1 title: State of network interfaces on AIX hosts
7 This check monitors the operational status, link speed, traffic, packet
8 counts, and errors of network interfaces of AIX hosts using
9 data sent by the Check_MK agent. It is fully compatible with {if} and
10 {if64} and shares all of its features, including Perf-O-Meter, averaging,
11 flexible configuration and NagVis weathermaps.
13 Depending on the check parameters this check can go WARN or CRIT when the
14 port status changes (i.e. is down), when the link speed changes (e.g. a
15 port expected to be set to 1GBit/s operates only at 100MBit/s), when the
16 absolute or procentual traffic of a port exceeds certain levels or if the
17 rate of errors exceeds configurable limits.
19 This check supports averaging the in- and outgoing traffic over a configurable
20 range of time by using an exponentially weighted moving average.
21 The averaging can be configured on
22 a per host and per port base. This is done by adding a key {"average"}
23 to the parameter dictionary with the number of minutes that the average
24 should cover as its key. Port with averaging turned on output two additional
25 performance values: the averaged traffic in bytes. If you have configured
26 traffic levels, then those levels are applied to the averaged values.
29 There are three allowed ways to specify a port: {1}: the last component of
30 the SNMP OID number (as string), the {ifDescr} of the port or the {ifAlias} of
31 the port. If you are using the alias, you have to make sure that it is unique
32 by configuring useful aliases in the switch. Check_MK does not check for uniqueness.
35 The inventory creates one service for each port that fulfills configurable conditions.
36 Per default these are ports which are currently found {up} and are of types {6} (ethernetCsmacd),
37 {32} (frameRelay) or {117} (gigabitEthernet).
39 {Grouping:} In some situations you do not want to monitor a single
40 interface but a group of interfaces that together form a pool.
41 The {if} check supports such pools by defining groups.
42 You can specifiy the members of a group by their port type and the item name(s) of
43 the single interfaces. The data of all members is accumulated and put together
44 in a single grouped interface service.
46 You can specify the groups with the ruleset {if_groups}.
47 Groups are defined as list of dictionaries.
51 {"name"}: String. Name of the group within the service description
53 {"iftype"}: Integer. Interface port type as integer
55 {"include_items"}: List of Strings. Interface item name. This name depends
56 on further settings like if_inventory_uses_alias or if_inventory_uses_description
58 {"single"}(optional): Bool. Interfaces in this group do not show up
59 as single service if "single" is set to True (Default: False)
61 For example: if_groups = ([{"name" : "Group WLAN", "iftype" : 6, "single" : True}], ["lan"], ALL_HOSTS )