Removed untyped contructor from ComponentRegistration and add a protected setter.
[castle.git] / Experiments / Generator / Generators / Project / Templates /
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <project name="<%= Name %>" default="build" xmlns="">
3 <!-- Directories, change these if you which to change project structure -->
4 <property name="" value="app" />
5 <property name="dir.src.test" value="test" />
6 <property name="dir.config" value="config" />
7 <property name="dir.bin" value="public/bin" />
8 <property name="dir.lib" value="lib" />
9 <property name="dir.lib.castle" value="${dir.lib}/castle" />
10 <property name="dir.lib.nunit" value="${dir.lib}/nunit" />
11 <property name="dir.lib.nant" value="${dir.lib}/nant" />
12 <property name="dir.lib.mysql" value="${dir.lib}/mysql/${framework::get-target-framework()}" />
13 <property name="dir.lib.npgsql" value="${dir.lib}/npgsql/${framework::get-target-framework()}" />
14 <property name="dir.lib.migrator" value="${dir.lib}/Migrator/${framework::get-target-framework()}" />
15 <property name="dir.db" value="db" />
16 <property name="dir.migrations" value="${dir.db}/migrations" />
18 <!--
19 Castle release properties. If you change one of these you should
20 run the setup target again to update the libs.
21 -->
22 <property name="castle.version" value="<%= TargetFramework %>" />
23 <property name="castle.url" value="${castle.version}" />
25 <loadtasks assembly="${dir.lib.nant}/NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
27 <target name="clean" description="Delete all temp. files">
28 <delete dir="${dir.bin}" />
29 </target>
31 <target name="build" description="Compile all source files">
32 <mkdir dir="${dir.bin}" />
33 <copy flatten="true" todir="${dir.bin}">
34 <fileset>
35 <include name="${dir.lib.castle}/**" />
36 <include name="${dir.lib.npgsql}/**" />
37 <include name="${dir.lib.mysql}/**" />
38 <include name="${dir.lib.migrator}/**" />
39 <include name="${dir.lib.nunit}/nunit.framework.dll" />
40 </fileset>
41 </copy>
42 <csc target="library" output="${dir.bin}/${project::get-name()}.dll">
43 <sources>
44 <include name="${dir.config}/Boot.cs" />
45 <include name="${}/**/*.cs" />
46 <include name="${dir.src.test}/**/*.cs" />
47 <include name="${dir.migrations}/**/*.cs" />
48 </sources>
49 <references basedir="${dir.bin}">
50 <include name="System.Web.dll" />
51 <include name="nunit.framework.dll" />
52 <include name="Castle.Core.dll" />
53 <include name="Castle.ActiveRecord.dll" />
54 <include name="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.dll" />
55 <include name="Castle.MonoRail.ActiveRecordScaffold.dll" />
56 <include name="Castle.MonoRail.ActiveRecordSupport.dll" />
57 <include name="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Views.NVelocity.dll" />
58 <include name="Castle.Components.Common.EmailSender.dll" />
59 <include name="Castle.Components.Common.EmailSender.SmtpEmailSender.dll" />
60 <include name="Castle.MonoRail.TestSupport.dll" />
61 <include name="log4net.dll" />
62 <include name="NHibernate.dll" />
63 <include name="Nullables.NHibernate.dll" />
64 <include name="Nullables.dll" />
65 <include name="NVelocity.dll" />
66 <include name="MySql.Data.dll" />
67 <include name="Npgsql.dll" />
68 <include name="Migrator.dll" />
69 <!-- add other references here -->
70 </references>
71 </csc>
72 </target>
74 <target name="rebuild" description="Clean and build" depends="clean, build" />
76 <target name="test" description="Runs all the tests" depends="build">
77 <nunit2 if="${platform::is-win32()}">
78 <formatter type="Plain" />
79 <test assemblyname="${dir.bin}/${project::get-name()}.dll" />
80 </nunit2>
81 <exec program="nunit-console" if="${platform::is-unix()}">
82 <arg line="${dir.bin}/${project::get-name()}.dll /nologo" />
83 </exec>
84 </target>
86 <target name="migrate" description="Migrate the database" depends="build">
87 <!-- get connection string -->
88 <property name="environment" value="development" overwrite="false" />
89 <property name="version" value="-1" overwrite="false" />
90 <property name="migration.output.dll" value="${dir.bin}/${project::get-name()}.dll" />
91 <xmlpeek file="${dir.config}/databases/${environment}.xml"
92 xpath="/activerecord/config/add[@key='hibernate.connection.connection_string']/@value"
93 property="connection.string" />
94 <xmlpeek file="${dir.config}/databases/${environment}.xml"
95 xpath="/activerecord/config/add[@key='hibernate.connection.driver_class']/@value"
96 property="driver.class" />
97 <property name="ext" value=".bat" if="${platform::is-win32()}" />
98 <property name="ext" value="" overwrite="false" />
99 <!-- run migrations -->
100 <exec program="script/migrate${ext}">
101 <arg line='${driver.class} "${connection.string}" "${migration.output.dll}" -version ${version}' />
102 </exec>
103 </target>
105 <target name="setup" description="Setup the developement environment">
106 <!-- Installs castles -->
107 <mkdir dir="tmp" />
108 <get src="${castle.url}" dest="tmp/" />
109 <unzip zipfile="tmp/" todir="tmp/castle" />
110 <unzip zipfile="tmp/castle/bin/" todir="tmp/castle/bin" />
112 <mkdir dir="${dir.lib.castle}" />
113 <copy todir="${dir.lib.castle}">
114 <fileset basedir="tmp/castle/bin">
115 <include name="**/*" />
116 <exclude name="" />
117 </fileset>
118 </copy>
119 <delete dir="tmp" />
121 <!-- Installs required libs in the GAC -->
122 <gac-install failonerror="false">
123 <assemblies>
124 <include name="${dir.lib.castle}/Castle.MonoRail.TestSupport.dll" />
125 <include name="${dir.lib.mysql}/MySql.Data.dll" />
126 </assemblies>
127 </gac-install>
128 </target>
130 </project>