Somehow missed this with earlier checkin of fluent interface.
[castle.git] / Services / Transaction / Castle.Services.Transaction.Tests /
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
3 <project
4 name="Castle.Services.Transaction.Tests"
5 default="test"
6 xmlns=""
9 <property name="root.dir" value="../../.." />
10 <include buildfile="${root.dir}/common-project.xml" />
12 <target name="init" depends="common.init">
13 <property name="assembly.description" value="The Unit Tests for Castle.Services.Transaction." />
15 <assemblyfileset id="project.references" basedir="${build.dir}">
16 <include name="System.dll" />
17 <include name="log4net.dll" />
18 <include name="nunit.framework.dll"/>
19 <include name="Castle.Services.Transaction.dll" />
20 </assemblyfileset>
21 </target>
23 <target name="put-settings-into-app-config">
24 </target>
26 <target name="generate-assemblyinfo" depends="init common.generate-assemblyinfo" />
28 <target name="test" depends="init generate-assemblyinfo common.compile-tests put-settings-into-app-config" description="Runs the tests for ${project::get-name()}" />
30 </project>