1 title: Meinberg LANTIME devices: Reflock state
3 catalog: hw/time/meinberg
7 This check monitors the reflock state of Meinberg LANTIME clocks supporting the
8 MBG-SNMP-MIB::mbgLantime ({}) MIB. The check has been
9 developed with a GPS170 M3x lantime V5.30k.
11 The check handles the reported state of the refclock, the GPS signal and the number of
12 satellites connected to.
14 The check raises a {CRITICAL} when the refclock is in a bad state ({notavailable},
15 {antennaFaulty} or {antennaShortcircuit}) and a {WARNING} state when the refclock is
16 in one of the states {trackingSearching}, {warmBoot} or {coldBoot}.
17 The GPS state raises a {CRITICAL} state when {not available} or {not synchronized} is
18 reported by the device.
19 It also handles a warning/critical threshold for the number of good satellites.
22 One check per device is created automatically.