2 <h2>Ajax Support - ObserverField</h2>
5 <div class="container">
7 The ObserverField helper method creates an inline script that
8 start to observe a field for value change in the specified interval.
9 When a change is detected, a remote method is invoked.
15 <div class="container">
18 <li><code>public String ObserveField(String fieldId, int frequency, String url, String idOfElementToBeUpdated, String with)</code></li>
19 <li><code>public String ObserveField(String fieldId, int frequency, String url, IDictionary options)</code></li>
26 <div class="container">
28 <a href="${siteRoot}/code/showCode.castle?file=Views/AjaxArea/observerfield/index.vm">Check this view source code</a>.
31 Zip Code: <input type="text" name="zipcode" id="zipcode">
35 $AjaxHelperOld.ObserveField("zipcode", 2, "AddressFromZip.castle", "address", "'value='+value")
42 <select name="country" id="country">
43 <option selected value="br">BR</option>
44 <option value="uk">UK</option>
45 <option value="us">US</option>
46 <option value="ca">CA</option>
47 <option value="ch">CH</option>
48 <option value="jp">JP</option>
52 <span id="statesplaceholder">
53 <select name="states">
54 <option selected>Select the country first</option>
58 $AjaxHelperOld.ObserveField("country", 2, "GetStatesFromCountry.castle", "statesplaceholder", "'value='+value")