omit spurious warnings
[chr.git] /
1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Tom Schrijvers
6 E-mail:
7 WWW:
8 Copyright (C): 2005, K.U. Leuven
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
25 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
26 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
27 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
28 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
29 the GNU General Public License.
31 :- module(chr_compiler_errors,
33 chr_info/3,
34 chr_warning/3,
35 chr_error/3,
36 print_chr_error/1
37 ]).
39 :- use_module(chr_compiler_options).
41 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
42 % chr_info(+Type,+FormattedMessage,+MessageParameters)
44 chr_info(_,Message,Params) :-
45 ( \+verbosity_on ->
46 true
48 long_line_with_equality_signs,
49 format(user_error,'CHR compiler:\n',[]),
50 format(user_error,Message,Params),
51 long_line_with_equality_signs
55 %% SWI begin
56 verbosity_on :-
57 current_prolog_flag(verbose,V), V \== silent,
58 current_prolog_flag(verbose_load,true).
59 %% SWI end
61 %% SICStus begin
62 %% verbosity_on. % at the moment
63 %% SICStus end
65 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66 % chr_warning(+Type,+FormattedMessage,+MessageParameters)
68 chr_warning(deprecated(Term),Message,Params) :- !,
69 long_line_with_equality_signs,
70 format(user_error,'CHR compiler WARNING: deprecated syntax ~w.\n',[Term]),
71 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
72 format(user_error,Message,Params),
73 format(user_error,' Support for deprecated syntax will be discontinued in the near future!\n',[]),
74 long_line_with_equality_signs.
76 chr_warning(internal,Message,Params) :- !,
77 long_line_with_equality_signs,
78 format(user_error,'CHR compiler WARNING: something unexpected happened in the CHR compiler.\n',[]),
79 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
80 format(user_error,Message,Params),
81 format(user_error,' Your program may not have been compiled correctly!\n',[]),
82 format(user_error,' Please contact\n',[]),
83 long_line_with_equality_signs.
85 chr_warning(unsupported_pragma(Pragma,Rule),Message,Params) :- !,
86 long_line_with_equality_signs,
87 format(user_error,'CHR compiler WARNING: unsupported pragma ~w in ~@.\n',[Pragma,format_rule(Rule)]),
88 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
89 format(user_error,Message,Params),
90 format(user_error,' Pragma is ignored!\n',[]),
91 long_line_with_equality_signs.
92 chr_warning(problem_pragma(Pragma,Rule),Message,Params) :- !,
93 long_line_with_equality_signs,
94 format(user_error,'CHR compiler WARNING: unsupported pragma ~w in ~@.\n',[Pragma,format_rule(Rule)]),
95 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
96 format(user_error,Message,Params),
97 long_line_with_equality_signs.
99 chr_warning(_,Message,Params) :-
100 ( chr_pp_flag(verbosity,on) ->
101 long_line_with_equality_signs,
102 format(user_error,'CHR compiler WARNING:\n',[]),
103 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
104 format(user_error,Message,Params),
105 long_line_with_equality_signs
107 true
110 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
111 % chr_error(+Type,+FormattedMessage,+MessageParameters)
113 chr_error(Type,Message,Params) :-
114 throw(chr_error(error(Type,Message,Params))).
116 print_chr_error(error(Type,Message,Params)) :-
117 print_chr_error(Type,Message,Params).
119 print_chr_error(syntax(Term),Message,Params) :- !,
120 long_line_with_equality_signs,
121 format(user_error,'CHR compiler ERROR: invalid syntax "~w".\n',[Term]),
122 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
123 format(user_error,Message,Params),
124 long_line_with_equality_signs.
126 print_chr_error(internal,Message,Params) :- !,
127 long_line_with_equality_signs,
128 format(user_error,'CHR compiler ERROR: something unexpected happened in the CHR compiler.\n',[]),
129 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
130 format(user_error,Message,Params),
131 format(user_error,' Please contact\n',[]),
132 long_line_with_equality_signs.
134 print_chr_error(cyclic_alias(Alias),_Message,_Params) :- !,
135 long_line_with_equality_signs,
136 format(user_error,'CHR compiler ERROR: cyclic alias "~w".\n',[Alias]),
137 format(user_error,' `--> Aborting compilation.\n',[]),
138 long_line_with_equality_signs.
140 print_chr_error(_,Message,Params) :-
141 long_line_with_equality_signs,
142 format(user_error,'CHR compiler ERROR:\n',[]),
143 format(user_error,' `--> ',[]),
144 format(user_error,Message,Params),
145 long_line_with_equality_signs.
147 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
150 format_rule(PragmaRule) :-
151 PragmaRule = pragma(_,_,Pragmas,MaybeName,N),
152 ( MaybeName = yes(Name) ->
153 write('rule '), write(Name)
155 write('rule number '), write(N)
157 ( memberchk(line_number(LineNumber),Pragmas) ->
158 write(' (line '),
159 write(LineNumber),
160 write(')')
162 true
165 long_line_with_equality_signs :-
166 format(user_error,'================================================================================\n',[]).