Update updates.md
[ccm-docs.git] / mkdocs.yml
1 site_name: Center for Computational Mathematics
2  University of Colorado Denver 
3 site_url: https://ccm-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 
4 repo_url: https://github.com/ccmucdenver/ccm-docs 
5 edit_uri: edit/main/docs/
6 site_description: Documentation for computing resources at the CCM
7 theme:
8   name: readthedocs
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11     - navigation.instant
12 plugins:
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16         # See: https://mkdocstrings.github.io/python/usage/
17         python:
18           options:
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20 markdown_extensions:
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22       base_path: .
23   - admonition
24 nav:
25     - Welcome: index.md
26     - Terms and Conditions: TermsandConditions.md
27     - Updates:  updates.md
28     - Workshop: workshop.md
29     - Training: training.md
30     - Overview: overview.md
31     - Clusters Guide: clusters_guide.md
32     - Examples: examples.md
33     - Accounts: accounts.md
34     - Environment modules: modules.md
35     - Globus file transfer: globus.md
36     - Python: python.md
37     - Alderaan Cluster: alderaan.md
38     - Colibri Cluster: colibri.md
39     - Score Cluster: score.md
40     - Research Storage: storage.md
41     - Singularity Containers: singularity.md
42     - JupyterHub Server: jupyterhub.md
43     - Local network: local.md
44     - External Resources: external.md
45     - Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources: facilities.md
46     - How to Edit: pull_request.md