1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding='iso-
3 name=
5 xmlns=
8 <property name=
"root.dir" value=
"../.." />
9 <include buildfile=
"${root.dir}/common-project.xml" />
11 <target name=
"init" depends=
12 <property name=
"testrunner" value=
"NUnit" /> <!-- Change to MbUnit for running the tests with MbUnit (must be on the path) -->
14 <property name=
"assembly.description" value=
"The Unit Tests for Castle.MicroKernel" />
16 <assemblyfileset id=
"project.references" basedir=
17 <include name=
"nunit.framework.dll" />
18 <include name=
"Castle.Core.dll" />
19 <include name=
"Castle.MicroKernel.dll" />
23 <target name=
"generate-assemblyinfo" depends=
"init common.generate-assemblyinfo" />
25 <target name=
"test" depends=
"init generate-assemblyinfo common.compile-tests common.run-tests" description=
"Runs the tests for ${project::get-name()}" />