2 ![cluster](img/cluster.png)
6 * Connect by command line ssh to one of the head nodes,
7 `ssh math-alderaan.ucdenver.pvt` or `ssh clas-compute.ucdenver.pvt`
8 using your university username and password.
10 * Write a job script, say `myjob`, with the commands to execute and special
11 comments how many cores and which kind of node it needs (=partition name). See
12 [examples](../examples) for details.
14 * Submit the script to the SLURM scheduler by `sbatch myjob`
16 * The scheduler finds a compute node with enough free cores, marks the cores as allocated, and starts executing the job script on the node.
21 * If you need special software that is not installed on the compute nodes, have the job execute your code in a [singularity container](../singularity), which can carry the complete software environment with it.
23 * Request estimated number of cores your code needs if you do not know exactly how many (e.g., some codes in R)
25 * If you want your job to run for a long time (weeks and more): use the math-score partition
27 * If you run sofware that needs [modules](../modules) loaded first: load the modules in your job script. **On alderaan only**
29 * If you have MPI code to use multiple cores and nodes as a single large computer, ask
30 for enough cores and run your executable as argument to `mpirun` command. Make
31 sure you use the same MPI version (GNU or Intel) to build and run the code.
32 See `/home/jmandel/templates` for examples. **On alderaan only**
34 * If you need to run interactively, not a script, ssh from `clas-compute.ucdenver.pvt`
35 to one of the interactive nodes, `math-colibri-i01` or `math-colibri-i02`. Or, run
36 interactively on a more powerful alderaan node by entering the magic line
37 `srun --pty -N 1 -n 1 -t 1:00:00 -p math-alderaan /bin/bash -l`
38 on math-alderaan. This command will start an interactive shell job on one alderaan
39 core for one hour max and transfer you to that shell session.
41 * If you need to run in [Python](../python) with custom environments.
43 * Sorry the graphical web access for Jupyterhub, Rstudio, remote desktop, etc., does not work yet.