VST3: fetch midi mappings all at once, use it for note/sound-off
[carla.git] / source / modules / juce_core / network / juce_URL.cpp
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library.
5 Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
7 JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
8 licensing.
10 The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
11 http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
12 To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
13 without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
14 this permission notice appear in all copies.
20 ==============================================================================
23 namespace juce
26 //==============================================================================
27 URL::URL() {}
29 URL::URL (const String& u) : url (u)
31 init();
34 URL::URL (File localFile)
36 if (localFile == File())
37 return;
40 bool isUncPath = localFile.getFullPathName().startsWith ("\\\\");
41 #endif
43 while (! localFile.isRoot())
45 url = "/" + addEscapeChars (localFile.getFileName(), false) + url;
46 localFile = localFile.getParentDirectory();
49 url = addEscapeChars (localFile.getFileName(), false) + url;
52 if (isUncPath)
54 url = url.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false);
56 else
57 #endif
59 if (! url.startsWithChar (L'/'))
60 url = "/" + url;
63 url = "file://" + url;
65 jassert (isWellFormed());
68 void URL::init()
70 auto i = url.indexOfChar ('?');
72 if (i >= 0)
76 auto nextAmp = url.indexOfChar (i + 1, '&');
77 auto equalsPos = url.indexOfChar (i + 1, '=');
79 if (nextAmp < 0)
81 addParameter (removeEscapeChars (equalsPos < 0 ? url.substring (i + 1) : url.substring (i + 1, equalsPos)),
82 equalsPos < 0 ? String() : removeEscapeChars (url.substring (equalsPos + 1)));
84 else if (nextAmp > 0 && equalsPos < nextAmp)
86 addParameter (removeEscapeChars (equalsPos < 0 ? url.substring (i + 1, nextAmp) : url.substring (i + 1, equalsPos)),
87 equalsPos < 0 ? String() : removeEscapeChars (url.substring (equalsPos + 1, nextAmp)));
90 i = nextAmp;
92 while (i >= 0);
94 url = url.upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("?", false, false);
98 URL::URL (const String& u, int) : url (u) {}
100 URL URL::createWithoutParsing (const String& u)
102 return URL (u, 0);
105 bool URL::operator== (const URL& other) const
107 return url == other.url
108 && postData == other.postData
109 && parameterNames == other.parameterNames
110 && parameterValues == other.parameterValues
111 && filesToUpload == other.filesToUpload;
114 bool URL::operator!= (const URL& other) const
116 return ! operator== (other);
119 namespace URLHelpers
121 static String getMangledParameters (const URL& url)
123 jassert (url.getParameterNames().size() == url.getParameterValues().size());
124 String p;
126 for (int i = 0; i < url.getParameterNames().size(); ++i)
128 if (i > 0)
129 p << '&';
131 auto val = url.getParameterValues()[i];
133 p << URL::addEscapeChars (url.getParameterNames()[i], true);
135 if (val.isNotEmpty())
136 p << '=' << URL::addEscapeChars (val, true);
139 return p;
142 static int findEndOfScheme (const String& url)
144 int i = 0;
146 while (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (url[i])
147 || url[i] == '+' || url[i] == '-' || url[i] == '.')
148 ++i;
150 return url.substring (i).startsWith ("://") ? i + 1 : 0;
153 static int findStartOfNetLocation (const String& url)
155 int start = findEndOfScheme (url);
157 while (url[start] == '/')
158 ++start;
160 return start;
163 static int findStartOfPath (const String& url)
165 return url.indexOfChar (findStartOfNetLocation (url), '/') + 1;
168 static void concatenatePaths (String& path, const String& suffix)
170 if (! path.endsWithChar ('/'))
171 path << '/';
173 if (suffix.startsWithChar ('/'))
174 path += suffix.substring (1);
175 else
176 path += suffix;
179 static String removeLastPathSection (const String& url)
181 auto startOfPath = findStartOfPath (url);
182 auto lastSlash = url.lastIndexOfChar ('/');
184 if (lastSlash > startOfPath && lastSlash == url.length() - 1)
185 return removeLastPathSection (url.dropLastCharacters (1));
187 if (lastSlash < 0)
188 return url;
190 return url.substring (0, std::max (startOfPath, lastSlash));
194 void URL::addParameter (const String& name, const String& value)
196 parameterNames.add (name);
197 parameterValues.add (value);
200 String URL::toString (bool includeGetParameters) const
202 if (includeGetParameters)
203 return url + getQueryString();
205 return url;
208 bool URL::isEmpty() const noexcept
210 return url.isEmpty();
213 bool URL::isWellFormed() const
215 //xxx TODO
216 return url.isNotEmpty();
219 String URL::getDomain() const
221 return getDomainInternal (false);
224 String URL::getSubPath (bool includeGetParameters) const
226 auto startOfPath = URLHelpers::findStartOfPath (url);
227 auto subPath = startOfPath <= 0 ? String()
228 : url.substring (startOfPath);
230 if (includeGetParameters)
231 subPath += getQueryString();
233 return subPath;
236 String URL::getQueryString() const
238 if (parameterNames.size() > 0)
239 return "?" + URLHelpers::getMangledParameters (*this);
241 return {};
244 String URL::getScheme() const
246 return url.substring (0, URLHelpers::findEndOfScheme (url) - 1);
249 #if ! JUCE_ANDROID
250 bool URL::isLocalFile() const
252 return getScheme() == "file";
255 File URL::getLocalFile() const
257 return fileFromFileSchemeURL (*this);
260 String URL::getFileName() const
262 return toString (false).fromLastOccurrenceOf ("/", false, true);
264 #endif
266 URL::ParameterHandling URL::toHandling (bool usePostData)
268 return usePostData ? ParameterHandling::inPostData : ParameterHandling::inAddress;
271 File URL::fileFromFileSchemeURL (const URL& fileURL)
273 if (! fileURL.isLocalFile())
275 jassertfalse;
276 return {};
279 auto path = removeEscapeChars (fileURL.getDomainInternal (true)).replace ("+", "%2B");
282 bool isUncPath = (! fileURL.url.startsWith ("file:///"));
283 #else
284 path = File::getSeparatorString() + path;
285 #endif
287 auto urlElements = StringArray::fromTokens (fileURL.getSubPath(), "/", "");
289 for (auto urlElement : urlElements)
290 path += File::getSeparatorString() + removeEscapeChars (urlElement.replace ("+", "%2B"));
293 if (isUncPath)
294 path = "\\\\" + path;
295 #endif
297 return path;
300 int URL::getPort() const
302 auto colonPos = url.indexOfChar (URLHelpers::findStartOfNetLocation (url), ':');
304 return colonPos > 0 ? url.substring (colonPos + 1).getIntValue() : 0;
307 URL URL::withNewDomainAndPath (const String& newURL) const
309 URL u (*this);
310 u.url = newURL;
311 return u;
314 URL URL::withNewSubPath (const String& newPath) const
316 URL u (*this);
318 auto startOfPath = URLHelpers::findStartOfPath (url);
320 if (startOfPath > 0)
321 u.url = url.substring (0, startOfPath);
323 URLHelpers::concatenatePaths (u.url, newPath);
324 return u;
327 URL URL::getParentURL() const
329 URL u (*this);
330 u.url = URLHelpers::removeLastPathSection (u.url);
331 return u;
334 URL URL::getChildURL (const String& subPath) const
336 URL u (*this);
337 URLHelpers::concatenatePaths (u.url, subPath);
338 return u;
341 bool URL::hasBodyDataToSend() const
343 return filesToUpload.size() > 0 || ! postData.isEmpty();
346 void URL::createHeadersAndPostData (String& headers,
347 MemoryBlock& postDataToWrite,
348 bool addParametersToBody) const
350 MemoryOutputStream data (postDataToWrite, false);
352 if (filesToUpload.size() > 0)
354 // (this doesn't currently support mixing custom post-data with uploads..)
355 jassert (postData.isEmpty());
357 auto boundary = String::toHexString (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt64());
359 headers << "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" << boundary << "\r\n";
361 data << "--" << boundary;
363 for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.size(); ++i)
365 data << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << parameterNames[i]
366 << "\"\r\n\r\n" << parameterValues[i]
367 << "\r\n--" << boundary;
370 for (auto* f : filesToUpload)
372 data << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << f->parameterName
373 << "\"; filename=\"" << f->filename << "\"\r\n";
375 if (f->mimeType.isNotEmpty())
376 data << "Content-Type: " << f->mimeType << "\r\n";
378 data << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n";
380 if (f->data != nullptr)
381 data << *f->data;
382 else
383 data << f->file;
385 data << "\r\n--" << boundary;
388 data << "--\r\n";
390 else
392 if (addParametersToBody)
393 data << URLHelpers::getMangledParameters (*this);
395 data << postData;
397 // if the user-supplied headers didn't contain a content-type, add one now..
398 if (! headers.containsIgnoreCase ("Content-Type"))
399 headers << "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
401 headers << "Content-length: " << (int) data.getDataSize() << "\r\n";
405 //==============================================================================
406 bool URL::isProbablyAWebsiteURL (const String& possibleURL)
408 for (auto* protocol : { "http:", "https:", "ftp:" })
409 if (possibleURL.startsWithIgnoreCase (protocol))
410 return true;
412 if (possibleURL.containsChar ('@') || possibleURL.containsChar (' '))
413 return false;
415 auto topLevelDomain = possibleURL.upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false)
416 .fromLastOccurrenceOf (".", false, false);
418 return topLevelDomain.isNotEmpty() && topLevelDomain.length() <= 3;
421 bool URL::isProbablyAnEmailAddress (const String& possibleEmailAddress)
423 auto atSign = possibleEmailAddress.indexOfChar ('@');
425 return atSign > 0
426 && possibleEmailAddress.lastIndexOfChar ('.') > (atSign + 1)
427 && ! possibleEmailAddress.endsWithChar ('.');
430 String URL::getDomainInternal (bool ignorePort) const
432 auto start = URLHelpers::findStartOfNetLocation (url);
433 auto end1 = url.indexOfChar (start, '/');
434 auto end2 = ignorePort ? -1 : url.indexOfChar (start, ':');
436 auto end = (end1 < 0 && end2 < 0) ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
437 : ((end1 < 0 || end2 < 0) ? jmax (end1, end2)
438 : jmin (end1, end2));
439 return url.substring (start, end);
442 #if JUCE_IOS
443 URL::Bookmark::Bookmark (void* bookmarkToUse) : data (bookmarkToUse)
447 URL::Bookmark::~Bookmark()
449 [(NSData*) data release];
452 void setURLBookmark (URL& u, void* bookmark)
454 u.bookmark = new URL::Bookmark (bookmark);
457 void* getURLBookmark (URL& u)
459 if (u.bookmark.get() == nullptr)
460 return nullptr;
462 return u.bookmark.get()->data;
465 template <typename Stream> struct iOSFileStreamWrapperFlush { static void flush (Stream*) {} };
466 template <> struct iOSFileStreamWrapperFlush<FileOutputStream> { static void flush (OutputStream* o) { o->flush(); } };
468 template <typename Stream>
469 class iOSFileStreamWrapper : public Stream
471 public:
472 iOSFileStreamWrapper (URL& urlToUse)
473 : Stream (getLocalFileAccess (urlToUse)),
474 url (urlToUse)
477 ~iOSFileStreamWrapper()
479 iOSFileStreamWrapperFlush<Stream>::flush (this);
481 if (NSData* bookmark = (NSData*) getURLBookmark (url))
483 BOOL isBookmarkStale = false;
484 NSError* error = nil;
486 auto nsURL = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData: bookmark
487 options: 0
488 relativeToURL: nil
489 bookmarkDataIsStale: &isBookmarkStale
490 error: &error];
492 if (error == nil)
494 if (isBookmarkStale)
495 updateStaleBookmark (nsURL, url);
497 [nsURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
499 else
501 auto desc = [error localizedDescription];
502 ignoreUnused (desc);
503 jassertfalse;
508 private:
509 URL url;
510 bool securityAccessSucceeded = false;
512 File getLocalFileAccess (URL& urlToUse)
514 if (NSData* bookmark = (NSData*) getURLBookmark (urlToUse))
516 BOOL isBookmarkStale = false;
517 NSError* error = nil;
519 auto nsURL = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData: bookmark
520 options: 0
521 relativeToURL: nil
522 bookmarkDataIsStale: &isBookmarkStale
523 error: &error];
525 if (error == nil)
527 securityAccessSucceeded = [nsURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
529 if (isBookmarkStale)
530 updateStaleBookmark (nsURL, urlToUse);
532 return urlToUse.getLocalFile();
535 auto desc = [error localizedDescription];
536 ignoreUnused (desc);
537 jassertfalse;
540 return urlToUse.getLocalFile();
543 void updateStaleBookmark (NSURL* nsURL, URL& juceUrl)
545 NSError* error = nil;
547 NSData* bookmark = [nsURL bookmarkDataWithOptions: NSURLBookmarkCreationSuitableForBookmarkFile
548 includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil
549 relativeToURL: nil
550 error: &error];
552 if (error == nil)
553 setURLBookmark (juceUrl, (void*) bookmark);
554 else
555 jassertfalse;
558 #endif
559 //==============================================================================
560 template <typename Member, typename Item>
561 static URL::InputStreamOptions with (URL::InputStreamOptions options, Member&& member, Item&& item)
563 options.*member = std::forward<Item> (item);
564 return options;
567 URL::InputStreamOptions::InputStreamOptions (ParameterHandling handling) : parameterHandling (handling) {}
569 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withProgressCallback (std::function<bool (int, int)> cb) const
571 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::progressCallback, std::move (cb));
574 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withExtraHeaders (const String& headers) const
576 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::extraHeaders, headers);
579 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withConnectionTimeoutMs (int timeout) const
581 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::connectionTimeOutMs, timeout);
584 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withResponseHeaders (StringPairArray* headers) const
586 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::responseHeaders, headers);
589 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withStatusCode (int* status) const
591 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::statusCode, status);
594 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withNumRedirectsToFollow (int numRedirects) const
596 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::numRedirectsToFollow, numRedirects);
599 URL::InputStreamOptions URL::InputStreamOptions::withHttpRequestCmd (const String& cmd) const
601 return with (*this, &InputStreamOptions::httpRequestCmd, cmd);
604 //==============================================================================
605 std::unique_ptr<InputStream> URL::createInputStream (const InputStreamOptions& options) const
607 if (isLocalFile())
609 #if JUCE_IOS
610 // We may need to refresh the embedded bookmark.
611 return std::make_unique<iOSFileStreamWrapper<FileInputStream>> (const_cast<URL&> (*this));
612 #else
613 return getLocalFile().createInputStream();
614 #endif
617 return nullptr;
620 std::unique_ptr<OutputStream> URL::createOutputStream() const
622 if (isLocalFile())
624 #if JUCE_IOS
625 // We may need to refresh the embedded bookmark.
626 return std::make_unique<iOSFileStreamWrapper<FileOutputStream>> (const_cast<URL&> (*this));
627 #else
628 return std::make_unique<FileOutputStream> (getLocalFile());
629 #endif
632 return nullptr;
635 //==============================================================================
636 bool URL::readEntireBinaryStream (MemoryBlock& destData, bool usePostCommand) const
638 const std::unique_ptr<InputStream> in (isLocalFile() ? getLocalFile().createInputStream()
639 : createInputStream (InputStreamOptions (toHandling (usePostCommand))));
641 if (in != nullptr)
643 in->readIntoMemoryBlock (destData);
644 return true;
647 return false;
650 String URL::readEntireTextStream (bool usePostCommand) const
652 const std::unique_ptr<InputStream> in (isLocalFile() ? getLocalFile().createInputStream()
653 : createInputStream (InputStreamOptions (toHandling (usePostCommand))));
655 if (in != nullptr)
656 return in->readEntireStreamAsString();
658 return {};
661 std::unique_ptr<XmlElement> URL::readEntireXmlStream (bool usePostCommand) const
663 return parseXML (readEntireTextStream (usePostCommand));
666 //==============================================================================
667 URL URL::withParameter (const String& parameterName,
668 const String& parameterValue) const
670 auto u = *this;
671 u.addParameter (parameterName, parameterValue);
672 return u;
675 URL URL::withParameters (const StringPairArray& parametersToAdd) const
677 auto u = *this;
679 for (int i = 0; i < parametersToAdd.size(); ++i)
680 u.addParameter (parametersToAdd.getAllKeys()[i],
681 parametersToAdd.getAllValues()[i]);
683 return u;
686 URL URL::withPOSTData (const String& newPostData) const
688 return withPOSTData (MemoryBlock (newPostData.toRawUTF8(), newPostData.getNumBytesAsUTF8()));
691 URL URL::withPOSTData (const MemoryBlock& newPostData) const
693 auto u = *this;
694 u.postData = newPostData;
695 return u;
698 URL::Upload::Upload (const String& param, const String& name,
699 const String& mime, const File& f, MemoryBlock* mb)
700 : parameterName (param), filename (name), mimeType (mime), file (f), data (mb)
702 jassert (mimeType.isNotEmpty()); // You need to supply a mime type!
705 URL URL::withUpload (Upload* const f) const
707 auto u = *this;
709 for (int i = u.filesToUpload.size(); --i >= 0;)
710 if (u.filesToUpload.getObjectPointerUnchecked (i)->parameterName == f->parameterName)
711 u.filesToUpload.remove (i);
713 u.filesToUpload.add (f);
714 return u;
717 URL URL::withFileToUpload (const String& parameterName, const File& fileToUpload,
718 const String& mimeType) const
720 return withUpload (new Upload (parameterName, fileToUpload.getFileName(),
721 mimeType, fileToUpload, nullptr));
724 URL URL::withDataToUpload (const String& parameterName, const String& filename,
725 const MemoryBlock& fileContentToUpload, const String& mimeType) const
727 return withUpload (new Upload (parameterName, filename, mimeType, File(),
728 new MemoryBlock (fileContentToUpload)));
731 //==============================================================================
732 String URL::removeEscapeChars (const String& s)
734 auto result = s.replaceCharacter ('+', ' ');
736 if (! result.containsChar ('%'))
737 return result;
739 // We need to operate on the string as raw UTF8 chars, and then recombine them into unicode
740 // after all the replacements have been made, so that multi-byte chars are handled.
741 Array<char> utf8 (result.toRawUTF8(), (int) result.getNumBytesAsUTF8());
743 for (int i = 0; i < utf8.size(); ++i)
745 if (utf8.getUnchecked(i) == '%')
747 auto hexDigit1 = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue ((juce_wchar) (uint8) utf8 [i + 1]);
748 auto hexDigit2 = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue ((juce_wchar) (uint8) utf8 [i + 2]);
750 if (hexDigit1 >= 0 && hexDigit2 >= 0)
752 utf8.set (i, (char) ((hexDigit1 << 4) + hexDigit2));
753 utf8.removeRange (i + 1, 2);
758 return String::fromUTF8 (utf8.getRawDataPointer(), utf8.size());
761 String URL::addEscapeChars (const String& s, bool isParameter, bool roundBracketsAreLegal)
763 String legalChars (isParameter ? "_-.~"
764 : ",$_-.*!'");
766 if (roundBracketsAreLegal)
767 legalChars += "()";
769 Array<char> utf8 (s.toRawUTF8(), (int) s.getNumBytesAsUTF8());
771 for (int i = 0; i < utf8.size(); ++i)
773 auto c = utf8.getUnchecked(i);
775 if (! (CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c)
776 || legalChars.containsChar ((juce_wchar) c)))
778 utf8.set (i, '%');
779 utf8.insert (++i, "0123456789ABCDEF" [((uint8) c) >> 4]);
780 utf8.insert (++i, "0123456789ABCDEF" [c & 15]);
784 return String::fromUTF8 (utf8.getRawDataPointer(), utf8.size());
787 //==============================================================================
788 bool URL::launchInDefaultBrowser() const
790 auto u = toString (true);
792 if (u.containsChar ('@') && ! u.containsChar (':'))
793 u = "mailto:" + u;
795 return Process::openDocument (u, {});
798 //==============================================================================
799 std::unique_ptr<InputStream> URL::createInputStream (bool usePostCommand,
800 OpenStreamProgressCallback* cb,
801 void* context,
802 String headers,
803 int timeOutMs,
804 StringPairArray* responseHeaders,
805 int* statusCode,
806 int numRedirectsToFollow,
807 String httpRequestCmd) const
809 std::function<bool (int, int)> callback;
811 if (cb != nullptr)
812 callback = [context, cb] (int sent, int total) { return cb (context, sent, total); };
814 return createInputStream (InputStreamOptions (toHandling (usePostCommand))
815 .withProgressCallback (std::move (callback))
816 .withExtraHeaders (headers)
817 .withConnectionTimeoutMs (timeOutMs)
818 .withResponseHeaders (responseHeaders)
819 .withStatusCode (statusCode)
820 .withNumRedirectsToFollow(numRedirectsToFollow)
821 .withHttpRequestCmd (httpRequestCmd));
824 std::unique_ptr<URL::DownloadTask> URL::downloadToFile (const File& targetLocation,
825 String extraHeaders,
826 DownloadTask::Listener* listener,
827 bool usePostCommand)
829 return nullptr;
832 } // namespace juce