Cleanup config.nodes_of
[check_mk.git] / checks / netapp_api_if
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 #<<<netapp_api_if:sep(9)>>>
28 # interface clu1-01_clus1 use-failover-group unused address dns-domain-name none is-auto-revert true lif-uuid 3d682f64-4bd1-11e5-a02c-0050569628b6 vserver Cluster role cluster netmask-length 24 none operational-status up netmask failover-policy local_only home-node clu1-01 address-family ipv4 current-port e0a current-node clu1-01 routing-group-name c222.254.110.0/24 listen-for-dns-query false administrative-status up failover-group Cluster home-port e0a is-home true send_data 4265424 send_errors 0 recv_errors 0 instance_name clu1-01_clus1 recv_data 5988948
29 # interface clu1-01_clus2 use-failover-group unused address dns-domain-name none is-auto-revert true lif-uuid 3d6817c9-4bd1-11e5-a02c-0050569628b6 vserver Cluster role cluster netmask-length 24 none operational-status up netmask failover-policy local_only home-node clu1-01 address-family ipv4 current-port e0b current-node clu1-01 routing-group-name c222.254.110.0/24 listen-for-dns-query false administrative-status up failover-group Cluster home-port e0b is-home true send_data 4389886 send_errors 0 recv_errors 0 instance_name clu1-01_clus2 recv_data 6113182
32 def netapp_convert_to_if64(info):
33 interfaces = netapp_api_parse_lines(info)
35 # Calculate speed, state and create mac-address list
36 if_mac_list = {} # Dictionary with lists of common mac addresses
37 vif_list = [] # List of virtual interfaces
38 for name, values in interfaces.items():
39 # Reported by 7Mode
40 mediatype = values.get("mediatype")
41 if mediatype:
42 tokens = mediatype.split("-")
43 # Possible values according to 7-Mode docu: 100tx | 100tx-fd | 1000fx | 10g-sr
44 if "1000" in mediatype:
45 speed = 1000000000
46 elif "100" in mediatype:
47 speed = 100000000
48 elif "10g" in mediatype:
49 speed = 10000000000
50 elif "10" in mediatype:
51 speed = 10000000
52 else:
53 speed = 0
54 values["speed"] = speed
56 values["state"] = "1" if tokens[-1].lower() == "up" else "2"
57 elif values.get("port-role") != "storage-acp":
58 # If an interface has no media type and is not a storage-acp it is considered as virtual interface
59 vif_list.append(name)
61 # Reported by Clustermode
62 for status_key in ["link-status", "operational-status"]:
63 if status_key in values:
64 if values[status_key] == "up":
65 values["state"] = "1"
66 else:
67 values["state"] = "2"
68 break
70 # Reported by Clustermode
71 if "operational-speed" in values:
72 values["speed"] = int(values["operational-speed"]) * 1000 * 1000
74 if "mac-address" in values:
75 if_mac_list.setdefault(values["mac-address"], [])
76 if_mac_list[values["mac-address"]].append((name, values.get("state")))
78 nics = []
79 extra_info = {}
80 for idx, entry in enumerate(sorted(interfaces)):
81 nic_name, values = entry, interfaces[entry]
83 speed = values.get("speed", 0)
84 state = values.get("state", "2")
86 # Try to determine the speed and state for virtual interfaces
87 # We know all physical interfaces for this virtual device and use the highest available
88 # speed as the virtual speed. Note: Depending on the configuration this behaviour might
89 # differ, e.g. the speed of all interfaces might get accumulated..
90 # Additionally, we check if not all interfaces of the virtual group share the same connection speed
91 if not speed:
92 if "mac-address" in values:
93 mac_list = if_mac_list[values["mac-address"]]
94 if len(mac_list) > 1: # check if this interface is grouped
95 extra_info.setdefault(nic_name, {})
96 extra_info[nic_name]["grouped_if"] = [x for x in mac_list if x not in vif_list]
98 max_speed = 0
99 min_speed = 1024**5
100 for tmp_if, state in mac_list:
101 if tmp_if == nic_name or "speed" not in interfaces[tmp_if]:
102 continue
103 check_speed = interfaces[tmp_if]["speed"]
104 max_speed = max(max_speed, check_speed)
105 min_speed = min(min_speed, check_speed)
106 if max_speed != min_speed:
107 extra_info[nic_name]["speed_differs"] = (max_speed, min_speed)
108 speed = max_speed
110 # Virtual interfaces is "Up" if at least one physical interface is up
111 if "state" not in values:
112 if "mac-address" in values:
113 for tmp_if, state in if_mac_list[values["mac-address"]]:
114 if interfaces[tmp_if].get("state") == "1":
115 state = "1"
116 break
118 # Only add interfaces with counters
119 if "recv_data" in values:
120 if values.get("mac-address"):
121 mac = "".join(chr(int(x, 16)) for x in values["mac-address"].split(':'))
122 else:
123 mac = ''
125 nic = ['0'] * 20
126 nic[0] = str(idx + 1) # Index
127 nic[1] = nic_name # Description
128 nic[2] = "6" # Fake ethernet # Type
129 nic[3] = speed # Speed
130 nic[4] = state # Status
131 # IN
132 nic[5] = values.get("recv_data", 0) # inoctets
133 nic[6] = values.get("recv_packet", 0) # inucast
134 nic[7] = values.get("recv_mcasts", 0) # inmcast
135 nic[8] = 0 # ibcast
136 nic[9] = 0 # indiscards
137 nic[10] = values.get("recv_errors", 0) # inerrors
138 # OUT
139 nic[11] = values.get("send_data", 0) # outoctets
140 nic[12] = values.get("send_packet", 0) # outucast
141 nic[13] = values.get("send_mcasts", 0) # outmcast
142 nic[14] = 0 # outbcast
143 nic[15] = 0 # outdiscards
144 nic[16] = values.get("send_errors", 0) # outspeed
145 nic[17] = 0 # outqlen
146 nic[18] = values.get("interface-name", "") # Alias
147 nic[19] = mac # MAC
149 nics.append(nic)
151 return nics, extra_info
154 def inventory_netapp_api_if(parsed):
155 nics, _extra_info = parsed
156 return inventory_if_common(nics)
159 def check_netapp_api_if(item, params, parsed):
160 nics, extra_info = parsed
161 yield check_if_common(item, params, nics)
163 for line in nics:
164 ifIndex = line[0]
165 ifDescr = line[1]
166 ifAlias = line[18]
167 if isinstance(ifIndex, tuple):
168 _ifGroup, ifIndex = ifIndex
170 ifDescr_cln = cleanup_if_strings(ifDescr)
171 ifAlias_cln = cleanup_if_strings(ifAlias)
172 first_member = True
173 if if_item_matches(item, ifIndex, ifAlias_cln, ifDescr_cln):
174 if ifDescr in extra_info:
175 vif_group = extra_info[ifDescr]
176 for member_name, member_state in vif_group["grouped_if"]:
177 if member_state is None or member_name == ifDescr:
178 continue # Not a real member or the grouped interface itself
180 if member_state == "2":
181 state = 1
182 else:
183 state = 0
185 if first_member:
186 yield state, "Physical interfaces: %s(%s)" % (member_name,
187 if_statename(member_state))
188 first_member = False
189 else:
190 yield state, "%s(%s)" % (member_name, if_statename(member_state))
192 if "speed_differs" in vif_group:
193 yield 1, "Interfaces do not have the same speed"
196 check_info["netapp_api_if"] = {
197 'check_function': check_netapp_api_if,
198 'inventory_function': inventory_netapp_api_if,
199 'parse_function': netapp_convert_to_if64,
200 'service_description': 'Interface %s',
201 'has_perfdata': True,
202 'group': 'if',
203 'includes': ['if.include', 'netapp_api.include'],
204 'default_levels_variable': 'if_default_levels',