Fixing an issue with output parameters that are of type IntPtr
[castle.git] / Samples / Facilities / Remoting / KernelOnBothEndPoints / ClientApp / ClientApp.csproj
1 <VisualStudioProject>\r
2     <CSHARP\r
3         ProjectType = "Local"\r
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5         SchemaVersion = "2.0"\r
6         ProjectGuid = "{03ACDF04-B61B-42A1-8FD5-1314AEDDC7FC}"\r
7     >\r
8         <Build>\r
9             <Settings\r
10                 ApplicationIcon = "App.ico"\r
11                 AssemblyKeyContainerName = ""\r
12                 AssemblyName = "ClientApp"\r
13                 AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile = ""\r
14                 DefaultClientScript = "JScript"\r
15                 DefaultHTMLPageLayout = "Grid"\r
16                 DefaultTargetSchema = "IE50"\r
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18                 OutputType = "Exe"\r
19                 PreBuildEvent = ""\r
20                 PostBuildEvent = "copy $(ProjectDir)*.config $(TargetDir)"\r
21                 RootNamespace = "ClientApp"\r
22                 RunPostBuildEvent = "OnBuildSuccess"\r
23                 StartupObject = ""\r
24             >\r
25                 <Config\r
26                     Name = "Debug"\r
27                     AllowUnsafeBlocks = "false"\r
28                     BaseAddress = "285212672"\r
29                     CheckForOverflowUnderflow = "false"\r
30                     ConfigurationOverrideFile = ""\r
31                     DefineConstants = "DEBUG;TRACE"\r
32                     DocumentationFile = ""\r
33                     DebugSymbols = "true"\r
34                     FileAlignment = "4096"\r
35                     IncrementalBuild = "false"\r
36                     NoStdLib = "false"\r
37                     NoWarn = ""\r
38                     Optimize = "false"\r
39                     OutputPath = "bin\Debug\"\r
40                     RegisterForComInterop = "false"\r
41                     RemoveIntegerChecks = "false"\r
42                     TreatWarningsAsErrors = "false"\r
43                     WarningLevel = "4"\r
44                 />\r
45                 <Config\r
46                     Name = "Release"\r
47                     AllowUnsafeBlocks = "false"\r
48                     BaseAddress = "285212672"\r
49                     CheckForOverflowUnderflow = "false"\r
50                     ConfigurationOverrideFile = ""\r
51                     DefineConstants = "TRACE"\r
52                     DocumentationFile = ""\r
53                     DebugSymbols = "false"\r
54                     FileAlignment = "4096"\r
55                     IncrementalBuild = "false"\r
56                     NoStdLib = "false"\r
57                     NoWarn = ""\r
58                     Optimize = "true"\r
59                     OutputPath = "bin\Release\"\r
60                     RegisterForComInterop = "false"\r
61                     RemoveIntegerChecks = "false"\r
62                     TreatWarningsAsErrors = "false"\r
63                     WarningLevel = "4"\r
64                 />\r
65             </Settings>\r
66             <References>\r
67                 <Reference\r
68                     Name = "System"\r
69                     AssemblyName = "System"\r
70                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.dll"\r
71                 />\r
72                 <Reference\r
73                     Name = "System.Data"\r
74                     AssemblyName = "System.Data"\r
75                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Data.dll"\r
76                 />\r
77                 <Reference\r
78                     Name = "System.XML"\r
79                     AssemblyName = "System.Xml"\r
80                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.XML.dll"\r
81                 />\r
82                 <Reference\r
83                     Name = "Example.Shared"\r
84                     Project = "{17A66712-63EF-46B6-96EA-0FA8D0AEA83B}"\r
85                     Package = "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"\r
86                 />\r
87                 <Reference\r
88                     Name = "Castle.Core"\r
89                     AssemblyName = "Castle.Core"\r
90                     HintPath = "..\..\..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.Core.dll"\r
91                     AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\castleex"\r
92                 />\r
93                 <Reference\r
94                     Name = "Castle.MicroKernel"\r
95                     AssemblyName = "Castle.MicroKernel"\r
96                     HintPath = "..\..\..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.MicroKernel.dll"\r
97                     AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\castleex"\r
98                 />\r
99                 <Reference\r
100                     Name = "Castle.Windsor"\r
101                     AssemblyName = "Castle.Windsor"\r
102                     HintPath = "..\..\..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.Windsor.dll"\r
103                     AssemblyFolderKey = "hklm\dn\castleex"\r
104                 />\r
105             </References>\r
106         </Build>\r
107         <Files>\r
108             <Include>\r
109                 <File\r
110                     RelPath = "App.config"\r
111                     BuildAction = "None"\r
112                 />\r
113                 <File\r
114                     RelPath = "App.ico"\r
115                     BuildAction = "Content"\r
116                 />\r
117                 <File\r
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119                     SubType = "Code"\r
120                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
121                 />\r
122                 <File\r
123                     RelPath = "ClientApp.cs"\r
124                     SubType = "Code"\r
125                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
126                 />\r
127                 <File\r
128                     RelPath = "RemotingTcpConfigClient.config"\r
129                     BuildAction = "None"\r
130                 />\r
131             </Include>\r
132         </Files>\r
133     </CSHARP>\r
134 </VisualStudioProject>\r