1 This sample illustrates the integration between Castle Windsor and MonoRail. It depicts how the application overall development can benefit from them.
8 The web application was developed using the Cassini web server, instead of IIS (I only have Windows XP Home). It was also developed as the root web application. If you have cassini installed, you can run the application by using:
10 > cd E:\dev\castle\Samples\PestControl\
11 > CassiniWebServer.exe "E:\dev\castle\Samples\PestControl\Castle.Applications.PestControl.Web" 8082 /
13 And access on the browser by using
15 http://localhost:8082/default.htm
18 If you use IIS, create a virtual directory pointing to
20 PestControl\Castle.Applications.PestControl.Web
28 This application uses prevalence to keep its data, so the storage directory must be accessible and writable by the ASP.Net User (or system, depends on your configuration).
30 Also remember to associate the extension 'rails' with the ASP.Net ISAPI on IIS configuration.
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39 http://www.castleproject.org/home/lists