurchOrder.php?" . SID . '&OrderNo=' . $_SESSION['SPL']->PurchOrderNo . "'>" . _('Print Purchase Order') . '</A>';
403 /*Now insert the sales order too */
405 /*First get the customer delivery information */
406 $sql = "SELECT salestype,
407 brname,
408 braddress1,
409 braddress2,
410 braddress3,
411 braddress4,
412 braddress5,
413 braddress6,
414 defaultshipvia,
415 email,
416 phoneno
417 FROM custbranch INNER JOIN debtorsmaster
418 ON custbranch.debtorno=debtorsmaster.debtorno
419 WHERE custbranch.debtorno='" . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerID . "'
420 AND custbranch.branchcode = '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->BranchCode . "'";
422 $ErrMsg = _('The delivery and sales type for the customer could not be retrieved for this special order') . " " . $SPLLine->LineNo . " " . _('because');
423 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL statement used to get the delivery details and that failed was');
424 $result =DB_query($sql,$db,$ErrMsg,$DbgMsg,true);
426 $BranchDetails=DB_fetch_array($result);
428 $HeaderSQL = "INSERT INTO salesorders (debtorno,
429 branchcode,
430 customerref,
431 orddate,
432 ordertype,
433 shipvia,
434 deliverto,
435 deladd1,
436 deladd2,
437 deladd3,
438 deladd4,
439 deladd5,
440 deladd6,
441 contactphone,
442 contactemail,
443 fromstkloc,
444 deliverydate)
445 VALUES ('" . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustomerID . "',
446 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->BranchCode . "',
447 '". $_SESSION['SPL']->CustRef ."',
448 '" . Date("Y-m-d") . "',
449 '" . $BranchDetails['salestype'] . "',
450 " . $BranchDetails['defaultshipvia'] .",
451 '" . $BranchDetails['brname'] . "',
452 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress1'] . "',
453 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress2'] . "',
454 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress3'] . "',
455 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress4'] . "',
456 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress5'] . "',
457 '" . $BranchDetails['braddress6'] . "',
458 '" . $BranchDetails['phoneno'] . "',
459 '" . $BranchDetails['email'] . "',
460 '" . $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation ."',
461 '" . $OrderDate . "')";
463 $ErrMsg = _('The sales order cannot be added because');
464 $InsertQryResult = DB_query($HeaderSQL,$db,$ErrMsg);
466 $SalesOrderNo = DB_Last_Insert_ID($db,'salesorders','orderno');
468 $StartOf_LineItemsSQL = "INSERT INTO salesorderdetails (orderno,
469 stkcode,
470 unitprice,
471 quantity,
472 orderlineno)
473 VALUES (" . $SalesOrderNo;
475 $ErrMsg = _('There was a problem inserting a line into the sales order because');
477 foreach ($_SESSION['SPL']->LineItems as $StockItem) {
479 $LineItemsSQL = $StartOf_LineItemsSQL . ", '" . $StockItem->PartCode . "',". $StockItem->Price . ", " . $StockItem->Quantity . ", " . $StockItem->LineNo . ")";
480 $Ins_LineItemResult = DB_query($LineItemsSQL,$db,$ErrMsg);
482 } /* inserted line items into sales order details */
484 unset ($_SESSION['SPL']);
485 prnMsg(_('Sales Order Number') . ' ' . $SalesOrderNo . ' ' . _('has been entered') . '. <P>' . _('Orders created on a cash sales account may need the delivery details for the order to be modified') . '. <br><br>' . _('A freight charge may also be applicable'),'success');
487 if (count($_SESSION['AllowedPageSecurityTokens'])>1){
489 /* Only allow print of packing slip for internal staff - customer logon's cannot go here */
490 echo "<P><A HREF='$rootpath/PrintCustOrder.php?" . SID . "&TransNo=" . $SalesOrderNo . "'>" . _('Print packing slip') . ' (' . _('Preprinted stationery') . ')</A>';
491 echo "<P><A HREF='$rootpath/PrintCustOrder_generic.php?" . SID . '&TransNo=' . $SalesOrderNo . "'>" . _('Print packing slip') . ' (' . _('Laser') . ')</A>';
495 $Result = DB_query('COMMIT',$db);
497 unset($_SESSION['SPL']); /*Clear the PO data to allow a newy to be input*/
498 echo "<BR><BR><A HREF='$rootpath/SpecialOrder.php?" . SID . "'>" . _('Enter A New Special Order') . "</A>";
499 exit;
500 } /*end if there were no input errors trapped */
501 } /* end of the code to do transfer the SPL object to the database - user hit the place Order*/
504 /*Show the header information for modification */
506 echo "<TABLE><TR><TD>" . _('Receive Purchase Into and Sell From') . ": <SELECT NAME='StkLocation'>";
508 $sql = "SELECT loccode, locationname FROM locations";
509 $LocnResult = DB_query($sql,$db);
510 if (!isset($_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation) OR $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation==""){ /*If this is the first time the form loaded set up defaults */
511 $_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation = $_SESSION['UserStockLocation'];
514 while ($LocnRow=DB_fetch_array($LocnResult)){
515 if ($_SESSION['SPL']->StkLocation == $LocnRow['loccode']){
516 echo "<OPTION SELECTED Value='" . $LocnRow['loccode'] . "'>" . $LocnRow['locationname'];
517 } else {
518 echo "<OPTION Value='" . $LocnRow['loccode'] . "'>" . $LocnRow['locationname'];
521 echo "</SELECT></TD>";
523 echo "<TD>" . _('Initiated By') . ": <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='Initiator' SIZE=11 MAXLENGTH=10 VALUE=" . $_SESSION['SPL']->Initiator . "></TD>";
524 echo "<TD>" . _('Special Ref') . ": <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='QuotationRef' SIZE=16 MAXLENGTH=15 VALUE=" . $_SESSION['SPL']->QuotationRef . "></TD>";
525 echo "<TD>" . _('Customer Ref') . ": <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='CustRef' SIZE=11 MAXLENGTH=10 VALUE=" . $_SESSION['SPL']->CustRef . "></TD></TR>";
527 echo "<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN=2>" . _('Comments') . ":";
528 echo "<textarea name='Comments' cols=70 rows=2>" . $_SESSION['SPL']->Comments . "</textarea></TD></TR></TABLE>";
530 echo "<HR>"; /* Rule off the header */
532 /*Now show the order so far */
534 if (count($_SESSION['SPL']->LineItems)>0){
536 echo "<CENTER><B>" . _('Special Order Summary') . "</B>";
539 echo "<TR>
540 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Item Description') . "</TD>
541 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Delivery') . "</TD>
542 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Quantity') . "</TD>
543 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Purchase Cost') . "</TD>
544 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Sell Price') . "</TD>
545 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Total Cost') . "</TD>
546 <TD class='tableheader'>" . _('Total Price') . "</TD>
547 </TR>";
549 $_SESSION['SPL']->total = 0;
550 $k = 0; //row colour counter
551 foreach ($_SESSION['SPL']->LineItems as $SPLLine) {
553 $LineTotal = $SPLLine->Quantity * $SPLLine->Price;
554 $LineCostTotal = $SPLLine->Quantity * $SPLLine->Cost;
555 $DisplayLineTotal = number_format($LineTotal,2);
556 $DisplayLineCostTotal = number_format($LineCostTotal,2);
557 $DisplayCost = number_format($SPLLine->Cost,2);
558 $DisplayPrice = number_format($SPLLine->Price,2);
559 $DisplayQuantity = number_format($SPLLine->Quantity,2);
561 if ($k==1){
562 echo "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>";
563 $k=0;
564 } else {
565 echo "<tr bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>";
566 $k=1;
568 echo '<TD>' . $SPLLine->ItemDescription . '</TD>
569 <TD>' . $SPLLine->ReqDelDate . "</TD>
570 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$DisplayQuantity</TD>
571 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$DisplayCost</TD>
572 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$DisplayPrice</TD>
573 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$DisplayLineCostTotal</TD>
574 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>$DisplayLineTotal</TD>
575 <TD><A HREF='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . SID .'&Delete=' . $SPLLine->LineNo . "'>" . _('Delete') . '</A></TD></TR>';
577 $_SESSION['SPL']->total = $_SESSION['SPL']->total + $LineTotal;
580 $DisplayTotal = number_format($_SESSION['SPL']->total,2);
581 echo '<TR>
582 <TD COLSPAN=6 ALIGN=RIGHT>' . _('TOTAL Excl Tax') . "</TD>
583 <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>$DisplayTotal</B></TD>
584 </TR></TABLE>";
588 /*Set up the form to enter new special items into */
590 echo "<CENTER><TABLE>";
592 echo "<input type='hidden' name='LineNo' value=" . ($_SESSION['SPL']->LinesOnOrder + 1) .">";
594 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Ordered item Description') . ":</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME='ItemDescription' SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=40 VALUE='" . $_POST['ItemDescription'] . "'></TD></TR>";
596 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Category') . ':</TD><TD><SELECT name=StkCat>';
598 $sql = "SELECT categoryid, categorydescription FROM stockcategory";
599 $ErrMsg = _('The stock categories could not be retrieved because');
600 $DbgMsg = _('The SQL used to retrieve stock categories and failed was');
601 $result = DB_query($sql,$db, $ErrMsg, $DbgMsg);
603 while ($myrow=DB_fetch_array($result)){
604 if ($myrow['categoryid']==$_POST['StkCat']){
605 echo "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE='". $myrow['categoryid'] . "'>" . $myrow['categorydescription'];
606 } else {
607 echo "<OPTION VALUE='". $myrow['categoryid'] . "'>" . $myrow['categorydescription'];
610 echo '</SELECT></TD></TR>';
613 /*default the order quantity to 1 unit */
614 $_POST['Qty'] = 1;
616 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Order Quantity') . ":</TD>
617 <TD><input type='Text' SIZE=7 MAXLENGTH=6 name='Qty' value=" . $_POST['Qty'] . "></TD></TR>";
618 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Unit Cost') . ":</TD>
619 <TD><input type='Text' SIZE=15 MAXLENGTH=14 name='Cost' value=" . $_POST['Cost'] . "></TD></TR>";
620 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Unit Price') . ":</TD>
621 <TD><input type='Text' SIZE=15 MAXLENGTH=14 name='Price' value=" . $_POST['Price'] . "></TD></TR>";
623 /*Default the required delivery date to tomorrow as a starting point */
624 $_POST['ReqDelDate'] = Date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat'],Mktime(0,0,0,Date('m'),Date('d')+1,Date('y')));
626 echo '<TR><TD>' . _('Required Delivery Date') . ":</TD>
627 <TD><input type='Text' SIZE=12 MAXLENGTH=11 name='ReqDelDate' value=" . $_POST['ReqDelDate'] . "></TD></TR>";
629 echo '</TABLE>'; /* end of main table */
631 echo "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT Name='EnterLine' VALUE='" . _('Add Item to Order') . "'>";
633 echo "<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT Name='Cancel' VALUE='" . _('Start Again') . "'>";
634 echo "<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT Name='Commit' VALUE='" . _('Process This Order') . "'>";
636 echo '</FORM>';
637 include('includes/footer.inc');