Relaxed the need for Types that represent database boundaries to extend from ActiveRe...
[castle.git] / Samples / Castle / PetStore.Web / views / Layouts / default.vm
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">\r
2 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">\r
3   <head>\r
4     <title>Petstore - Sample Castle application</title>\r
5     <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="${siteRoot}/Content/css/site.css">\r
6     $AjaxHelper.GetJavascriptFunctions()\r
7     $Effects2Helper.GetJavascriptFunctions()\r
8     $ValidationHelper.InstallScripts()\r
9   </head>\r
11 <body>\r
13 <div id="container">\r
14   <div id="header"> \r
15     <h1> <a href="/" title="Main Page">Castle Petstore</a> </h1>\r
16   </div>\r
18   <div id="links">\r
19         <ul id="toplinks">\r
20                 <li><a href="#">my cart</a></li>\r
21                 <li><a href="#">account</a></li>\r
22     </ul>\r
23   </div>\r
24   \r
25   <div id="page">\r
26 #if($categories)\r
27         <div id="categories">\r
28                 <div>\r
29                 <h3>Check our sections</h3>\r
30                 <ul>\r
31                   <li><a href="${siteRoot}/Product/List.rails">All products</a></li>\r
32 #foreach($cat in $categories)\r
33  #if($cat.IsRoot)\r
34                   <li><a href="${siteRoot}/Product/ListByCategory.rails?category=${cat.Id}">$cat.Name ($cat.Products.Count)</a></li>\r
35                 <ul>\r
36   #foreach($sub in $cat.SubCategories)\r
37                   <li><a href="${siteRoot}/Product/ListByCategory.rails?category=${sub.Id}">$sub.Name ($sub.Products.Count)</a></li>\r
38   #end\r
39                 </ul>\r
40  #end\r
41 #end\r
42                 </ul>\r
43                 <br>\r
44                 </div>\r
45         </div>\r
46 #else\r
47         <div id="categories">\r
48                 <div>\r
49                 <h3><A href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Back</a></h3>\r
50                 <br>\r
51                 </div>\r
52         </div>\r
53 #end\r
54                 \r
55         <div id="content"> \r
57       $childContent\r
58         \r
59         </div>\r
60         \r
61   </div>\r
63 </div>\r
65 </body>\r
67 </html>\r