Cleanup config.nodes_of
[check_mk.git] / active_checks / check_sql
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 # DB2 support requires installation of the IBM Data Server Client:
28 #
29 # as well as the ibm_db2 Python DBI driver for DB2:
30 #
31 """Check_MK SQL Test"""
32 import argparse
33 import logging
34 import os
35 import sys
37 import cmk.utils.password_store
38 cmk.utils.password_store.replace_passwords()
40 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
43 "postgres": 5432,
44 "mysql": 3306,
45 "mssql": 1433,
46 "oracle": 1521,
47 "db2": 50000,
50 MP_INF = (float('-inf'), float('+inf'))
52 # . parse commandline argumens
55 def levels(values):
56 lower, upper = values.split(':')
57 lower = float(lower) if lower else MP_INF[0]
58 upper = float(upper) if upper else MP_INF[1]
59 return (lower, upper)
62 def sql_cmd_piece(values):
63 """Parse every piece of the SQL command (replace \\n and \\;)"""
64 return values.replace(r"\n", "\n").replace(r"\;", ";")
67 def parse_args(argv):
68 """Parse commandline arguments (incl password store and logging set up)"""
69 this = str(os.path.basename(argv[0]))
70 fmt = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
71 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=this, description=__doc__, formatter_class=fmt)
72 # flags
73 parser.add_argument(
74 "-v",
75 "--verbose",
76 action="count",
77 default=0,
78 help='''Verbose mode: print SQL statement and levels
79 (for even more output use -vv''',
81 parser.add_argument(
82 "--debug",
83 action="store_true",
84 help='''Debug mode: let Python exceptions come through''',
86 parser.add_argument(
87 "-m",
88 "--metrics",
89 action="store_true",
90 help='''Add performance data to the output''',
92 parser.add_argument(
93 "-o",
94 "--procedure",
95 action="store_true",
96 help='''treat the main argument as a procedure instead
97 of an SQL-Statement''',
99 parser.add_argument(
100 "-i",
101 "--input",
102 metavar="CSV",
103 default=[],
104 type=lambda s: s.split(','),
105 help='''comma separated list if values of input variables
106 if required by the procedure''',
108 # optional arguments
109 parser.add_argument(
110 "-d",
111 "--dbms",
112 default='postgres',
113 choices=['postgres', 'mysql', 'mssql', 'oracle', 'db2'],
114 help='''Name of the database management system.
115 Default is "postgres"''',
117 parser.add_argument(
118 "-H",
119 "--hostname",
120 metavar='HOST',
121 default='',
122 help='''Hostname or IP-Address where the database lives.
123 Default is ""''',
125 parser.add_argument(
126 "-P",
127 "--port",
128 default=None,
129 type=int,
130 help='''Port used to connect to the database.
131 Default depends on DBMS''',
133 parser.add_argument(
134 "-w",
135 "--warning",
136 metavar='RANGE',
137 default=MP_INF,
138 type=levels,
139 help='''lower and upper level for the warning state,
140 separated by a colon''',
142 parser.add_argument(
143 "-c",
144 "--critical",
145 metavar='RANGE',
146 default=MP_INF,
147 type=levels,
148 help='''lower and upper level for the critical state,
149 separated by a colon''',
151 parser.add_argument(
152 "-t",
153 "--text",
154 default='',
155 help='''Additional text prefixed to the output''',
158 # required arguments
159 parser.add_argument(
160 "-n",
161 "--name",
162 required=True,
163 help='''Name of the database on the DBMS''',
165 parser.add_argument(
166 "-u",
167 "--user",
168 required=True,
169 help='''Username for database access''',
171 parser.add_argument(
172 "-p",
173 "--password",
174 required=True,
175 help='''Password for database access''',
177 parser.add_argument(
178 "cmd",
179 metavar="SQL-Statement|Procedure",
180 type=sql_cmd_piece,
181 nargs='+',
182 help='''Valid SQL-Statement for the selected database.
183 The statement must return at least a number and a
184 string, plus optional performance data.
186 Alternatively: If the the "-o" option is given,
187 treat the argument as a procedure name.
189 The procedure must return one output variable,
190 which content is evaluated the same way as the
191 output of the SQL-Statement''',
193 args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
194 args.cmd = ' '.join(args.cmd)
197 fmt = "%(message)s"
198 if args.verbose > 1:
199 fmt = "%(levelname)s: %(lineno)s: " + fmt
200 if args.dbms == "mssql":
201 os.environ["TDSDUMP"] = "stdout"
202 logging.basicConfig(level=max(30 - 10 * args.verbose, 0), format=fmt)
205 for key, val in args.__dict__.items():
206 if key in ('user', 'password'):
207 val = '****'
208 LOG.debug('argparse: %s = %r', key, val)
209 return args
215 def bail_out(exit_code, output):
216 state_txt = ["OK", "WARN", "CRIT", "UNKNOWN"][exit_code]
217 sys.stdout.write("%s - %s\n" % (state_txt, output))
218 sys.exit(exit_code)
221 # . DBMS specific code here!
223 # For every DBMS specify a connect and execute function.
224 # Add them in the dict in the 'main' connect and execute functions
226 def _default_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure):
227 if procedure:
228"SQL Procedure Name: %s", cmd)
229"Input Values: %s", inpt)
230 cursor.callproc(cmd, inpt)
231 LOG.debug("inpt after 'callproc' = %r", inpt)
232 else:
233"SQL Statement: %s", cmd)
234 cursor.execute(cmd)
236 return cursor.fetchall()
239 def postgres_connect(host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
240 import psycopg2
241 return psycopg2.connect(host=host, port=port, \
242 database=db_name, user=user, password=pwd)
245 def postgres_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure):
246 return _default_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure)
249 def mysql_connect(host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
250 import MySQLdb
251 return MySQLdb.connect(host=host, port=port, db=db_name, \
252 user=user, passwd=pwd)
255 def mysql_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure):
256 return _default_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure)
259 def mssql_connect(host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
260 import pymssql
261 return pymssql.connect(host=host, port=port, \
262 database=db_name, user=user, password=pwd)
265 def mssql_execute(cursor, cmd, _inpt, procedure):
266 if procedure:
267"SQL Procedure Name: %s", cmd)
268 cmd = 'EXEC ' + cmd
269 else:
270"SQL Statement: %s", cmd)
272 cursor.execute(cmd)
274 return cursor.fetchall()
277 def oracle_connect(host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
278 sys.path.append(
279 '/usr/lib/python%s.%s/site-packages' % (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor))
280 try:
281 import cx_Oracle # pylint: disable=import-error
282 except ImportError as exc:
283 bail_out(3, "%s. Please install it via 'pip install cx_Oracle'." % exc)
285 cstring = "%s/%s@%s:%s/%s" % (user, pwd, host, port, db_name)
286 return cx_Oracle.connect(cstring)
289 def oracle_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure):
290 try:
291 import cx_Oracle # pylint: disable=import-error
292 except ImportError as exc:
293 bail_out(3, "%s. Please install it via 'pip install cx_Oracle'." % exc)
295 if procedure:
296"SQL Procedure Name: %s", cmd)
297"Input Values: %s", inpt)
299 # In an earlier version, this code-branch
300 # had been executed regardles of the dbms.
301 # clearly this is oracle specific.
302 outvar = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING) # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
303 # However, I have not been able to test it.
304 inpt.append(outvar)
306 cursor.callproc(cmd, inpt)
308 LOG.debug("inpt after 'callproc' = %r", inpt)
309 LOG.debug("outvar = %r", outvar)
311 # for empty input this is just
312 # _res = outvar.getvalue()
313 _res = ','.join(i.getvalue() for i in inpt)
314 LOG.debug("outvar.getvalue() = %r", _res)
315 params_result = _res.split(",")
316 LOG.debug("params_result = %r", params_result)
318 else:
319"SQL Statement: %s", cmd)
320 cursor.execute(cmd)
322 return cursor.fetchall()
325 def db2_connect(host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
326 # IBM data server driver
327 try:
328 import ibm_db # pylint: disable=import-error
329 import ibm_db_dbi # pylint: disable=import-error
330 except ImportError as exc:
331 bail_out(3, "%s. Please install it via pip." % exc)
333 cstring = 'DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=%s;' \
335 % (db_name, host, port, user, pwd)
336 ibm_db_conn = ibm_db.connect(cstring, '', '')
337 return ibm_db_dbi.Connection(ibm_db_conn)
340 def db2_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure):
341 return _default_execute(cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure)
347 def connect(dbms, host, port, db_name, user, pwd):
348 """Connect to the correct database
350 A python library is imported depending on the value of dbms.
351 Return the created connection object.
353 if port is None:
354 port = DEFAULT_PORTS[dbms]
356 return {
357 'postgres': postgres_connect,
358 'mysql': mysql_connect,
359 'mssql': mssql_connect,
360 'oracle': oracle_connect,
361 'db2': db2_connect,
362 }[dbms](host, port, db_name, user, pwd)
365 def execute(dbms, connection, cmd, inpt, procedure=False):
366 """Execute the sql statement, or call the procedure.
368 Some corrections are made for libraries that do not adhere to the
369 python SQL API:
371 cursor = connection.cursor()
373 try:
374 result = {
375 'postgres': postgres_execute,
376 'mysql': mysql_execute,
377 'mssql': mssql_execute,
378 'oracle': oracle_execute,
379 'db2': db2_execute,
380 }[dbms](cursor, cmd, inpt, procedure)
381 finally:
382 cursor.close()
383 connection.close()
385"SQL Result:\n%r", result)
386 return result
389 def process_result(result, warn, crit, metrics=False, debug=False):
390 """Process the first row (!) of the result of the SQL command.
392 Only the first row of the result (result[0]) is considered.
393 It is assumed to be an sequence of length 3, consisting of of
394 [numerical_value, text, performance_data].
395 The full result is returned as muliline output.
397 if not result:
398 bail_out(3, "SQL statement/procedure returned no data")
399 row0 = result[0]
401 number = float(row0[0])
403 # handle case where sql query only results in one column
404 if len(row0) == 1:
405 text = "%s" % row0[0]
406 else:
407 text = "%s" % row0[1]
409 perf = ""
410 if metrics:
411 try:
412 perf = " | performance_data=%s" % str(row0[2])
413 except IndexError:
414 if debug:
415 raise
417 state = 0
418 if warn != MP_INF or crit != MP_INF:
419 if not warn[0] < number < warn[1]:
420 state = 1
421 if not crit[0] < number < crit[1]:
422 state = 2
423 text += ": %s" % number
424 else: # no levels were given
425 if number in (0, 1, 2, 3):
426 state = int(number)
427 else:
428 bail_out(3, "<%d> is not a state, and no levels given" % number)
430 return state, text + perf
433 def main(argv=None):
435 args = parse_args(argv or sys.argv)
437 try:
438 msg = "connecting to database"
439 conn = connect(args.dbms, args.hostname, args.port,, args.user, args.password)
441 msg = "executing SQL command"
442 result = execute(args.dbms, conn, args.cmd, args.input, procedure=args.procedure)
444 msg = "processing result of SQL statement/procedure"
445 state, text = process_result(
446 result,
447 args.warning,
448 args.critical,
449 metrics=args.metrics,
450 debug=args.debug,
452 except () if args.debug else Exception as exc:
453 errmsg = str(exc).strip('()').replace(r'\n', ' ')
454 bail_out(3, "Error while %s: %s" % (msg, errmsg))
456 bail_out(state, args.text + text)
459 if __name__ == '__main__':
460 main()