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[castle.git] / docs / DynamicProxyIntro.html
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15 <span id="runningHeaderText">Castle Project</span>
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19 <td align="left"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Title" -->DynamicProxy<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td>
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25 <h1 class="heading"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="MainHeading" -->Castle DynamicProxy<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h1>
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30 <p>
31 The DynamicProxy project was created to overcome the CLR's proxy (in)capabilities.
32 There are proxies in the CLR world, but they can be considered a bit intrusive as they
33 force one to extend MarshalByRefObject or ContextBoundObject.
34 </p>
36 <p>
37 You can use DynamicProxy to generate lightweight proxies on the fly for one or more
38 interfaces or even concrete classes (but only virtual methods will be intercepted).
39 </p>
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