Preparing 5.6.52
[chr.git] /
1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Tom Schrijvers
6 E-mail:
7 WWW:
8 Copyright (C): 2003-2004, K.U. Leuven
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
25 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
26 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
27 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
28 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
29 the GNU General Public License.
31 % author: Tom Schrijvers
32 % email:
33 % copyright: K.U.Leuven, 2004
35 :- module(chr_hashtable_store,
36 [ new_ht/1,
37 lookup_ht/3,
38 lookup_ht1/4,
39 lookup_ht2/4,
40 insert_ht/3,
41 insert_ht/4,
42 delete_ht/3,
43 delete_ht1/4,
44 delete_first_ht/3,
45 value_ht/2,
46 stats_ht/1,
47 stats_ht/1
48 ]).
50 :- use_module(pairlist).
51 :- use_module(hprolog).
52 :- use_module(library(lists)).
54 :- multifile user:goal_expansion/2.
55 :- dynamic user:goal_expansion/2.
57 user:goal_expansion(term_hash(Term,Hash),hash_term(Term,Hash)).
59 % term_hash(Term,Hash) :-
60 % hash_term(Term,Hash).
61 initial_capacity(89).
63 new_ht(HT) :-
64 initial_capacity(Capacity),
65 new_ht(Capacity,HT).
67 new_ht(Capacity,HT) :-
68 functor(T1,t,Capacity),
69 HT = ht(Capacity,0,Table),
70 Table = T1.
72 lookup_ht(HT,Key,Values) :-
73 term_hash(Key,Hash),
74 lookup_ht1(HT,Hash,Key,Values).
76 HT = ht(Capacity,_,Table),
77 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
78 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
79 nonvar(Bucket),
80 ( Bucket = K-Vs ->
81 K == Key,
82 Values = Vs
84 lookup(Bucket,Key,Values)
88 % :- load_foreign_library(chr_support).
91 lookup_ht1(HT,Hash,Key,Values) :-
92 ( lookup_ht1_(HT,Hash,Key,Values) ->
93 true
95 ( lookup_ht1__(HT,Hash,Key,Values) ->
96 writeln(lookup_ht1(HT,Hash,Key,Values)),
97 throw(error)
99 fail
104 lookup_ht1(HT,Hash,Key,Values) :-
105 HT = ht(Capacity,_,Table),
106 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
107 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
108 nonvar(Bucket),
109 ( Bucket = K-Vs ->
110 K == Key,
111 Values = Vs
113 lookup(Bucket,Key,Values)
116 lookup_ht2(HT,Key,Values,Index) :-
117 term_hash(Key,Hash),
118 HT = ht(Capacity,_,Table),
119 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
120 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
121 nonvar(Bucket),
122 ( Bucket = K-Vs ->
123 K == Key,
124 Values = Vs
126 lookup(Bucket,Key,Values)
129 lookup_pair_eq([P | KVs],Key,Pair) :-
130 P = K-_,
131 ( K == Key ->
132 P = Pair
134 lookup_pair_eq(KVs,Key,Pair)
137 insert_ht(HT,Key,Value) :-
138 term_hash(Key,Hash),
139 HT = ht(Capacity0,Load,Table0),
140 LookupIndex is (Hash mod Capacity0) + 1,
141 arg(LookupIndex,Table0,LookupBucket),
142 ( var(LookupBucket) ->
143 LookupBucket = Key - [Value]
144 ; LookupBucket = K-Values ->
145 ( K == Key ->
146 setarg(2,LookupBucket,[Value|Values])
148 setarg(LookupIndex,Table0,[Key-[Value],LookupBucket])
151 ( lookup_pair_eq(LookupBucket,Key,Pair) ->
152 Pair = _-Values,
153 setarg(2,Pair,[Value|Values])
155 setarg(LookupIndex,Table0,[Key-[Value]|LookupBucket])
158 NLoad is Load + 1,
159 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
160 ( Load == Capacity0 ->
161 expand_ht(HT,_Capacity)
163 true
166 insert_ht1(HT,Key,Hash,Value) :-
167 HT = ht(Capacity0,Load,Table0),
168 LookupIndex is (Hash mod Capacity0) + 1,
169 arg(LookupIndex,Table0,LookupBucket),
170 ( var(LookupBucket) ->
171 LookupBucket = Key - [Value]
172 ; LookupBucket = K-Values ->
173 ( K == Key ->
174 setarg(2,LookupBucket,[Value|Values])
176 setarg(LookupIndex,Table0,[Key-[Value],LookupBucket])
179 ( lookup_pair_eq(LookupBucket,Key,Pair) ->
180 Pair = _-Values,
181 setarg(2,Pair,[Value|Values])
183 setarg(LookupIndex,Table0,[Key-[Value]|LookupBucket])
186 NLoad is Load + 1,
187 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
188 ( Load == Capacity0 ->
189 expand_ht(HT,_Capacity)
191 true
194 % LDK: insert version with extra argument denoting result
196 insert_ht(HT,Key,Value,Result) :-
197 HT = ht(Capacity,Load,Table),
198 term_hash(Key,Hash),
199 LookupIndex is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
200 arg(LookupIndex,Table,LookupBucket),
201 ( var(LookupBucket)
202 -> Result = [Value],
203 LookupBucket = Key - Result,
204 NewLoad is Load + 1
205 ; LookupBucket = K - V
206 -> ( K = Key
207 -> Result = [Value|V],
208 setarg(2,LookupBucket,Result),
209 NewLoad = Load
210 ; Result = [Value],
211 setarg(LookupIndex,Table,[Key - Result,LookupBucket]),
212 NewLoad is Load + 1
214 ; ( lookup_pair_eq(LookupBucket,Key,Pair)
215 -> Pair = _-Values,
216 Result = [Value|Values],
217 setarg(2,Pair,Result),
218 NewLoad = Load
219 ; Result = [Value],
220 setarg(LookupIndex,Table,[Key - Result|LookupBucket]),
221 NewLoad is Load + 1
224 setarg(2,HT,NewLoad),
225 ( NewLoad > Capacity
226 -> expand_ht(HT,_)
227 ; true
230 % LDK: deletion of the first element of a bucket
231 delete_first_ht(HT,Key,Values) :-
232 HT = ht(Capacity,Load,Table),
233 term_hash(Key,Hash),
234 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
235 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
236 ( Bucket = _-[_|Values]
237 -> ( Values = []
238 -> setarg(Index,Table,_),
239 NewLoad is Load - 1
240 ; setarg(2,Bucket,Values),
241 NewLoad = Load
243 ; lookup_pair_eq(Bucket,Key,Pair)
244 -> Pair = _-[_|Values],
245 ( Values = []
246 -> pairlist_delete_eq(Bucket,Key,NewBucket),
247 ( NewBucket = []
248 -> setarg(Index,Table,_)
249 ; NewBucket = [OtherPair]
250 -> setarg(Index,Table,OtherPair)
251 ; setarg(Index,Table,NewBucket)
253 NewLoad is Load - 1
254 ; setarg(2,Pair,Values),
255 NewLoad = Load
259 delete_ht(HT,Key,Value) :-
260 HT = ht(Capacity,Load,Table),
261 NLoad is Load - 1,
262 term_hash(Key,Hash),
263 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
264 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
265 ( /* var(Bucket) ->
266 true
267 ; */ Bucket = _K-Vs ->
268 ( /* _K == Key, */
269 delete_first_fail(Vs,Value,NVs) ->
270 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
271 ( NVs == [] ->
272 setarg(Index,Table,_)
274 setarg(2,Bucket,NVs)
277 true
280 ( lookup_pair_eq(Bucket,Key,Pair),
281 Pair = _-Vs,
282 delete_first_fail(Vs,Value,NVs) ->
283 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
284 ( NVs == [] ->
285 pairlist_delete_eq(Bucket,Key,NBucket),
286 ( NBucket = [Singleton] ->
287 setarg(Index,Table,Singleton)
289 setarg(Index,Table,NBucket)
292 setarg(2,Pair,NVs)
295 true
299 delete_first_fail([X | Xs], Y, Zs) :-
300 ( X == Y ->
301 Zs = Xs
303 Zs = [X | Zs1],
304 delete_first_fail(Xs, Y, Zs1)
307 delete_ht1(HT,Key,Value,Index) :-
308 HT = ht(_Capacity,Load,Table),
309 NLoad is Load - 1,
310 % term_hash(Key,Hash),
311 % Index is (Hash mod _Capacity) + 1,
312 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
313 ( /* var(Bucket) ->
314 true
315 ; */ Bucket = _K-Vs ->
316 ( /* _K == Key, */
317 delete_first_fail(Vs,Value,NVs) ->
318 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
319 ( NVs == [] ->
320 setarg(Index,Table,_)
322 setarg(2,Bucket,NVs)
325 true
328 ( lookup_pair_eq(Bucket,Key,Pair),
329 Pair = _-Vs,
330 delete_first_fail(Vs,Value,NVs) ->
331 setarg(2,HT,NLoad),
332 ( NVs == [] ->
333 pairlist_delete_eq(Bucket,Key,NBucket),
334 ( NBucket = [Singleton] ->
335 setarg(Index,Table,Singleton)
337 setarg(Index,Table,NBucket)
340 setarg(2,Pair,NVs)
343 true
346 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
347 value_ht(HT,Value) :-
348 HT = ht(Capacity,_,Table),
349 value_ht(1,Capacity,Table,Value).
351 value_ht(I,N,Table,Value) :-
352 I =< N,
353 arg(I,Table,Bucket),
355 nonvar(Bucket),
356 ( Bucket = _-Vs ->
357 true
359 member(_-Vs,Bucket)
361 member(Value,Vs)
363 J is I + 1,
364 value_ht(J,N,Table,Value)
367 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
369 expand_ht(HT,NewCapacity) :-
370 HT = ht(Capacity,_,Table),
371 NewCapacity is Capacity * 2 + 1,
372 functor(NewTable,t,NewCapacity),
373 setarg(1,HT,NewCapacity),
374 setarg(3,HT,NewTable),
375 expand_copy(Table,1,Capacity,NewTable,NewCapacity).
377 expand_copy(Table,I,N,NewTable,NewCapacity) :-
378 ( I > N ->
379 true
381 arg(I,Table,Bucket),
382 ( var(Bucket) ->
383 true
384 ; Bucket = Key - Value ->
385 expand_insert(NewTable,NewCapacity,Key,Value)
387 expand_inserts(Bucket,NewTable,NewCapacity)
389 J is I + 1,
390 expand_copy(Table,J,N,NewTable,NewCapacity)
393 expand_inserts([],_,_).
394 expand_inserts([K-V|R],Table,Capacity) :-
395 expand_insert(Table,Capacity,K,V),
396 expand_inserts(R,Table,Capacity).
398 expand_insert(Table,Capacity,K,V) :-
399 term_hash(K,Hash),
400 Index is (Hash mod Capacity) + 1,
401 arg(Index,Table,Bucket),
402 ( var(Bucket) ->
403 Bucket = K - V
404 ; Bucket = _-_ ->
405 setarg(Index,Table,[K-V,Bucket])
407 setarg(Index,Table,[K-V|Bucket])
409 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
410 stats_ht(HT) :-
411 HT = ht(Capacity,Load,Table),
412 format('HT load = ~w / ~w\n',[Load,Capacity]),
413 ( between(1,Capacity,Index),
414 arg(Index,Table,Entry),
415 ( var(Entry) -> Size = 0
416 ; Entry = _-_ -> Size = 1
417 ; length(Entry,Size)
419 format('~w : ~w\n',[Index,Size]),
420 fail
422 true