[FIX] Error reports
[cds-indico.git] / indico / MaKaC / webinterface / tpls / ConfModifBadgeDesign.tpl
1 <script type="text/javascript">
2     var snapToGrid = false;
4     // Dimensions of the template space, in pixels
5     var templateDimensions;
7     // Previous dimensions of the template space, in cm
8     var previousTemplateDimensions;
10     // Number of pixels per cm
11     var pixelsPerCm = 50;
13     // Id of the background used
14     var backgroundId = -1;
16     // Number of pixels, both horizontal and vertical, that are between the top left corner
17     // and the position where items are inserted
18     var initialOffset = pixelsPerCm;
20     // Id of the next element to be inserted
21     var itemId = -1;
23     // Common parts of many elements
24     var elementCommon1 = '<table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="cursor:move;" width="200"><tbody><tr><td align="center">';
25     var elementCommon2 = '</td></tr></tbody></table>';
27     // Last selected item (holds the div for that item)
28     var lastSelectedDiv = null;
30     // Translation dictionary from key to name in current language.
31     var translate = ${translateName};
33     // List of badge template items
34     var items = [];
36     // Item class
37     function Item(itemId, key) {
38         this.id = itemId;
39         this.key = key;
40         this.x = initialOffset;
41         this.y = initialOffset;
42         this.fontFamily = "Times New Roman";
43         this.bold = false;
44         this.italic = false;
45         this.textAlign = "Center";
46         this.color = "black";
47         this.fontSize = "medium";
48         this.width = 400;
49         this.text = "(Type your text)" // Only for fixed text items
51         // The following attributes have no meaning to the server
52         this.selected = false;
53         this.fontFamilyIndex = 0;
54         this.styleIndex = 0;
55         this.textAlignIndex = 2; //Center
56         this.colorIndex = 0;
57         this.fontSizeIndex = 3; //Medium
58     }
60     Item.prototype.toHTML = function () {
61         return '<table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"' +
62                ' width="' + this.width + '"'  +
63                ' style="background-color: '+(this.selected ? "#ccf" : "#fff")+';cursor:move; font-weight:' + (this.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal') + '; font-style:' + (this.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal') +
64                '; text-align: ' + this.textAlign.replace('Justified', 'justify') + ';"' +
65                '><tbody><tr><td><span style="color:' + this.color + '; font-family: ' + this.fontFamily + '; font-size:' + this.fontSize + ';">' +
66                (this.key == "Fixed Text" ? this.text : translate[this.key]) +
67                '</span></td></tr></tbody></table>';
68     }
70     // Dimensions class
71     function Dimensions(width, height) {
72         this.width = width
73         this.height = height
74     }
76     // This function creates a new draggable div
77     function createDiv() {
78         // Each div has:
79         // -a unique id, which is a natural number (0, 1, 2, ...)
80         // -a type (stored in the name attribute)
81         // -absolute x,y position
82         // -an inner HTML with its content
83         itemId++;
85         var newDiv = $('<div/>', {
86             id: itemId
87         }).css({
88             position: 'absolute',
89             left: initialOffset + 'px',
90             top: initialOffset + 'px',
91             zIndex: itemId + 10
92         }).appendTo('#templateDiv');
94         newDiv.draggable({
95             containment: '#templateDiv',
96             stack: '#templateDiv > div',
97             opacity: 0.5,
98             drag: function(e, ui) {
99                 if (snapToGrid) {
100                     ui.position.left = Math.floor(ui.position.left / 10) * 10;
101                     ui.position.top = Math.floor(ui.position.top / 10) * 10;
102                 }
103             },
104             stop: function(e, ui) {
105                 items[this.id].x = ui.position.left;
106                 items[this.id].y = ui.position.top;
107             }
108         });
110         return newDiv;
111     }
113     // This function inserts the selected element in the blank space where badge template designing takes place
114     function insertElement() {
115         var newDiv = createDiv();
116         // We set the inner html of the div depending on the type of item inserted
117         switch($('#elementList').val()) {
118             ${ switchCases }
119         }
121         if (!lastSelectedDiv) {
122             markSelected(newDiv);
123         }
125         initialOffset += 10;
126     }
128     function removeElement() {
129         if (lastSelectedDiv) {
130             items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')] = false;
131             lastSelectedDiv.remove();
132             $('#selection_text').html('');
133             lastSelectedDiv = null;
134             $('#removeButton').prop('disabled', true);
135         }
136     }
138     function markSelected(newSelectedDiv) {
139         // Change the text that says which item is selected
140         var id = newSelectedDiv.attr('id');
141         $('#selection_text').html(translate[items[id].key]);
143         // TODO: add check to see if there's a table inside and not an image
145         // Change the background color of the old selected item and the new selected item
146         if (lastSelectedDiv) {
147             var lastId = lastSelectedDiv.attr('id');
148             items[lastId].selected = false;
149             lastSelectedDiv.find('> table').css('backgroundColor', '#fff');
150         }
152         var newSelectedItem = items[id];
153         newSelectedItem.selected = true;
154         newSelectedDiv.find('> table').css('backgroundColor', '#ccf');
155         lastSelectedDiv = newSelectedDiv;
156         $('#removeButton').prop('disabled', false);
158         // Change the selectors so that they match the properties of the item
159         $('#alignment_selector').prop('selectedIndex', newSelectedItem.textAlignIndex);
160         $('#font_selector').prop('selectedIndex', newSelectedItem.fontFamilyIndex);
161         $('#size_selector').prop('selectedIndex', newSelectedItem.fontSizeIndex);
162         $('#style_selector').prop('selectedIndex', newSelectedItem.styleIndex);
163         $('#color_selector').prop('selectedIndex', newSelectedItem.colorIndex);
164         $('#width_field').val(newSelectedItem.width / pixelsPerCm);
165         if (newSelectedItem.key == "Fixed Text") {
166             $('#fixed_text_field').val(newSelectedItem.text).prop('disabled', false);
167             $('#changeText').prop('disabled', false);
168         } else {
169             $('#fixed_text_field').val("").prop('disabled', true);
170             $('#changeText').prop('disabled', true);
171         }
172     }
174     function updateRulers() {
175         if (templateDimensions.width > previousTemplateDimensions.width) {
176             var hRuler = $('#horizontal_ruler');
177             for (var i = Math.ceil(previousTemplateDimensions.width / pixelsPerCm); i < Math.ceil(templateDimensions.width / pixelsPerCm); i++) {
178                 $('<td/>', {
179                     id: 'rulerh' + i
180                 }).html('<img src="${ baseURL }/images/ruler/rulerh' + i + '.png" align="center"/>').appendTo(hRuler);
181             }
182         }
183         else if (templateDimensions.width < previousTemplateDimensions.width) {
184             for (var i = Math.ceil(previousTemplateDimensions.width / pixelsPerCm); i > Math.ceil(templateDimensions.width / pixelsPerCm); i--) {
185                 $('#rulerh' + (i - 1)).remove();
186             }
187         }
189         if (templateDimensions.height > previousTemplateDimensions.height) {
190             var vRuler = $('#vertical_ruler');
191             for (var i = Math.ceil(previousTemplateDimensions.height / pixelsPerCm); i < Math.ceil(templateDimensions.height / pixelsPerCm); i++) {
192                 $('<tr/>', {
193                     id: 'rulerv' + i
194                 }).append('<td><img src="${ baseURL }/images/ruler/rulerv' + i + '.png" align="center"/></td>').appendTo(vRuler);
195             }
196         }
197         else if (templateDimensions.height < previousTemplateDimensions.height) {
198             for (i = Math.ceil(previousTemplateDimensions.height / pixelsPerCm); i > Math.ceil(templateDimensions.height / pixelsPerCm); i--) {
199                 $('#rulerv' + (i - 1)).remove();
200             }
201         }
202     }
204     // This function displays all the items in the 'items' array on the screen
205     // If there are already some items being displayed, it does not erase them
206     function displayItems() {
207         $.each(items, function(i, item) {
208             var newDiv = createDiv();
209             newDiv.css({
210                 left: item.x + 'px',
211                 top: item.y + 'px'
212             });
213             newDiv.html(item.toHTML());
214             if (item.selected) {
215                 markSelected(newDiv);
216             }
217         });
218     }
221     function changeTemplateSize() {
222         var tpl = $('#templateDiv');
223         tpl.width($('#badge_width').val() * pixelsPerCm);
224         tpl.height($('#badge_height').val() * pixelsPerCm);
225         previousTemplateDimensions.width = templateDimensions.width;
226         previousTemplateDimensions.height = templateDimensions.height;
227         templateDimensions = new Dimensions($('#badge_width').val() * pixelsPerCm, $('#badge_height').val() * pixelsPerCm);
228         updateRulers();
229         if (backgroundId != -1) {
230             var url = $('#background').attr('src');
231             $('#background').remove();
232             displayBackground(url);
233         }
234     }
236     var moveFuncs = {
237         left: function() {
238             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
239                 lastSelectedDiv.css('left', 0);
240                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].x = 0 + "px";
241             }
242         },
243         right: function() {
244             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
245                 lastSelectedDiv.css('left', (templateDimensions.width - lastSelectedDiv.width() - 1) + "px"); // -1 because of the table border
246                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].x = (templateDimensions.width - lastSelectedDiv.width() - 1) + "px";
247             }
248         },
249         center: function() {
250             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
251                 lastSelectedDiv.css('left', ((templateDimensions.width - lastSelectedDiv.width() - 1) / 2) + "px");
252                 lastSelectedDiv.css('top', ((templateDimensions.height - lastSelectedDiv.height() - 1) / 2) + "px");
253                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].x = ((templateDimensions.width - lastSelectedDiv.width() - 1) / 2) + "px";
254                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].y = ((templateDimensions.height - lastSelectedDiv.height() - 1) / 2) + "px";
255             }
256         },
257         top: function() {
258             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
259                 lastSelectedDiv.css('top', 0);
260                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].y = 0 + "px";
261             }
262         },
263         bottom: function() {
264             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
265                 lastSelectedDiv.css('top', (templateDimensions.height - lastSelectedDiv.height() - 1) + "px");
266                 items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')].y = (templateDimensions.height - lastSelectedDiv.height() - 1) + "px";
267             }
268         }
269     };
271     var attrFuncs = {
272         font: function() {
273             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
274                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
275                 item.fontFamily = $('#font_selector').val();
276                 item.fontFamilyIndex = $('#font_selector').prop('selectedIndex');
277                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
278             }
279         },
280         color: function() {
281             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
282                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
283                 item.color = $('#color_selector').val();
284                 item.colorIndex = $('#color_selector').prop('selectedIndex');
285                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
286             }
287         },
288         alignment: function() {
289             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
290                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
291                 item.textAlign = $('#alignment_selector').val();
292                 item.textAlignIndex = $('#alignment_selector').prop('selectedIndex');
293                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
294             }
295         },
296         size: function() {
297             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
298                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
299                 item.fontSize = $('#size_selector').val();
300                 item.fontSizeIndex = $('#size_selector').prop('selectedIndex');
301                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
302             }
303         },
304         style: function() {
305             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
306                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
307                 switch($('#style_selector').val()) {
308                     case "normal":
309                         item.bold = false;
310                         item.italic = false;
311                         break;
312                     case "bold":
313                         item.bold = true;
314                         item.italic = false;
315                         break;
317                     case "italic":
318                         item.bold = false;
319                         item.italic = true;
320                         break;
322                     case "bold_italic":
323                         item.bold = true;
324                         item.italic = true;
325                         break;
326                 }
328                 item.styleIndex = $('#style_selector').prop('selectedIndex');
329                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
330             }
331         },
332         text: function() {
333             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
334                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
335                 item.text = unescapeHTML($('#fixed_text_field').val());
336                 $('#fixed_text_field').val(item.text);
337                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
338             }
339         },
340         width: function() {
341             if (lastSelectedDiv) {
342                 var item = items[lastSelectedDiv.attr('id')];
343                 item.width = $('#width_field').val() * pixelsPerCm;
344                 lastSelectedDiv.html(item.toHTML());
345             }
346         }
347     };
350     function save() {
351         if ($('#template_name').val() == '') {
352             alert("Please choose a name for the template");
353             return;
354         }
355         var template = [];
356         template.push($('#template_name').val());
357         template.push(templateDimensions, pixelsPerCm);
358         template.push(backgroundId);
360         template.push(items);
361         $('#templateData').val(Json.write(template));
362         $('#saveForm').submit();
363     }
365     function displayBackground(backgroundURL) {
366         $('<img/>', {
367             id: 'background',
368             src: backgroundURL
369         }).css({
370             position: 'absolute',
371             left: 0,
372             top: 0,
373             height: templateDimensions.height + 'px',
374             width: templateDimensions.width + 'px',
375             zIndex: 5
376         }).load(function() {
377             $('#loadingIcon').hide();
378         }).appendTo('#templateDiv');
379     }
381     function removeBackground() {
382         if (backgroundId != -1) {
383             backgroundId = -1;
384             $('#background').remove();
385         }
386     }
388     function unescapeHTML(str) {
389         // taken from Prototype
390         return str.replace(/<\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>|<\/\w+>/gi, '').replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>').replace(/&amp;/g,'&');
391     }
393     $(document).ready(function() {
394         // select items on mousedown
395         $('#templateDiv > div').live('mousedown', function() {
396             markSelected($(this));
397         });
399         // toggle grid/snap mode
400         $('#snap_checkbox').change(function() {
401             snapToGrid = this.checked;
402         }).change();
404         $('#bgForm').ajaxForm({
405             dataType: 'json',
406             iframe: true,
407             success: function(data) {
408                 if(data.status != 'OK') {
409                     alert($T('An error occurred.'));
410                     $('#loadingIcon').hide();
411                     return;
412                 }
413                 if (backgroundId != -1) {
414                     $('#background').remove();
415                 }
416                 backgroundId = data.id;
417                 displayBackground(data.url);
418             },
419             beforeSubmit: function() {
420                 $('#loadingIcon').show();
421             }
422         });
424         $('#removeBackground').click(function(e) {
425             e.preventDefault();
426             removeBackground();
427         });
429         $('.moveButton').click(function(e) {
430             e.preventDefault();
431             var dir = $(this).data('direction');
432             moveFuncs[dir]();
433         });
435         $('.attrButton').click(function(e) {
436             e.preventDefault();
437             var attr = $(this).data('attr');
438             attrFuncs[attr]();
439         });
441         $('.attrSelect').change(function() {
442             var attr = $(this).data('attr');
443             attrFuncs[attr]();
444         });
446         $('#changeTemplateSize').click(function(e) {
447             e.preventDefault();
448             changeTemplateSize();
449         });
451         $('#insertButton').click(function(e) {
452             e.preventDefault();
453             insertElement();
454         });
456         $('#removeButton').click(function(e) {
457             e.preventDefault();
458             removeElement();
459         });
461         $('#saveButton').click(function(e) {
462             e.preventDefault();
463             save();
464         });
465     });
466 </script>
468 <!-- CONTEXT HELP DIVS -->
469 <div id="tooltipPool" style="display: none">
470     <!-- Where is key? -->
471     <div id="features" class="tip">
472         <b>FullName can have four different formats:</b><br>
473         - <b>FullName</b>: Mr. DOE, Jonh<br>
474         - <b>Full Name (w/o title)</b>: DOE, Jonh<br>
475         - <b>FullName B</b>: Mr. Jonh Doe<br>
476         - <b>FullName B Full Name (w/o title)</b>: Jonh Doe<br>
477     </div>
478 </div>
482 <div style="width:100%">
483   <br/>
485   <table class="groupTable" cellpadding="0">
486     <tbody>
487       <tr>
488         <td class="groupTitle" colspan="6">${titleMessage}</td>
489       </tr>
490       <tr>
491         <td class="titleCellTD">
492           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Name")}</span>
493         </td>
494         <td colspan="5">
495           <input id="template_name" size="50" name="Template Name">
496         </td>
497       </tr>
498       <tr>
499         <td class="titleCellTD">
500           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Background")}<br><small>(${ _("picture file in jpeg, png or gif")})</small></span>
501         </td>
502         <form id="bgForm" action="${ saveBackgroundURL }" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
503         <td height="20px" NOWRAP align="left" colspan="3">
504           <input name="file" size="58" type="file">
505           <input class="btn" value="${ _("Send File")}" type="submit">
506           <input class="btn" type="button" value="${ _("Remove background")}" id="removeBackground">
507         </td>
508         </form>
509         <td width="100%" align="left" colspan="4">
510           <img id="loadingIcon" src=${loadingIconURL} width="20px" height="20px" style="display:none;">
511         </td>
512       </tr>
513       <tr>
514         <td class="titleCellTD" NOWRAP>
515           <span class="titleCellFormat">Badge Width (cm, decimals ok)&nbsp;</span>
516         </td>
517         <td>
518            <input id="badge_width" name="Badge Width" size="5">
519         </td>
520         <td class="titleCellTD" NOWRAP>
521           <span class="titleCellFormat">Badge Height (cm, decimals ok)&nbsp;</span>
522         </td>
523         <td>
524           <input id="badge_height" name="Badge Height" size="5">
525           <input class="btn" value="${ _("Change")}" type="button" id="changeTemplateSize">
526         </td>
527       </tr>
528     </tbody>
529   </table>
531   <br/>
533   <table class="groupTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
535     <tbody>
537       <tr>
539         <td width="220px" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <!-- Width attribute necessary so that the template design space doesn't move depending on selection text-->
540           <span class="titleCellFormat">${ _("Elements")}</span>
542           <br/><br/>
544           <input name="insertButton" id="insertButton" class="btn" value="${ _("Insert")}" type="button">
545           <input name="removeButton" id="removeButton" class="btn" value="${ _("Remove")}" type="button" disabled="disabled">
547           <br/><br/>
549           <select name="Template Elements List" id="elementList">
550             ${selectOptions}
551           </select>${contextHelp('features' )}
553           <br/>
554           <br/>
556            ${ _("Selection")}: <span id="selection_text"></span>
557           <br/><br/>
559            ${ _("Position")}:
560           <br/>
562           <table>
563             <tbody>
564               <tr>
565                 <td></td>
566                 <td align="center">
567                   <input name="Move Template Element Top Button" class="btn moveButton" value="${ _("Top")}" type="button" data-direction="top">
568                 </td>
569                 <td></td>
570               </tr>
571               <tr>
572                 <td align="center">
573                   <input name="Move Template Element Left Button" class="btn moveButton" value="${ _("Left")}" type="button" data-direction="left">
574                 </td>
575                 <td align="center">
576                   <input name="Move Template Element Center Button" class="btn moveButton" value="${ _("Center")}" type="button" data-direction="center">
577                 </td>
578                 <td align="center">
579                   <input name="Move Template Element Right Button" class="btn moveButton" value="${ _("Right")}" type="button" data-direction="right">
580                 </td>
581               </tr>
582               <tr>
583                 <td></td>
584                 <td align="center">
585                   <input name="Move Template Element Bottom Button" class="btn moveButton" value="${ _("Bottom")}" type="button" data-direction="bottom">
586                 </td>
587                 <td></td>
588               </tr>
589               <tr>
590             </tbody>
591           </table>
593           <input id="snap_checkbox" type="checkbox"/><label for="snap_checkbox">${ _("Snap to grid")}</label>
595         </td>
597         <td></td>
599         <td align="left" valign="bottom" height="22px"> <!-- height of the horizontal ruler images -->
600           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
601             <tbody>
602               <tr id="horizontal_ruler">
603               </tr>
604             </tbody>
605           </table>
606         </td>
607       </tr>
609       <tr>
610         <td valign="top" align="right" width="22px"> <!-- width of the vertical ruler image -->
611           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="right">
612             <tbody id="vertical_ruler">
613             </tbody>
614           </table>
615         </td>
617         <td align="left" valign="top">
618           <div id="templateDiv" style="width:425px;height:270px;position:relative;left:0px;top:0px"> <!-- put here the initial dimensions of templateDiv -->
619             <table border="1" style="border-style: none;" width="100%" height="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
620               <tbody>
621                 <tr><td></td></tr>
622               </tbody>
623             </table>
624           </div>
625         </td>
626       </tr>
627     </tbody>
628   </table>
630   <br/>
632   <table class="groupTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
634     <tbody>
636       <tr>
637         <td colspan="3" rowspan="1" class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Attributes")}</td>
638         <td></td>
639         <td></td>
640       </tr>
642       <tr>
644        <td class="titleCellTD">
645           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Font")}&nbsp;</span>
646        </td>
648         <td colspan="2">
649           <select id='font_selector' name="Template Element Font" class="attrSelect" data-attr="font">
650             <optgroup label="${ _('Normal Fonts') }">
651               <option>Times New Roman</option>
652               <option>Courier</option>
653               <option>Sans</option>
654             </optgroup>
655             <optgroup label="${ _('Special Character Fonts') }">
656               <option>LinuxLibertine</option>
657               <option>Kochi-Mincho</option>
658               <option>Kochi-Gothic</option>
659               <option>Uming-CN</option>
660               <!--
661               <option>Bitstream Cyberbit</option>
662               <option>Free Serif</option>
663               -->
664             </optgroup>
665           </select>
666         </td>
668         <td class="titleCellTD">
669           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Color")}&nbsp;</span>
670         </td>
672         <td width="100%">
673           <select id='color_selector' name="Template Element Color" class="attrSelect" data-attr="color">
674             <option value="black"> ${ _("black")}</option>
675             <option value="red"> ${ _("red")}</option>
676             <option value="blue"> ${ _("blue")}</option>
677             <option value="green"> ${ _("green")}</option>
678             <option value="yellow"> ${ _("yellow")}</option>
679             <option value="brown"> ${ _("brown")}</option>
680             <option value="gold"> ${ _("gold")}</option>
681             <option value="pink"> ${ _("pink")}</option>
682             <option value="gray"> ${ _("gray")}</option>
683             <option value="white"> ${ _("white")}</option>
684           </select>
685         </td>
687       </tr>
689       <tr>
691         <td class="titleCellTD">
692           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Style")}&nbsp;</span>
693         </td>
695         <td colspan="2">
696           <select id='style_selector' name="Template Element Style" class="attrSelect" data-attr="style">
697             <option value="normal"> ${ _("Normal")}</option>
698             <option value="bold"> ${ _("Bold")}</option>
699             <option value="italic"> ${ _("Italic")}</option>
700             <option value="bold_italic"> ${ _("Bold &amp; Italic")}</option>
701           </select>
702         </td>
704         <td class="titleCellTD">
705           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Size")}&nbsp;</span>
706         </td>
708         <td width="100%">
709           <select id='size_selector' name="Template Element Size" class="attrSelect" data-attr="size">
710             <option value="xx-small"> ${ _("xx-small")}</option>
711             <option value="x-small"> ${ _("x-small")}</option>
712             <option value="small"> ${ _("small")}</option>
713             <option value="medium" SELECTED> ${ _("medium")}</option>
714             <option value="large"> ${ _("large")}</option>
715             <option value="x-large"> ${ _("x-large")}</option>
716             <option value="xx-large"> ${ _("xx-large")}</option>
717           </select>
718         </td>
719       </tr>
721       <tr>
722         <td class="titleCellTD">
723           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Alignment")}&nbsp;</span>
724         </td>
725         <td colspan="2">
726           <select id='alignment_selector' name="Template Element Alignment" class="attrSelect" data-attr="alignment">
727             <!-- Note: the value of the options is used directly in the style attribute of the items -->
728             <option value="Left"> ${ _("Left")}</option>
729             <option value="Right"> ${ _("Right")}</option>
730             <option value="Center"> ${ _("Center")}</option>
731             <option value="Justified"> ${ _("Justified")}</option>
732           </select>
733         </td>
734         <td class="titleCellTD">
735           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Width (cm)")}&nbsp;</span>
736         </td>
737         <td width="100%">
738           <input id="width_field" size="5" name="Element Size">
739           <input class="btn attrButton" value="${ _("Change")}" type="button" data-attr="width">
740         </td>
741       </tr>
742       <tr>
743         <td class="titleCellTD" NOWRAP>
744           <span class="titleCellFormat"> ${ _("Text (for Fixed Text)")}&nbsp;</span>
745         </td>
746         <td>
747           <input id="fixed_text_field" size="30" name="Element Size" disabled="disabled">
748         </td>
749         <td>
750           <input class="btn attrButton" value="${ _("Change")}" type="button" data-attr="text" id="changeText" disabled="disabled">
751         </td>
752         <td></td>
753         <td></td>
754       </tr>
755     </tbody>
756   </table>
757   <br/>
758   <table class="groupTable">
759     <tbody>
760       <tr>
761         <td colspan="4" align="center" width="100%">
762           <input class="btn" name="Save Template Button" value="${ _("Save")}" type="button" id="saveButton">
763           <input class="btn" name="Cancel Button" value="${ _("Cancel")}" type="button" onclick="location.href='${cancelURL}'">
764         </td>
765       </tr>
766     </tbody>
767   </table>
769   <form id="saveForm" action="${saveTemplateURL}" method="POST">
770       <input name="templateId" value="${templateId}" type="hidden">
771       <input id="templateData" name="templateData" type="hidden">
772   </form>
775   <script type="text/javascript">
776     // We load the template if we are editing a template
777     if (${ editingTemplate }) {
778         var template = ${ templateData };
779         $('#template_name').val(template[0]);
780         $('#templateDiv').width(template[1].width).height(template[1].height);
781         items = template[4];
782         // We give the toHTML() method to each of the items
783         $.each(items, function(i, item) {
784             item.toHTML = Item.prototype.toHTML;
785         });
786         templateDimensions = new Dimensions(template[1].width, template[1].height);
787     } else {
788         templateDimensions = new Dimensions(425, 270); //put here the initial dimensions of templateDiv
789     }
791     previousTemplateDimensions = new Dimensions(0,0);
793     $('#badge_width').val(templateDimensions.width / pixelsPerCm);
794     $('#badge_height').val(templateDimensions.height / pixelsPerCm);
796     updateRulers(); // creates the initial rulers
797     changeTemplateSize();
799     // This function displays the items, if any have been loaded, on the screen
800     displayItems();
802     if (${ editingTemplate } && ${ hasBackground }) {
803         backgroundId = ${ backgroundId };
804         displayBackground("${ backgroundURL }");
805     }
807   </script>
809 </div>