2 <h2>Ajax Support - LinkToRemote</h2>
5 <div class="container">
7 The LinkToRemote helper creates a anchor tag that invokes
8 a remote method (controller's action) and inserts the resulting
9 html on the specified element (update argument)
15 <div class="container">
18 <li><code>public String LinkToRemote(String name, String url, IDictionary options)</code></li>
19 <li><code>public String LinkToRemote(String name, String url, String update)</code></li>
20 <li><code>public String LinkToRemote(String name, String url, String update, String with)</code></li>
21 <li><code>public String LinkToRemote(String name, String url, String update, bool form)</code></li>
28 <div class="container">
30 <a href="${siteRoot}/code/showCode.castle?file=Views/AjaxArea/linktoremote/index.vm">Check this view source code</a>.
35 $AjaxHelperOld.LinkToRemote("Show the time on the server", "showtime.castle", "results1")
41 <input type="text" name="value2" id="value2" value="2"/>
42 $AjaxHelperOld.LinkToRemote("Calculate Power", "CalcPower.castle", "results2", "'value='+$('value2').value")