FIXED bug in goal expansion of chr_identifier lookup operation
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1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Tom Schrijvers
6 E-mail:
7 WWW:
8 Copyright (C): 2005-2006, K.U. Leuven
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
25 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
26 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
27 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
28 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
29 the GNU General Public License.
31 :- module(chr_compiler_utility,
32 [ time/2
33 , replicate/3
34 , pair_all_with/3
35 , conj2list/2
36 , list2conj/2
37 , disj2list/2
38 , list2disj/2
39 , variable_replacement/3
40 , variable_replacement/4
41 , identical_rules/2
42 , identical_guarded_rules/2
43 , copy_with_variable_replacement/3
44 , my_term_copy/3
45 , my_term_copy/4
46 , atom_concat_list/2
47 , atomic_concat/3
48 , init/2
49 , member2/3
50 , select2/6
51 , set_elems/2
52 , instrument_goal/4
53 , sort_by_key/3
54 , arg1/3
55 , wrap_in_functor/3
56 , tree_set_empty/1
57 , tree_set_memberchk/2
58 , tree_set_add/3
59 , tree_set_merge/3
60 , fold1/3
61 , fold/4
62 , maplist_dcg//3
63 , maplist_dcg//4
64 ]).
66 :- use_module(pairlist).
67 :- use_module(library(lists), [permutation/2]).
68 :- use_module(library(assoc)).
70 %% SICStus begin
71 %% use_module(library(terms),[term_variables/2]).
72 %% SICStus end
75 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
76 % time(Phase,Goal) :-
77 % statistics(runtime,[T1|_]),
78 % call(Goal),
79 % statistics(runtime,[T2|_]),
80 % T is T2 - T1,
81 % format(' ~w ~46t ~D~80| ms\n',[Phase,T]),
82 % deterministic(Det),
83 % ( Det == true ->
84 % true
85 % ;
86 % format('\t\tNOT DETERMINISTIC!\n',[])
87 % ).
88 time(_,Goal) :- call(Goal).
90 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
91 replicate(N,E,L) :-
92 ( N =< 0 ->
93 L = []
95 L = [E|T],
96 M is N - 1,
97 replicate(M,E,T)
100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
101 pair_all_with([],_,[]).
102 pair_all_with([X|Xs],Y,[X-Y|Rest]) :-
103 pair_all_with(Xs,Y,Rest).
105 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
106 conj2list(Conj,L) :- %% transform conjunctions to list
107 conj2list(Conj,L,[]).
109 conj2list(Var,L,T) :-
110 var(Var), !,
111 L = [Var|T].
112 conj2list(true,L,L) :- !.
113 conj2list(Conj,L,T) :-
114 Conj = (G1,G2), !,
115 conj2list(G1,L,T1),
116 conj2list(G2,T1,T).
117 conj2list(G,[G | T],T).
119 disj2list(Conj,L) :- %% transform disjunctions to list
120 disj2list(Conj,L,[]).
121 disj2list(Conj,L,T) :-
122 Conj = (fail;G2), !,
123 disj2list(G2,L,T).
124 disj2list(Conj,L,T) :-
125 Conj = (G1;G2), !,
126 disj2list(G1,L,T1),
127 disj2list(G2,T1,T).
128 disj2list(G,[G | T],T).
130 list2conj([],true).
131 list2conj([G],X) :- !, X = G.
132 list2conj([G|Gs],C) :-
133 ( G == true -> %% remove some redundant trues
134 list2conj(Gs,C)
136 C = (G,R),
137 list2conj(Gs,R)
140 list2disj([],fail).
141 list2disj([G],X) :- !, X = G.
142 list2disj([G|Gs],C) :-
143 ( G == fail -> %% remove some redundant fails
144 list2disj(Gs,C)
146 C = (G;R),
147 list2disj(Gs,R)
150 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
151 % check wether two rules are identical
153 identical_guarded_rules(rule(H11,H21,G1,_),rule(H12,H22,G2,_)) :-
154 G1 == G2,
155 permutation(H11,P1),
156 P1 == H12,
157 permutation(H21,P2),
158 P2 == H22.
160 identical_rules(rule(H11,H21,G1,B1),rule(H12,H22,G2,B2)) :-
161 G1 == G2,
162 identical_bodies(B1,B2),
163 permutation(H11,P1),
164 P1 == H12,
165 permutation(H21,P2),
166 P2 == H22.
168 identical_bodies(B1,B2) :-
169 ( B1 = (X1 = Y1),
170 B2 = (X2 = Y2) ->
171 ( X1 == X2,
172 Y1 == Y2
173 ; X1 == Y2,
174 X2 == Y1
177 ; B1 == B2
180 % replace variables in list
182 copy_with_variable_replacement(X,Y,L) :-
183 ( var(X) ->
184 ( lookup_eq(L,X,Y) ->
185 true
186 ; X = Y
188 ; functor(X,F,A),
189 functor(Y,F,A),
190 X =.. [_|XArgs],
191 Y =.. [_|YArgs],
192 copy_with_variable_replacement_l(XArgs,YArgs,L)
195 copy_with_variable_replacement_l([],[],_).
196 copy_with_variable_replacement_l([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],L) :-
197 copy_with_variable_replacement(X,Y,L),
198 copy_with_variable_replacement_l(Xs,Ys,L).
200 % build variable replacement list
202 variable_replacement(X,Y,L) :-
203 variable_replacement(X,Y,[],L).
205 variable_replacement(X,Y,L1,L2) :-
206 ( var(X) ->
207 var(Y),
208 ( lookup_eq(L1,X,Z) ->
209 Z == Y,
210 L2 = L1
211 ; ( X == Y -> L2=L1 ; L2 = [X-Y,Y-X|L1])
213 ; X =.. [F|XArgs],
214 nonvar(Y),
215 Y =.. [F|YArgs],
216 variable_replacement_l(XArgs,YArgs,L1,L2)
219 variable_replacement_l([],[],L,L).
220 variable_replacement_l([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],L1,L3) :-
221 variable_replacement(X,Y,L1,L2),
222 variable_replacement_l(Xs,Ys,L2,L3).
224 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
225 my_term_copy(X,Dict,Y) :-
226 my_term_copy(X,Dict,_,Y).
228 my_term_copy(X,Dict1,Dict2,Y) :-
229 ( var(X) ->
230 ( lookup_eq(Dict1,X,Y) ->
231 Dict2 = Dict1
232 ; Dict2 = [X-Y|Dict1]
234 ; functor(X,XF,XA),
235 functor(Y,XF,XA),
236 X =.. [_|XArgs],
237 Y =.. [_|YArgs],
238 my_term_copy_list(XArgs,Dict1,Dict2,YArgs)
241 my_term_copy_list([],Dict,Dict,[]).
242 my_term_copy_list([X|Xs],Dict1,Dict3,[Y|Ys]) :-
243 my_term_copy(X,Dict1,Dict2,Y),
244 my_term_copy_list(Xs,Dict2,Dict3,Ys).
246 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
247 atom_concat_list([X],X) :- ! .
248 atom_concat_list([X|Xs],A) :-
249 atom_concat_list(Xs,B),
250 atomic_concat(X,B,A).
252 atomic_concat(A,B,C) :-
253 make_atom(A,AA),
254 make_atom(B,BB),
255 atom_concat(AA,BB,C).
257 make_atom(A,AA) :-
259 atom(A) ->
260 AA = A
262 number(A) ->
263 number_codes(A,AL),
264 atom_codes(AA,AL)
269 set_elems([],_).
270 set_elems([X|Xs],X) :-
271 set_elems(Xs,X).
273 init([],[]).
274 init([_],[]) :- !.
275 init([X|Xs],[X|R]) :-
276 init(Xs,R).
278 member2([X|_],[Y|_],X-Y).
279 member2([_|Xs],[_|Ys],P) :-
280 member2(Xs,Ys,P).
282 select2(X, Y, [X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Xs, Ys).
283 select2(X, Y, [X1|Xs], [Y1|Ys], [X1|NXs], [Y1|NYs]) :-
284 select2(X, Y, Xs, Ys, NXs, NYs).
286 instrument_goal(Goal,Pre,Post,(Pre,Goal,Post)).
288 sort_by_key(List,Keys,SortedList) :-
289 pairup(Keys,List,Pairs),
290 sort(Pairs,SortedPairs),
291 once(pairup(_,SortedList,SortedPairs)).
293 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
294 arg1(Term,Index,Arg) :- arg(Index,Term,Arg).
296 wrap_in_functor(Functor,X,Term) :-
297 Term =.. [Functor,X].
299 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
301 tree_set_empty(TreeSet) :- empty_assoc(TreeSet).
302 tree_set_memberchk(Element,TreeSet) :- get_assoc(Element,TreeSet,_).
303 tree_set_add(TreeSet,Element,NTreeSet) :- put_assoc(Element,TreeSet,x,NTreeSet).
304 tree_set_merge(TreeSet1,TreeSet2,TreeSet3) :-
305 assoc_to_list(TreeSet1,List),
306 fold(List,tree_set_add_pair,TreeSet2,TreeSet3).
307 tree_set_add_pair(Key-Value,TreeSet,NTreeSet) :-
308 put_assoc(Key,TreeSet,Value,NTreeSet).
310 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
311 fold1(P,[Head|Tail],Result) :-
312 fold(Tail,P,Head,Result).
314 fold([],_,Acc,Acc).
315 fold([X|Xs],P,Acc,Res) :-
316 call(P,X,Acc,NAcc),
317 fold(Xs,P,NAcc,Res).
319 maplist_dcg(P,L1,L2,L) -->
320 maplist_dcg_(L1,L2,L,P).
322 maplist_dcg_([],[],[],_) --> [].
323 maplist_dcg_([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],[Z|Zs],P) -->
324 call(P,X,Y,Z),
325 maplist_dcg_(Xs,Ys,Zs,P).
327 maplist_dcg(P,L1,L2) -->
328 maplist_dcg_(L1,L2,P).
330 maplist_dcg_([],[],_) --> [].
331 maplist_dcg_([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],P) -->
332 call(P,X,Y),
333 maplist_dcg_(Xs,Ys,P).
334 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
335 :- dynamic
336 user:goal_expansion/2.
337 :- multifile
338 user:goal_expansion/2.
340 user:goal_expansion(arg1(Term,Index,Arg), arg(Index,Term,Arg)).
341 user:goal_expansion(wrap_in_functor(Functor,In,Out), Goal) :-
342 ( atom(Functor), var(Out) ->
343 Out =.. [Functor,In],
344 Goal = true
346 Goal = (Out =.. [Functor,In])