4 These are not in the context, so they should render as they are here (schmoo).
13 Now put $foo in the context :
18 As we increase the number of \'s, we alternate renderings :
25 --- Pluggable Directives ----
27 We are doing an #include("test.txt"), starting with 0 '\' preceeding :
35 Now, foreach is a PD. Escape the first one, and then not the second so it
36 renders. The third and fourth examples show the single 'unpleasantry' about this. The \
37 is only an escape when 'touching' VTL, otherwise, it's just schmoo.
41 \ first element \ second element \
42 \ first element \ \ second element \ \
43 \first element\ \second element\ \
45 --- Control Structures ----
47 First should be escaped...
50 This isn't. Note then that it has to render the \\ as a \ because it's stuck to the VTL
94 $(QUERY_STRING{forumid})
95 \$(QUERY_STRING{forumid})
96 \\$(QUERY_STRING{forumid})