Refactored the Kernel registration fluent interface to be more readable, better suppo...
[castle.git] / Setup / Docs.wxs
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
2 <Wix xmlns="">
4 <?include Includes.wxi?>
6 <Fragment Id='FragmentDocs'>
8 <DirectoryRef Id="DocsDir">
10 <Component Id="DocsComp" KeyPath="no" DiskId="1" Guid="2CBC6F9A-2EB0-43A2-97EB-597351275C65">
12 <CreateFolder Directory="SHORTCUTDIR" />
13 <CreateFolder Directory="CastleShortCutDIR" />
15 <RemoveFolder
16 Id="ShortcutDoc_RemoveShortcutFolder"
17 Directory="SHORTCUTDIR"
18 On="uninstall" />
20 <RemoveFolder
21 Id="ShortcutDoc_RemoveShortcutFolder2"
22 Directory="CastleShortCutDIR"
23 On="uninstall" />
25 <File Id="docs0" Name="Castle.chm" Source="$(var.DocsDir)\Castle.chm">
27 <Shortcut
28 Id="ShortcutDoc0"
29 Directory="CastleShortCutDIR"
30 Name="API Documentation"
31 Description="API Documentation"
32 Hotkey="0" Show="normal" Advertise="yes"
33 IconIndex="0" />
35 </File>
37 <!--
38 <CreateFolder Directory="SHORTCUTDIR" />
39 <CreateFolder Directory="CastleShortCutDIR" />
40 <RemoveFolder
41 Id="ShortcutDoc_RemoveShortcutFolder"
42 Directory="CastleShortCutDIR"
43 On="uninstall" />
44 -->
46 </Component>
48 </DirectoryRef>
50 </Fragment>
51 </Wix>