* Deleted copy_term_nat/2 definition
[chr.git] / chr_test.pl
1 /* $Id$
3 E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl
5 Copyright (C) 1996 University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
6 */
8 :- asserta(user:file_search_path(chr, '.')).
9 :- asserta(user:file_search_path(library, '.')).
10 :- use_module(chr). % == library(chr)
12 :- set_prolog_flag(optimise, true).
13 %:- set_prolog_flag(trace_gc, true).
15 :- format('CHR test suite. To run all tests run ?- test.~n~n', []).
17 % Required to get this always running regardless of user LANG setting.
18 % Without this the tests won't run on machines with -for example- LANG=ja
19 % according to NIDE Naoyuki, nide@ics.nara-wu.ac.jp. Thanks!
21 :- getenv('LANG', _) -> setenv('LANG', 'C'); true.
24 /*******************************
25 * SCRIPTS *
26 *******************************/
29 :- dynamic
30 script_dir/1.
32 set_script_dir :-
33 script_dir(_), !.
34 set_script_dir :-
35 find_script_dir(Dir),
36 assert(script_dir(Dir)).
38 find_script_dir(Dir) :-
39 prolog_load_context(file, File),
40 follow_links(File, RealFile),
41 file_directory_name(RealFile, Dir).
43 follow_links(File, RealFile) :-
44 read_link(File, _, RealFile), !.
45 follow_links(File, File).
48 :- set_script_dir.
50 run_test_script(Script) :-
51 file_base_name(Script, Base),
52 file_name_extension(Pred, _, Base),
53 load_files(Script, []), %[silent(true)]),
54 Pred.
56 run_test_scripts(Directory) :-
57 ( script_dir(ScriptDir),
58 concat_atom([ScriptDir, /, Directory], Dir),
59 exists_directory(Dir)
60 -> true
61 ; Dir = Directory
63 atom_concat(Dir, '/*.chr', Pattern),
64 expand_file_name(Pattern, Files),
65 file_base_name(Dir, BaseDir),
66 format('Running scripts from ~w ', [BaseDir]), flush,
67 run_scripts(Files),
68 format(' done~n').
70 run_scripts([]).
71 run_scripts([H|T]) :-
72 ( catch(run_test_script(H), Except, true)
73 -> ( var(Except)
74 -> put(.), flush
75 ; Except = blocked(Reason)
76 -> assert(blocked(H, Reason)),
77 put(!), flush
78 ; script_failed(H, Except)
80 ; script_failed(H, fail)
82 run_scripts(T).
84 script_failed(File, fail) :-
85 format('~NScript ~w failed~n', [File]),
86 assert(failed(script(File))).
87 script_failed(File, Except) :-
88 message_to_string(Except, Error),
89 format('~NScript ~w failed: ~w~n', [File, Error]),
90 assert(failed(script(File))).
93 /*******************************
95 *******************************/
97 testdir('Tests').
99 :- dynamic
100 failed/1,
101 blocked/2.
103 test :-
104 retractall(failed(_)),
105 retractall(blocked(_,_)),
106 scripts,
107 report_blocked,
108 report_failed.
110 scripts :-
111 forall(testdir(Dir), run_test_scripts(Dir)).
114 report_blocked :-
115 findall(Head-Reason, blocked(Head, Reason), L),
116 ( L \== []
117 -> format('~nThe following tests are blocked:~n', []),
118 ( member(Head-Reason, L),
119 format(' ~p~t~40|~w~n', [Head, Reason]),
120 fail
121 ; true
123 ; true
125 report_failed :-
126 findall(X, failed(X), L),
127 length(L, Len),
128 ( Len > 0
129 -> format('~n*** ~w tests failed ***~n', [Len]),
130 fail
131 ; format('~nAll tests passed~n', [])
134 test_failed(R, Except) :-
135 clause(Head, _, R),
136 functor(Head, Name, 1),
137 arg(1, Head, TestName),
138 clause_property(R, line_count(Line)),
139 clause_property(R, file(File)),
140 ( Except == fail
141 -> format('~N~w:~d: Test ~w(~w) failed~n',
142 [File, Line, Name, TestName])
143 ; message_to_string(Except, Error),
144 format('~N~w:~d: Test ~w(~w):~n~t~8|ERROR: ~w~n',
145 [File, Line, Name, TestName, Error])
147 assert(failed(Head)).
149 blocked(Reason) :-
150 throw(blocked(Reason)).