Changed to use Authenticate event instead of Authorize
[castle.git] / Samples / PestControl / Castle.Applications.PestControl / Castle.Applications.PestControl-vs2003.csproj
1 <VisualStudioProject>\r
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7     >\r
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9             <Settings\r
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11                 AssemblyKeyContainerName = ""\r
12                 AssemblyName = "Castle.Applications.PestControl"\r
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20                 PostBuildEvent = ""\r
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22                 RunPostBuildEvent = "OnBuildSuccess"\r
23                 StartupObject = ""\r
24             >\r
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43                     WarningLevel = "4"\r
44                 />\r
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63                     WarningLevel = "4"\r
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67                 <Reference\r
68                     Name = "System"\r
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70                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.dll"\r
71                 />\r
72                 <Reference\r
73                     Name = "System.XML"\r
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75                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.XML.dll"\r
76                 />\r
77                 <Reference\r
78                     Name = "System.Data"\r
79                     AssemblyName = "System.Data"\r
80                     HintPath = "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Data.dll"\r
81                 />\r
82                 <Reference\r
83                     Name = "Bamboo.Prevalence"\r
84                     AssemblyName = "Bamboo.Prevalence"\r
85                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Bamboo.Prevalence.dll"\r
86                 />\r
87                 <Reference\r
88                     Name = "Castle.DynamicProxy"\r
89                     AssemblyName = "Castle.DynamicProxy"\r
90                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.DynamicProxy.dll"\r
91                 />\r
92                 <Reference\r
93                     Name = "Castle.MicroKernel"\r
94                     AssemblyName = "Castle.MicroKernel"\r
95                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.MicroKernel.dll"\r
96                 />\r
97                 <Reference\r
98                     Name = "Castle.Windsor"\r
99                     AssemblyName = "Castle.Windsor"\r
100                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.Windsor.dll"\r
101                 />\r
102                 <Reference\r
103                     Name = "Castle.Facilities.Prevalence"\r
104                     AssemblyName = "Castle.Facilities.Prevalence"\r
105                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.Facilities.Prevalence.dll"\r
106                 />\r
107                 <Reference\r
108                     Name = "Castle.Core"\r
109                     AssemblyName = "Castle.Core"\r
110                     HintPath = "..\..\..\build\net-1.1\debug\Castle.Core.dll"\r
111                 />\r
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116                 <File\r
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120                 />\r
121                 <File\r
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124                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
125                 />\r
126                 <File\r
127                     RelPath = "Model\Identifiable.cs"\r
128                     SubType = "Code"\r
129                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
130                 />\r
131                 <File\r
132                     RelPath = "Model\PestControlModel.cs"\r
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134                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
135                 />\r
136                 <File\r
137                     RelPath = "Model\Projects.cs"\r
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139                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
140                 />\r
141                 <File\r
142                     RelPath = "Model\Users.cs"\r
143                     SubType = "Code"\r
144                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
145                 />\r
146                 <File\r
147                     RelPath = "Model\Commands\ProjectCommands.cs"\r
148                     SubType = "Code"\r
149                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
150                 />\r
151                 <File\r
152                     RelPath = "Model\Commands\UserCommands.cs"\r
153                     SubType = "Code"\r
154                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
155                 />\r
156                 <File\r
157                     RelPath = "Services\BuildSystems\BuildResult.cs"\r
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159                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
160                 />\r
161                 <File\r
162                     RelPath = "Services\BuildSystems\BuildSystemManager.cs"\r
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164                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
165                 />\r
166                 <File\r
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169                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
170                 />\r
171                 <File\r
172                     RelPath = "Services\BuildSystems\MSBuildBuildSystem.cs"\r
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174                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
175                 />\r
176                 <File\r
177                     RelPath = "Services\BuildSystems\NAntBuildSystem.cs"\r
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179                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
180                 />\r
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182                     RelPath = "Services\SourceControl\CvsSourceControl.cs"\r
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184                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
185                 />\r
186                 <File\r
187                     RelPath = "Services\SourceControl\ISourceControl.cs"\r
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189                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
190                 />\r
191                 <File\r
192                     RelPath = "Services\SourceControl\ParameterDefinition.cs"\r
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194                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
195                 />\r
196                 <File\r
197                     RelPath = "Services\SourceControl\ParameterDefinitionCollection.cs"\r
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199                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
200                 />\r
201                 <File\r
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204                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
205                 />\r
206                 <File\r
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209                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
210                 />\r
211                 <File\r
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214                     BuildAction = "Compile"\r
215                 />\r
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