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1 ;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; cffi-abcl.lisp --- CFFI-SYS implementation for ABCL/JNA.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2009, Luis Oliveira <>
6 ;;; Copyright (C) 2012, Mark Evenson <>
7 ;;;
8 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
9 ;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
10 ;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
11 ;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
12 ;;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
13 ;;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
14 ;;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
15 ;;;
16 ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
17 ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
18 ;;;
27 ;;;
29 ;;; This implementation requires the Java Native Access (JNA) library.
30 ;;; <>
31 ;;;
32 ;;; JNA may be automatically loaded into the current JVM process from
33 ;;; abcl-1.1.0-dev via the contrib mechanism.
35 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
36 (require :abcl-contrib)
37 (require :jna)
38 (require :jss))
40 ;;; This is a preliminary version that will have to be cleaned up,
41 ;;; optimized, etc. Nevertheless, it passes all of the relevant CFFI
42 ;;; tests except MAKE-POINTER.HIGH. Shareable Vectors are not
43 ;;; implemented yet.
45 ;;;# Administrivia
47 (defpackage #:cffi-sys
48 (:use #:cl #:java)
49 (:import-from #:alexandria #:hash-table-values #:length= #:format-symbol)
50 (:export
51 #:canonicalize-symbol-name-case
52 #:foreign-pointer
53 #:pointerp
54 #:pointer-eq
55 #:null-pointer
56 #:null-pointer-p
57 #:inc-pointer
58 #:make-pointer
59 #:pointer-address
60 #:%foreign-alloc
61 #:foreign-free
62 #:with-foreign-pointer
63 #:%foreign-funcall
64 #:%foreign-funcall-pointer
65 #:%foreign-type-alignment
66 #:%foreign-type-size
67 #:%load-foreign-library
68 #:%close-foreign-library
69 #:native-namestring
70 #:%mem-ref
71 #:%mem-set
72 ;; #:make-shareable-byte-vector
73 ;; #:with-pointer-to-vector-data
74 #:%foreign-symbol-pointer
75 #:%defcallback
76 #:%callback
77 #:with-pointer-to-vector-data
78 #:make-shareable-byte-vector))
80 (in-package #:cffi-sys)
82 ;;;# Loading and Closing Foreign Libraries
84 (defparameter *loaded-libraries* (make-hash-table))
86 (defun %load-foreign-library (name path)
87 "Load a foreign library, signals a simple error on failure."
88 (flet ((load-and-register (name path)
89 (let ((lib (jstatic "getInstance" "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary" path)))
90 (setf (gethash name *loaded-libraries*) lib)
91 lib))
92 (foreign-library-type-p (type)
93 (find type '("so" "dll" "dylib") :test #'string=))
94 (java-error (e)
95 (error (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.Exception" "getMessage")
96 (java-exception-cause e)))))
97 (handler-case
98 (load-and-register name path)
99 (java-exception (e)
100 ;; From JNA
101 ;; ``[The name] can be short form (e.g. "c"), an explicit
102 ;; version (e.g. ""), or the full path to the library
103 ;; (e.g. "/lib/")''
105 ;; Try to deal with the occurance "libXXX" and "" as
106 ;; "" and "XXX" should have succesfully loaded.
107 (let ((p (pathname path)))
108 (if (and (not (pathname-directory p))
109 (= (search "lib" (pathname-name p)) 0))
110 (let ((short-name (if (foreign-library-type-p (pathname-type p))
111 (subseq (pathname-name p) 3)
112 (pathname-name p))))
113 (handler-case
114 (load-and-register name short-name)
115 (java-exception (e) (java-error e))))
116 (java-error e)))))))
118 ;;; FIXME. Should remove libraries from the hash table.
119 (defun %close-foreign-library (handle)
120 "Closes a foreign library."
121 #+#:ignore (setf *loaded-libraries* (remove handle *loaded-libraries*))
122 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary" "dispose") handle))
126 ;;; FIXME! We should probably define a private-jfield-accessor that does the hard work once!
127 (let ((get-declared-fields-jmethod (jmethod "java.lang.Class" "getDeclaredFields")))
128 (defun private-jfield (class-name field-name instance)
129 (let ((field (find field-name
130 (jcall get-declared-fields-jmethod
131 (jclass class-name))
132 :key #'jfield-name
133 :test #'string=)))
134 (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Field" "setAccessible" "boolean")
135 field +true+)
136 (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Field" "get" "java.lang.Object")
137 field instance))))
139 ;;; XXX: doesn't match jmethod-arguments.
141 (let ((get-declared-methods-jmethod (jmethod "java.lang.Class" "getDeclaredMethods")))
142 (defun private-jmethod (class-name method-name)
143 (let ((method (find method-name
144 (jcall get-declared-methods-jmethod
145 (jclass class-name))
146 :key #'jmethod-name
147 :test #'string=)))
148 (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Method" "setAccessible" "boolean")
149 method +true+)
150 method)))
152 (let ((get-declared-constructors-jmethod (jmethod "java.lang.Class"
153 "getDeclaredConstructors"))
154 (set-accessible-jmethod (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Constructor" "setAccessible" "boolean")))
155 (defun private-jconstructor (class-name &rest params)
156 (let* ((param-classes (mapcar #'jclass params))
157 (cons (find-if (lambda (x &aux (cons-params (jconstructor-params x)))
158 (and (length= param-classes cons-params)
159 (loop for param in param-classes
160 and param-x across cons-params
161 always (string= (jclass-name param)
162 (jclass-name param-x)))))
163 (jcall get-declared-constructors-jmethod (jclass class-name)))))
164 (jcall set-accessible-jmethod cons +true+)
165 cons)))
167 ;;;# Symbol Case
169 (defun canonicalize-symbol-name-case (name)
170 (string-upcase name))
172 ;;;# Pointers
174 (deftype foreign-pointer ()
175 '(satisfies pointerp))
177 (defun pointerp (ptr)
178 "Return true if PTR is a foreign pointer."
179 (let ((jclass (jclass-of ptr)))
180 (when jclass
181 (jclass-superclass-p (jclass "com.sun.jna.Pointer") jclass))))
183 (let ((jconstructor (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "long")))
184 (defun make-pointer (address)
185 "Return a pointer pointing to ADDRESS."
186 (jnew jconstructor address)))
188 (defun make-private-jfield-accessor (class-name field-name)
189 (let ((field (find field-name
190 (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.Class" "getDeclaredFields")
191 (jclass class-name))
192 :key #'jfield-name
193 :test #'string=)))
194 (jcall (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Field" "setAccessible" "boolean")
195 field +true+)
196 (let ((get-jmethod (jmethod "java.lang.reflect.Field" "get" "java.lang.Object")))
197 (lambda (instance)
198 (jcall get-jmethod field instance)))))
200 (let ((accessor (make-private-jfield-accessor "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "peer")))
201 (defun %pointer-address (pointer)
202 (funcall accessor pointer)))
204 (defun pointer-address (pointer)
205 "Return the address pointed to by PTR."
206 (let ((peer (%pointer-address pointer)))
207 (if (< peer 0)
208 (+ #.(ash 1 64) peer)
209 peer)))
211 (defun pointer-eq (ptr1 ptr2)
212 "Return true if PTR1 and PTR2 point to the same address."
213 (= (%pointer-address ptr1) (%pointer-address ptr2)))
215 (defun null-pointer ()
216 "Construct and return a null pointer."
217 (make-pointer 0))
219 (defun null-pointer-p (ptr)
220 "Return true if PTR is a null pointer."
221 (zerop (%pointer-address ptr)))
223 (defun inc-pointer (ptr offset)
224 "Return a fresh pointer pointing OFFSET bytes past PTR."
225 (make-pointer (+ (%pointer-address ptr) offset)))
227 ;;;# Allocation
229 (let ((malloc-jmethod (private-jmethod "com.sun.jna.Memory" "malloc")))
230 (defun %foreign-alloc (size)
231 "Allocate SIZE bytes on the heap and return a pointer."
232 (make-pointer
233 (jstatic-raw malloc-jmethod nil size))))
235 (let ((free-jmethod (private-jmethod "com.sun.jna.Memory" "free")))
236 (defun foreign-free (ptr)
237 "Free a PTR allocated by FOREIGN-ALLOC."
238 (jstatic-raw free-jmethod nil (%pointer-address ptr))
239 nil))
241 ;;; TODO: stack allocation.
242 (defmacro with-foreign-pointer ((var size &optional size-var) &body body)
243 "Bind VAR to SIZE bytes of foreign memory during BODY. The pointer
244 in VAR is invalid beyond the dynamic extent of BODY, and may be
245 stack-allocated if supported by the implementation. If SIZE-VAR is
246 supplied, it will be bound to SIZE during BODY."
247 (unless size-var
248 (setf size-var (gensym "SIZE")))
249 `(let* ((,size-var ,size)
250 (,var (%foreign-alloc ,size-var)))
251 (unwind-protect
252 (progn ,@body)
253 (foreign-free ,var))))
255 ;;;# Shareable Vectors
257 ;;; This interface is very experimental. WITH-POINTER-TO-VECTOR-DATA
258 ;;; should be defined to perform a copy-in/copy-out if the Lisp
259 ;;; implementation can't do this.
261 (defun jna-setter (type)
262 (ecase type
263 ((:char :unsigned-char) "setByte")
264 (:double "setDouble")
265 (:float "setFloat")
266 ((:int :unsigned-int) "setInt")
267 ((:long :unsigned-long) "setNativeLong")
268 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long) "setLong")
269 (:pointer "setPointer")
270 ((:short :unsigned-short) "setShort")))
272 (defun jna-setter-arg-type (type)
273 (ecase type
274 ((:char :unsigned-char) "byte")
275 (:double "double")
276 (:float "float")
277 ((:int :unsigned-int) "int")
278 ((:long :unsigned-long) "com.sun.jna.NativeLong")
279 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long) "long")
280 (:pointer "com.sun.jna.Pointer")
281 ((:short :unsigned-short) "short")))
283 (defun jna-getter (type)
284 (ecase type
285 ((:char :unsigned-char) "getByte")
286 (:double "getDouble")
287 (:float "getFloat")
288 ((:int :unsigned-int) "getInt")
289 ((:long :unsigned-long) "getNativeLong")
290 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long) "getLong")
291 (:pointer "getPointer")
292 ((:short :unsigned-short) "getShort")))
294 (defun make-shareable-byte-vector (size)
295 "Create a Lisp vector of SIZE bytes can passed to
297 (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
299 (let ((method (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Pointer"
300 (jna-setter :char) "long" (jna-setter-arg-type :char))))
301 (defun copy-to-foreign-vector (vector foreign-pointer)
302 (loop for i below (length vector)
304 (jcall-raw method
305 foreign-pointer i
306 (aref vector i)))))
308 ;; hand-roll the jna-getter method instead of calling %mem-ref every time through
309 (let ((method (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Pointer" (jna-getter :char) "long")))
310 (defun copy-from-foreign-vector (vector foreign-pointer)
311 (loop for i below (length vector)
312 do (setf (aref vector i)
313 (java:jobject-lisp-value (jcall-raw method foreign-pointer i))))))
315 (defmacro with-pointer-to-vector-data ((ptr-var vector) &body body)
316 "Bind PTR-VAR to a foreign pointer to the data in VECTOR."
317 (let ((vector-sym (gensym "VECTOR")))
318 `(let ((,vector-sym ,vector))
319 (with-foreign-pointer (,ptr-var (length ,vector-sym))
320 (copy-to-foreign-vector ,vector-sym ,ptr-var)
321 (unwind-protect
322 (progn ,@body)
323 (copy-from-foreign-vector ,vector-sym ,ptr-var))))))
325 ;;;# Dereferencing
327 (defun foreign-type-to-java-class (type)
328 (jclass
329 (ecase type
330 ((:int :unsigned-int) "java.lang.Integer")
331 ((:long :unsigned-long) "com.sun.jna.NativeLong")
332 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long) "java.lang.Long")
333 (:pointer "com.sun.jna.Pointer") ;; void * is pointer?
334 (:float "java.lang.Float")
335 (:double "java.lang.Double")
336 ((:char :unsigned-char) "java.lang.Byte")
337 ((:short :unsigned-short) "java.lang.Short"))))
339 (defun %foreign-type-size (type)
340 "Return the size in bytes of a foreign type."
341 (jstatic "getNativeSize" "com.sun.jna.Native"
342 (foreign-type-to-java-class type)))
344 ;;; FIXME.
345 (defun %foreign-type-alignment (type)
346 "Return the alignment in bytes of a foreign type."
347 (%foreign-type-size type))
349 (defun unsigned-type-p (type)
350 (case type
351 ((:unsigned-char
352 :unsigned-int
353 :unsigned-short
354 :unsigned-long
355 :unsigned-long-long) t)
356 (t nil)))
358 (defun lispify-value (value type)
359 (when (and (eq type :pointer) (or (null (java:jobject-lisp-value value))
360 (eq +null+ (java:jobject-lisp-value value))))
361 (return-from lispify-value (null-pointer)))
362 (when (or (eq type :long) (eq type :unsigned-long))
363 (setq value (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.NativeLong" "longValue")
364 (java:jobject-lisp-value value))))
365 (let ((bit-size (* 8 (%foreign-type-size type))))
366 (let ((lisp-value (java:jobject-lisp-value value)))
367 (if (and (unsigned-type-p type)
368 (logbitp (1- bit-size) lisp-value))
369 (lognot (logxor lisp-value (1- (expt 2 bit-size))))
370 lisp-value))))
372 (defun %mem-ref (ptr type &optional (offset 0))
373 (lispify-value
374 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Pointer" (jna-getter type) "long")
375 ptr offset)
376 type))
378 (defun %mem-set (value ptr type &optional (offset 0))
379 (let* ((bit-size (* 8 (%foreign-type-size type)))
380 (val (if (and (unsigned-type-p type) (logbitp (1- bit-size) value))
381 (lognot (logxor value (1- (expt 2 bit-size))))
382 value)))
383 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Pointer"
384 (jna-setter type) "long" (jna-setter-arg-type type))
386 offset
387 (if (or (eq type :long) (eq type :unsigned-long))
388 (jnew (jconstructor "com.sun.jna.NativeLong" "long") val)
389 val)))
390 value)
392 ;;;# Foreign Globals
393 (let ((get-symbol-address-jmethod (private-jmethod "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary" "getSymbolAddress")))
394 (defun %foreign-symbol-pointer (name library)
395 "Returns a pointer to a foreign symbol NAME."
396 (flet ((find-it (library)
397 (ignore-errors
398 (make-pointer
399 (jcall-raw get-symbol-address-jmethod library name)))))
400 (if (eq library :default)
401 (or (find-it
402 (jstatic "getProcess" "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary"))
403 ;; The above should find it, but I'm not exactly sure, so
404 ;; let's still do it manually just in case.
405 (loop for lib being the hash-values of *loaded-libraries*
406 thereis (find-it lib)))
407 (find-it library)))))
409 ;;;# Calling Foreign Functions
411 (defun find-foreign-function (name library)
412 (flet ((find-it (library)
413 (ignore-errors
414 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary" "getFunction"
415 "java.lang.String")
416 library name))))
417 (if (eq library :default)
418 (or (find-it
419 (jstatic "getProcess" "com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary"))
420 ;; The above should find it, but I'm not exactly sure, so
421 ;; let's still do it manually just in case.
422 (loop for lib being the hash-values of *loaded-libraries*
423 thereis (find-it lib)))
424 (find-it (gethash library *loaded-libraries*)))))
426 (defun convert-calling-convention (convention)
427 (ecase convention
428 (:stdcall "ALT_CONVENTION")
429 (:cdecl "C_CONVENTION")))
431 (defparameter *jna-string-encoding* "UTF-8"
432 "Encoding for conversion between Java and native strings that occurs within JNA.
434 Used with jna-4.0.0 or later.")
436 ;;; c.f. <,%20int,%20java.lang.String%29>
437 (defvar *jna-4.0.0-or-later-p*
438 (ignore-errors (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Function"
439 "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "int" "java.lang.String")))
441 (let ((jconstructor
442 (if *jna-4.0.0-or-later-p*
443 (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Function"
444 "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "int" "java.lang.String")
445 (private-jconstructor "com.sun.jna.Function"
446 "com.sun.jna.Pointer" "int"))))
447 (defun make-function-pointer (pointer convention)
448 (apply
449 #'jnew jconstructor pointer
450 (jfield "com.sun.jna.Function" (convert-calling-convention convention))
451 (when *jna-4.0.0-or-later-p*
452 (list *jna-string-encoding*)))))
454 (defun lisp-value-to-java (value foreign-type)
455 (case foreign-type
456 (:pointer value)
457 (:void nil)
458 (t (jnew (ecase foreign-type
459 ((:int :unsigned-int) (jconstructor "java.lang.Integer" "int"))
460 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long)
461 (jconstructor "java.lang.Long" "long"))
462 ((:long :unsigned-long)
463 (jconstructor "com.sun.jna.NativeLong" "long"))
464 ((:short :unsigned-short) (jconstructor "java.lang.Short" "short"))
465 ((:char :unsigned-char) (jconstructor "java.lang.Byte" "byte"))
466 (:float (jconstructor "java.lang.Float" "float"))
467 (:double (jconstructor "java.lang.Double" "double")))
468 value))))
470 (defun %%foreign-funcall (function args arg-types return-type)
471 (let ((jargs (jnew-array "java.lang.Object" (length args))))
472 (loop for arg in args and type in arg-types and i from 0
473 do (setf (jarray-ref jargs i)
474 (lisp-value-to-java arg type)))
475 (if (eq return-type :void)
476 (progn
477 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Function" "invoke" "[Ljava.lang.Object;")
478 function jargs)
479 (values))
480 (lispify-value
481 (jcall-raw (jmethod "com.sun.jna.Function" "invoke"
482 "java.lang.Class" "[Ljava.lang.Object;")
483 function
484 (foreign-type-to-java-class return-type)
485 jargs)
486 return-type))))
488 (defun foreign-funcall-type-and-args (args)
489 (let ((return-type :void))
490 (loop for (type arg) on args by #'cddr
491 if arg collect type into types
492 and collect arg into fargs
493 else do (setf return-type type)
494 finally (return (values types fargs return-type)))))
496 (defmacro %foreign-funcall (name args &key (library :default) convention)
497 (declare (ignore convention))
498 (multiple-value-bind (types fargs rettype)
499 (foreign-funcall-type-and-args args)
500 `(%%foreign-funcall (find-foreign-function ',name ',library)
501 (list ,@fargs) ',types ',rettype)))
503 (defmacro %foreign-funcall-pointer (ptr args &key convention)
504 (multiple-value-bind (types fargs rettype)
505 (foreign-funcall-type-and-args args)
506 `(%%foreign-funcall (make-function-pointer ,ptr ',convention)
507 (list ,@fargs) ',types ',rettype)))
509 ;;;# Callbacks
511 (defun foreign-to-callback-type (type)
512 (ecase type
513 ((:int :unsigned-int)
514 :int)
515 ((:long :unsigned-long)
516 (jvm::make-jvm-class-name "com.sun.jna.NativeLong"))
517 ((:long-long :unsigned-long-long)
518 (jvm::make-jvm-class-name "java.lang.Long"))
519 (:pointer
520 (jvm::make-jvm-class-name "com.sun.jna.Pointer"))
521 (:float
522 :float)
523 (:double
524 :double)
525 ((:char :unsigned-char)
526 :byte)
527 ((:short :unsigned-short)
528 :short)
529 (:wchar_t
530 :int)
531 (:void
532 :void)))
534 (defvar *callbacks* (make-hash-table))
536 (defmacro convert-args-to-lisp-values (arg-names arg-types &body body)
537 (let ((gensym-args (loop for name in arg-names
538 collect (format-symbol t '#:callback-arg-~a- name))))
539 `(lambda (,@gensym-args)
540 (let ,(loop for arg in arg-names
541 for type in arg-types
542 for gensym-arg in gensym-args
543 collecting `(,arg (if (typep ,gensym-arg 'java:java-object)
544 (lispify-value ,gensym-arg ,type)
545 ,gensym-arg)))
546 ,@body))))
548 (defmacro %defcallback (name return-type arg-names arg-types body
549 &key convention)
550 (declare (ignore convention)) ;; I'm always up for ignoring convention, but this is probably wrong.
551 `(setf (gethash ',name *callbacks*)
552 (jinterface-implementation
553 (ensure-callback-interface ',return-type ',arg-types)
554 "callback"
555 (convert-args-to-lisp-values ,arg-names ,arg-types (lisp-value-to-java ,body ',return-type)))))
556 ;; (lambda (,@arg-names) ,body))))
558 (jvm::define-class-name +callback-object+ "com.sun.jna.Callback")
559 (defconstant
560 +dynamic-callback-package+
561 "org/armedbear/jna/dynamic/callbacks"
562 "The slash-delimited Java package in which we create classes dynamically to specify callback interfaces.")
564 (defun ensure-callback-interface (returns args)
565 "Ensure that the jvm interface for the callback exists in the current JVM.
567 Returns the fully dot qualified name of the interface."
568 (let* ((jvm-returns (foreign-to-callback-type returns))
569 (jvm-args (mapcar #'foreign-to-callback-type args))
570 (interface-name (qualified-callback-interface-classname jvm-returns jvm-args)))
571 (handler-case
572 (jss:find-java-class interface-name)
573 (java-exception (e)
574 (when (jinstance-of-p (java:java-exception-cause e)
575 "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException")
576 (let ((interface-class-bytes (%define-jna-callback-interface jvm-returns jvm-args))
577 (simple-interface-name (callback-interface-classname jvm-returns jvm-args)))
578 (load-class interface-name interface-class-bytes)))))
579 interface-name))
581 (defun qualified-callback-interface-classname (returns args)
582 (format nil "~A.~A"
583 (substitute #\. #\/ +dynamic-callback-package+)
584 (callback-interface-classname returns args)))
586 (defun callback-interface-classname (returns args)
587 (flet ((stringify (thing)
588 (typecase thing
589 (jvm::jvm-class-name
590 (substitute #\_ #\/
591 (jvm::class-name-internal thing)))
592 (t (string thing)))))
593 (format nil "~A__~{~A~^__~}"
594 (stringify returns)
595 (mapcar #'stringify args))))
597 (defun %define-jna-callback-interface (returns args)
598 "Returns the Java byte[] array of a class representing a Java
599 interface descending form +CALLBACK-OBJECT+ which contains the
600 single function 'callback' which takes ARGS returning RETURNS.
602 The fully qualified dotted name of the generated class is returned as
603 the second value."
604 (let ((name (callback-interface-classname returns args)))
605 (values
606 (define-java-interface name +dynamic-callback-package+
607 `(("callback" ,returns ,args))
608 `(,+callback-object+))
609 (qualified-callback-interface-classname returns args))))
611 (defun define-java-interface (name package methods
612 &optional (superinterfaces nil))
613 "Returns the bytes of the Java class interface called NAME in PACKAGE with METHODS.
615 METHODS is a list of (NAME RETURN-TYPE (ARG-TYPES)) entries. NAME is
616 a string. The values of RETURN-TYPE and the list of ARG-TYPES for the
617 defined method follow the are either references to Java objects as
618 created by JVM::MAKE-JVM-CLASS-NAME, or keywords representing Java
619 primtive types as contained in JVM::MAP-PRIMITIVE-TYPE.
621 SUPERINTERFACES optionally contains a list of interfaces that this
622 interface extends specified as fully qualifed dotted Java names."
623 (let* ((class-name-string (format nil "~A/~A" package name))
624 (class-name (jvm::make-jvm-class-name class-name-string))
625 (class (jvm::make-class-interface-file class-name)))
626 (dolist (superinterface superinterfaces)
627 (jvm::class-add-superinterface
628 class
629 (if (typep superinterface 'jvm::jvm-class-name)
630 superinterface
631 (jvm::make-jvm-class-name superinterface))))
632 (dolist (method methods)
633 (let ((name (first method))
634 (returns (second method))
635 (args (third method)))
636 (jvm::class-add-method
637 class
638 (jvm::make-jvm-method name returns args
639 :flags '(:public :abstract)))))
640 (jvm::finalize-class-file class)
641 (let ((s (sys::%make-byte-array-output-stream)))
642 (jvm::write-class-file class s)
643 (sys::%get-output-stream-bytes s))))
645 (defun load-class (name bytes)
646 "Load the byte[] array BYTES as a Java class called NAME."
647 (#"loadClassFromByteArray" java::*classloader* name bytes))
649 ;;; Test function: unused in CFFI
650 (defun write-class (class-bytes pathname)
651 "Write the Java byte[] array CLASS-BYTES to PATHNAME."
652 (with-open-file (stream pathname
653 :direction :output
654 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
655 (dotimes (i (jarray-length class-bytes))
656 (write-byte (jarray-ref class-bytes i) stream))))
658 (defun %callback (name)
659 (or (#"getFunctionPointer" 'com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
660 (gethash name *callbacks*))
661 (error "Undefined callback: ~S" name)))
663 (defun native-namestring (pathname)
664 (namestring pathname))