4 This cluster was funded by NSF grant [GPU Cluster for Computing Research](http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0958354), PI Julien Langou.
6 The cluster consists of 24 compute nodes each equipped with two Intel CPUs with 16 cores each and two NVIDIA Fermi GPUs, connected by InfiniBand. It was delivered by HP in 2013. It has two interactive nodes, the original head node and a large memory (1TB) node added later.
8 In 2014, the HP software license run out and the cluster was reinstalled with Rocks+ by StackIQ. In 2021-2022, Colibri nodes were reinstalled with Centos 7 and integrated here.
10 Colibri compute nodes are accessible from both math-alderaan and clas-compute nodes through the common Slurm scheduler.