[FIX] Error reports
[cds-indico.git] / indico / MaKaC / webinterface / tpls / CategModifMain.tpl
2 <div id="tooltipPool" style="display: none">
3     <div id="eventsVisibilityHelp" class="tip">
4         ${ _("""<b>Indicates when events from this category are shown in the event overview webpage.</b><br>
5         - <b>Everywhere</b>: events are shown in the event overview webpage for this category and the parent categories<br>
6         - <b>""" + name + """</b>: events are shown only in the overview webpage for this category (""" + name + """)<br>
7         - <b>Nowhere</b>: events are not shown in any overview webpage.""")}
8     </div>
9 </div>
12 <div class="groupTitle">${ _("General Settings")}</div>
14 <table width="100%">
15 <tr>
16   <td>
17     <table width="90%" align="left" border="0">
18     <tr>
19       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Name")}</span></td>
20       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ name }</td>
21       <td rowspan="2" valign="bottom" align="right">
22     <form action="${ dataModificationURL }" method="POST">
23     ${ dataModifButton }
24     </form>
25       </td>
26     </tr>
27     <tr>
28       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat">${ _("Description")}</span></td>
29       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ description }</td>
30     </tr>
31     <tr>
32       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat">${ _("Default&nbsp;Timezone")}</span></td>
33       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ defaultTimezone }</td>
34     </tr>
35     <tr>
36       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat">${ _("Icon")}</span></td>
37       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ icon }</td>
38     </tr>
39     <tr>
40       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Default&nbsp;lectures style")}</span></td>
41       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ defaultLectureStyle }</td>
42     </tr>
43     <tr>
44       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Default&nbsp;meetings style")}</span></td>
45       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ defaultMeetingStyle }</td>
46     </tr>
47     <tr>
48       <td class="dataCaptionTD"><span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Events visibility")}</span></td>
49       <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext">${ defaultVisibility } ${contextHelp('eventsVisibilityHelp')}</td>
50     </tr>
51     <tr>
52       <td colspan="3" class="horizontalLine">&nbsp;</td>
53     </tr>
54     <tr><td></td></tr>
55     <!-- <tr>
56         <td class="dataCaptionTD">
57           <a name="sections"></a>
58           <span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Management features")}</span>
59           <br>
60           <br>
61           <img src=${ enablePic } alt="Click to disable"> <small> ${ _("Enabled feature")}</small>
62           <br>
63           <img src=${ disablePic } alt="Click to enable"> <small> ${ _("Disabled feature")}</small>
64         </td>
65         <td bgcolor="white" width="100%" class="blacktext" style="padding-left:20px">
66             <table align="left">
67             <tr>
68               <td>
69                 ${ tasksManagement }
70               </td>
71             </tr>
72             </table>
73         </td>
74     </tr>
75     <tr><td></td></tr>
76     <tr>
77       <td colspan="3" class="horizontalLine">&nbsp;</td>
78     </tr>-->
79     </table>
80   </td>
81 </tr>
82 <tr>
83   <td>
84     <table width="90%" align="left" border="0">
85     <tr>
86       <td class="dataCaptionTD">
87     <span class="dataCaptionFormat"> ${ _("Contents")}</span>
88       </td>
89       <td>
90     <form action="${ removeItemsURL }" name="contentForm" method="POST">
91     ${ locator }
92     <table width="100%">
93         <tr>
94             <td align="left" style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(119, 119, 119);">
95                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
96                     <tr>
97                         <td align="left" valign="bottom">
98                             <input type="submit" class="btn" value="${ _("add subcateg")}" onClick="this.form.action='${ addSubCategoryURL }';">
99                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="reallocate" value="${ _("re-allocate")}">
100                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="remove" value="${ _("remove")}">
101                             % if not containsEvents:
102                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="sort" value="${ _("sort alphabetically")}">
103                             % endif
104                         </td>
105                     </tr>
106                 </table>
107             </td>
108         </tr>
109         <tr><td></td></tr>
110         <tr>
111             <td bgcolor="white" width="100%">
112                 ${ items }
113             </td>
114         </tr>
115         <tr><td></td></tr>
116         <tr>
117             <td align="left" style="border-top: 2px solid rgb(119, 119, 119); padding-bottom: 5px;">
118                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
119                     <tr>
120                         <td align="left" valign="bottom">
121                             <input type="submit" class="btn" value="${ _("add subcateg")}" onClick="this.form.action='${ addSubCategoryURL }';">
122                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="reallocate" value="${ _("re-allocate")}">
123                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="remove" value="${ _("remove")}">
124                             % if not containsEvents:
125                             <input type="submit" class="btn" name="sort" value="${ _("sort alphabetically")}">
126                             % endif
127                         </td>
128                     </tr>
129                 </table>
130             </td>
131         </tr>
132     </table>
133     </form>
134       </td>
135     </tr>
136     <tr>
137       <td colspan="2" class="horizontalLine">&nbsp;</td>
138     </tr>
139     </table>
140   </td>
141 </tr>
142 </table>
144 <script type="text/javascript">
146 function selectAll(element)
148     if (!element.length){
149         element.checked=true
150     } else {
151         for (i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
152             element[i].checked=true
153         }
154     }
157 function deselectAll(element)
159     if (!element.length)    {
160         element.checked=false
161     } else {
162        for (i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
163            element[i].checked=false
164        }
165     }
169 </script>