2 <h2>Ajax Support</h2>
5 <div align="center" >
8 If you don't know what Ajax is, please read
9 <a href="http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php">this article</a>
13 Disclaimer: MonoRail Ajax supports was achieve based on Ruby on Rails
14 Ajax support and by Sam Stephenson (http://prototype.conio.net/) prototype code.
19 <div class="container" >
24 First of all, to use Ajax support you must make the javascript code available to
25 your view. With NVelocity views, it will look like this:
30 $ AjaxHelperOld.GetJavascriptFunctions()
37 <div align="center" >
40 To see complete samples, check the links below:
44 <table width="75%" border="0" cellpadding="9" cellspacing="8" align="center">
46 <td width="33%" class="smallstrong" align="center"><a href="${siteRoot}/ajaxarea/linktofunction/index.castle">LinkToFunction</a></td>
47 <td width="33%" class="smallstrong" align="center"><a href="${siteRoot}/ajaxarea/linktoremote/index.castle">LinkToRemote</a></td>
48 <td width="33%" class="smallstrong" align="center"><a href="${siteRoot}/ajaxarea/formremotetag/index.castle">BuildFormRemoteTag</a></td>
51 <td class="smallstrong" align="center"><a href="${siteRoot}/ajaxarea/observerfield/index.castle">ObserverField</a></td>
52 <td class="smallstrong" align="center"><a href="${siteRoot}/ajaxarea/observerform/index.castle">ObserverForm</a></td>
53 <td class="smallstrong" align="center"> </td>