* Fix running Prolog inside the build environment
[chr.git] / chr_runtime.pl
1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Christian Holzbaur and Tom Schrijvers
6 E-mail: christian@ai.univie.ac.at
7 Tom.Schrijvers@cs.kuleuven.ac.be
8 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
9 Copyright (C): 2003-2004, K.U. Leuven
11 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 GNU General Public License for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
23 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
26 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
27 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
28 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
29 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
30 the GNU General Public License.
32 Distributed with SWI-Prolog under the above conditions with
33 permission from the authors.
37 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
38 %% _ _ _
39 %% ___| |__ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ | |_(_)_ __ ___ ___
40 %% / __| '_ \| '__| | '__| | | | '_ \| __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
41 %% | (__| | | | | | | | |_| | | | | |_| | | | | | | __/
42 %% \___|_| |_|_| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__|_|_| |_| |_|\___|
44 %% hProlog CHR runtime:
46 %% * based on the SICStus CHR runtime by Christian Holzbaur
47 %%
48 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
49 %% % Constraint Handling Rules version 2.2 %
50 %% % %
51 %% % (c) Copyright 1996-98 %
52 %% % LMU, Muenchen %
53 %% % %
54 %% % File: chr.pl %
55 %% % Author: Christian Holzbaur christian@ai.univie.ac.at %
56 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
57 %%
58 %%
59 %% * modified by Tom Schrijvers, K.U.Leuven, Tom.Schrijvers@cs.kuleuven.ac.be
60 %% - ported to hProlog
61 %% - modified for eager suspension removal
63 %% * First working version: 6 June 2003
65 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66 %% SWI-Prolog changes
67 %%
68 %% * Added initialization directives for saved-states
69 %% * Renamed merge/3 --> sbag_merge/3 (name conflict)
70 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
72 :- module(chr_runtime,
73 [ 'chr sbag_del_element'/3,
74 'chr sbag_member'/2,
75 'chr merge_attributes'/3,
77 'chr run_suspensions'/1,
78 'chr run_suspensions_loop'/1,
80 'chr run_suspensions_d'/1,
81 'chr run_suspensions_loop_d'/1,
83 'chr insert_constraint_internal'/5,
84 'chr remove_constraint_internal'/2,
85 'chr allocate_constraint'/4,
86 'chr activate_constraint'/3,
88 'chr global_term_ref_1'/1,
90 'chr via_1'/2,
91 'chr via_2'/3,
92 'chr via'/2,
94 'chr lock'/1,
95 'chr unlock'/1,
96 'chr not_locked'/1,
97 'chr none_locked'/1,
99 'chr update_mutable'/2,
100 'chr get_mutable'/2,
102 'chr novel_production'/2,
103 'chr extend_history'/2,
104 'chr empty_history'/1,
106 'chr gen_id'/1,
108 'chr debug_event'/1,
109 'chr debug command'/2, % Char, Command
111 chr_trace/0,
112 chr_notrace/0,
113 chr_leash/1
115 :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false).
117 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
119 :- use_module(library(assoc)).
120 :- use_module(hprolog).
121 :- use_module(library(lists)).
122 :- include(chr_op).
124 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
126 % I N I T I A L I S A T I O N
128 ?- initialization % SWI
129 nb_setval(id,0).
131 ?- initialization % SWI
132 nb_setval(chr_global,_).
134 ?- initialization
135 nb_setval(chr_debug,mutable(off)).
137 ?- initialization
138 nb_setval(chr_debug_history,mutable([],0)).
140 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
141 'chr merge_attributes'( As, Bs, Cs) :-
142 sbag_union(As,Bs,Cs).
144 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
145 'chr run_suspensions'( Slots) :-
146 run_suspensions( Slots).
148 'chr run_suspensions_loop'([]).
149 'chr run_suspensions_loop'([L|Ls]) :-
150 run_suspensions(L),
151 'chr run_suspensions_loop'(Ls).
153 run_suspensions([]).
154 run_suspensions([S|Next] ) :-
155 arg( 2, S, Mref),
156 Mref = mutable(Status), % get_mutable( Status, Mref), % XXX Inlined
157 ( Status==active ->
158 update_mutable( triggered, Mref),
159 arg( 4, S, Gref),
160 Gref = mutable(Gen), % get_mutable( Gen, Gref), % XXX Inlined
161 Generation is Gen+1,
162 update_mutable( Generation, Gref),
163 arg( 3, S, Goal),
164 call( Goal),
165 % get_mutable( Post, Mref), % XXX Inlined
166 ( Mref = mutable(triggered) -> % Post==triggered ->
167 update_mutable( removed, Mref)
169 true
172 true
174 run_suspensions( Next).
176 'chr run_suspensions_d'( Slots) :-
177 run_suspensions_d( Slots).
179 'chr run_suspensions_loop_d'([]).
180 'chr run_suspensions_loop_d'([L|Ls]) :-
181 run_suspensions_d(L),
182 'chr run_suspensions_loop_d'(Ls).
184 run_suspensions_d([]).
185 run_suspensions_d([S|Next] ) :-
186 arg( 2, S, Mref),
187 Mref = mutable(Status), % get_mutable( Status, Mref), % XXX Inlined
188 ( Status==active ->
189 update_mutable( triggered, Mref),
190 arg( 4, S, Gref),
191 Gref = mutable(Gen), % get_mutable( Gen, Gref), % XXX Inlined
192 Generation is Gen+1,
193 update_mutable( Generation, Gref),
194 arg( 3, S, Goal),
196 'chr debug_event'(wake(S)),
197 call( Goal)
199 'chr debug_event'(fail(S)), !,
200 fail
203 'chr debug_event'(exit(S))
205 'chr debug_event'(redo(S)),
206 fail
208 % get_mutable( Post, Mref), % XXX Inlined
209 ( Mref = mutable(triggered) -> % Post==triggered ->
210 update_mutable( removed, Mref)
212 true
215 true
217 run_suspensions_d( Next).
218 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
219 locked:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- fail.
221 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
222 'chr lock'(T) :-
223 lock(T).
225 'chr unlock'(T) :-
226 unlock(T).
228 'chr not_locked'(T) :-
229 not_locked(T).
231 lock(T) :-
232 ( var(T)
233 -> put_attr(T, locked, x)
234 ; term_variables(T,L),
235 lockv(L)
238 lockv([]).
239 lockv([T|R]) :- put_attr( T, locked, x), lockv(R).
241 unlock(T) :-
242 ( var(T)
243 -> del_attr(T, locked)
244 ; term_variables(T,L),
245 unlockv(L)
248 unlockv([]).
249 unlockv([T|R]) :- del_attr( T, locked), unlockv(R).
251 'chr none_locked'( []).
252 'chr none_locked'( [V|Vs]) :-
253 not_locked( V),
254 'chr none_locked'( Vs).
256 not_locked( V) :-
257 ( var( V) ->
258 ( get_attr( V, locked, _) ->
259 fail
261 true
264 true
267 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
269 % Eager removal from all chains.
271 'chr remove_constraint_internal'( Susp, Agenda) :-
272 arg( 2, Susp, Mref),
273 Mref = mutable(State), % get_mutable( State, Mref), % XXX Inlined
274 update_mutable( removed, Mref), % mark in any case
275 ( compound(State) -> % passive/1
276 Agenda = []
277 ; State==removed ->
278 Agenda = []
279 %; State==triggered ->
280 % Agenda = []
282 Susp =.. [_,_,_,_,_,_,_|Args],
283 term_variables( Args, Vars),
284 global_term_ref_1( Global),
285 Agenda = [Global|Vars]
288 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
289 'chr via_1'(X,V) :-
290 ( var(X) ->
291 X = V
292 ; atomic(X) ->
293 global_term_ref_1(V)
294 ; nonground(X,V) ->
295 true
297 global_term_ref_1(V)
299 % 'chr via_1'( X, V) :- var(X), !, X=V.
300 % 'chr via_1'( T, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), ! .
301 % 'chr via_1'( _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V).
303 'chr via_2'(X,Y,V) :-
304 ( var(X) ->
305 X = V
306 ; var(Y) ->
307 Y = V
308 ; compound(X), nonground(X,V) ->
309 true
310 ; compound(Y), nonground(Y,V) ->
311 true
313 global_term_ref_1(V)
315 % 'chr via_2'( X, _, V) :- var(X), !, X=V.
316 % 'chr via_2'( _, Y, V) :- var(Y), !, Y=V.
317 % 'chr via_2'( T, _, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), ! .
318 % 'chr via_2'( _, T, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), ! .
319 % 'chr via_2'( _, _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V).
322 % The second arg is a witness.
323 % The formulation with term_variables/2 is
324 % cycle safe, but it finds a list of all vars.
325 % We need only one, and no list in particular.
327 'chr via'(L,V) :-
328 ( nonground(L,V) ->
329 true
331 global_term_ref_1(V)
334 nonground( Term, V) :-
335 term_variables( Term, Vs),
336 Vs = [V|_].
338 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
339 'chr novel_production'( Self, Tuple) :-
340 arg( 5, Self, Ref),
341 Ref = mutable(History), % get_mutable( History, Ref), % XXX Inlined
342 ( get_assoc( Tuple, History, _) ->
343 fail
345 true
349 % Not folded with novel_production/2 because guard checking
350 % goes in between the two calls.
352 'chr extend_history'( Self, Tuple) :-
353 arg( 5, Self, Ref),
354 Ref = mutable(History), % get_mutable( History, Ref), % XXX Inlined
355 put_assoc( Tuple, History, x, NewHistory),
356 update_mutable( NewHistory, Ref).
358 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
359 constraint_generation( Susp, State, Generation) :-
360 arg( 2, Susp, Mref),
361 Mref = mutable(State), % get_mutable( State, Mref), % XXX Inlined
362 arg( 4, Susp, Gref),
363 Gref = mutable(Generation). % get_mutable( Generation, Gref). % not incremented meanwhile % XXX Inlined
365 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
366 'chr allocate_constraint'( Closure, Self, F, Args) :-
367 'chr empty_history'( History),
368 create_mutable( passive(Args), Mref),
369 create_mutable( 0, Gref),
370 create_mutable( History, Href),
371 'chr gen_id'( Id),
372 Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args].
375 % 'chr activate_constraint'( -, +, -).
377 % The transition gc->active should be rare
379 'chr activate_constraint'( Vars, Susp, Generation) :-
380 arg( 2, Susp, Mref),
381 Mref = mutable(State), % get_mutable( State, Mref), % XXX Inlined
382 update_mutable( active, Mref),
383 ( nonvar(Generation) -> % aih
384 true
386 arg( 4, Susp, Gref),
387 Gref = mutable(Gen), % get_mutable( Gen, Gref), % XXX Inlined
388 Generation is Gen+1,
389 update_mutable( Generation, Gref)
391 ( compound(State) -> % passive/1
392 term_variables( State, Vs),
393 'chr none_locked'( Vs),
394 global_term_ref_1( Global),
395 Vars = [Global|Vs]
396 ; State==removed -> % the price for eager removal ...
397 Susp =.. [_,_,_,_,_,_,_|Args],
398 term_variables( Args, Vs),
399 global_term_ref_1( Global),
400 Vars = [Global|Vs]
402 Vars = []
405 'chr insert_constraint_internal'( [Global|Vars], Self, Closure, F, Args) :-
406 term_variables( Args, Vars),
407 'chr none_locked'( Vars),
408 global_term_ref_1( Global),
409 'chr empty_history'( History),
410 create_mutable( active, Mref),
411 create_mutable( 0, Gref),
412 create_mutable( History, Href),
413 'chr gen_id'( Id),
414 Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args].
416 insert_constraint_internal( [Global|Vars], Self, Term, Closure, F, Args) :-
417 term_variables( Term, Vars),
418 'chr none_locked'( Vars),
419 global_term_ref_1( Global),
420 'chr empty_history'( History),
421 create_mutable( active, Mref),
422 create_mutable( 0, Gref),
423 create_mutable( History, Href),
424 'chr gen_id'( Id),
425 Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args].
427 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
428 change_state( Susp, State) :-
429 arg( 2, Susp, Mref),
430 update_mutable( State, Mref).
432 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
433 'chr empty_history'( E) :- empty_assoc( E).
435 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
436 'chr gen_id'( Id) :-
437 incval( id, Id).
439 incval(id,Id) :-
440 nb_getval(id,Id),
441 NextId is Id + 1,
442 nb_setval(id,NextId).
444 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
445 create_mutable(V,mutable(V)).
447 'chr get_mutable'(V, mutable(V)).
449 'chr update_mutable'(V,M) :-
450 setarg(1,M,V).
452 get_mutable(V, mutable(V)).
454 update_mutable(V,M) :-
455 setarg(1,M,V).
457 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
458 'chr global_term_ref_1'(X) :-
459 global_term_ref_1(X).
461 global_term_ref_1(X) :-
462 nb_getval(chr_global,X).
464 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
466 'chr sbag_member'( Element, [Head|Tail]) :-
467 sbag_member( Element, Tail, Head).
469 % auxiliary to avoid choicepoint for last element
471 sbag_member( E, _, E).
472 sbag_member( E, [Head|Tail], _) :-
473 sbag_member( E, Tail, Head).
475 'chr sbag_del_element'( [], _, []).
476 'chr sbag_del_element'( [X|Xs], Elem, Set2) :-
477 ( X==Elem ->
478 Set2 = Xs
480 Set2 = [X|Xss],
481 'chr sbag_del_element'( Xs, Elem, Xss)
484 sbag_union( A, B, C) :-
485 sbag_merge( A, B, C).
487 sbag_merge([],Ys,Ys).
488 sbag_merge([X | Xs],YL,R) :-
489 ( YL = [Y | Ys] ->
490 arg(1,X,XId),
491 arg(1,Y,YId),
492 ( XId < YId ->
493 R = [X | T],
494 sbag_merge(Xs,YL,T)
495 ; XId > YId ->
496 R = [Y | T],
497 sbag_merge([X|Xs],Ys,T)
499 R = [X | T],
500 sbag_merge(Xs,Ys,T)
503 R = [X | Xs]
506 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
508 :- multifile
509 chr:debug_event/2, % +State, +Event
510 chr:debug_interact/3. % +Event, +Depth, -Command
512 'chr debug_event'(Event) :-
513 nb_getval(chr_debug,mutable(State)),
514 ( State == off ->
515 true
516 ; chr:debug_event(State, Event) ->
517 true
518 ; debug_event(State,Event)
521 chr_trace :-
522 nb_setval(chr_debug,mutable(trace)).
523 chr_notrace :-
524 nb_setval(chr_debug,mutable(off)).
526 % chr_leash(+Spec)
528 % Define the set of ports at which we prompt for user interaction
530 chr_leash(Spec) :-
531 leashed_ports(Spec, Ports),
532 nb_setval(chr_leash,mutable(Ports)).
534 leashed_ports(none, []).
535 leashed_ports(off, []).
536 leashed_ports(all, [call, exit, redo, fail, wake, try, apply, insert, remove]).
537 leashed_ports(default, [call,exit,fail,wake,apply]).
538 leashed_ports(One, Ports) :-
539 atom(One), One \== [], !,
540 leashed_ports([One], Ports).
541 leashed_ports(Set, Ports) :-
542 sort(Set, Ports), % make unique
543 leashed_ports(all, All),
544 valid_ports(Ports, All).
546 valid_ports([], _).
547 valid_ports([H|T], Valid) :-
548 ( memberchk(H, Valid)
549 -> true
550 ; throw(error(domain_error(chr_port, H), _))
552 valid_ports(T, Valid).
555 :- initialization
556 leashed_ports(default, Ports),
557 nb_setval(chr_leash, mutable(Ports)).
559 % debug_event(+State, +Event)
562 %debug_event(trace, Event) :-
563 % functor(Event, Name, Arity),
564 % writeln(Name/Arity), fail.
565 debug_event(trace,Event) :-
566 Event = call(_), !,
567 get_debug_history(History,Depth),
568 NDepth is Depth + 1,
569 chr_debug_interact(Event,NDepth),
570 set_debug_history([Event|History],NDepth).
571 debug_event(trace,Event) :-
572 Event = wake(_), !,
573 get_debug_history(History,Depth),
574 NDepth is Depth + 1,
575 chr_debug_interact(Event,NDepth),
576 set_debug_history([Event|History],NDepth).
577 debug_event(trace,Event) :-
578 Event = redo(_), !,
579 get_debug_history(_History, Depth),
580 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth).
581 debug_event(trace,Event) :-
582 Event = exit(_),!,
583 get_debug_history([_|History],Depth),
584 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth),
585 NDepth is Depth - 1,
586 set_debug_history(History,NDepth).
587 debug_event(trace,Event) :-
588 Event = fail(_),!,
589 get_debug_history(_,Depth),
590 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth).
591 debug_event(trace, Event) :-
592 Event = remove(_), !,
593 get_debug_history(_,Depth),
594 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth).
595 debug_event(trace, Event) :-
596 Event = insert(_), !,
597 get_debug_history(_,Depth),
598 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth).
599 debug_event(trace, Event) :-
600 Event = try(_,_,_,_), !,
601 get_debug_history(_,Depth),
602 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth).
603 debug_event(trace, Event) :-
604 Event = apply(_,_,_,_), !,
605 get_debug_history(_,Depth),
606 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth).
608 debug_event(skip(_,_),Event) :-
609 Event = call(_), !,
610 get_debug_history(History,Depth),
611 NDepth is Depth + 1,
612 set_debug_history([Event|History],NDepth).
613 debug_event(skip(_,_),Event) :-
614 Event = wake(_), !,
615 get_debug_history(History,Depth),
616 NDepth is Depth + 1,
617 set_debug_history([Event|History],NDepth).
618 debug_event(skip(SkipSusp,SkipDepth),Event) :-
619 Event = exit(Susp),!,
620 get_debug_history([_|History],Depth),
621 ( SkipDepth == Depth,
622 SkipSusp == Susp ->
623 set_chr_debug(trace),
624 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth)
626 true
628 NDepth is Depth - 1,
629 set_debug_history(History,NDepth).
630 debug_event(skip(_,_),_) :- !,
631 true.
633 % chr_debug_interact(+Event, +Depth)
635 % Interact with the user on Event that took place at Depth. First
636 % calls chr:debug_interact(+Event, +Depth, -Command) hook. If this
637 % fails the event is printed and the system prompts for a command.
639 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth) :-
640 chr:debug_interact(Event, Depth, Command), !,
641 handle_debug_command(Command,Event,Depth).
642 chr_debug_interact(Event, Depth) :-
643 print_event(Event, Depth),
644 ( leashed(Event)
645 -> ask_continue(Command)
646 ; Command = creep
648 handle_debug_command(Command,Event,Depth).
650 leashed(Event) :-
651 functor(Event, Port, _),
652 nb_getval(chr_leash, mutable(Ports)),
653 memberchk(Port, Ports).
655 ask_continue(Command) :-
656 print_message(debug, chr(prompt)),
657 get_single_char(CharCode),
658 ( CharCode == -1
659 -> Char = end_of_file
660 ; char_code(Char, CharCode)
662 ( debug_command(Char, Command)
663 -> print_message(debug, chr(command(Command)))
664 ; print_message(help, chr(invalid_command)),
665 ask_continue(Command)
669 'chr debug command'(Char, Command) :-
670 debug_command(Char, Command).
672 debug_command(c, creep).
673 debug_command(' ', creep).
674 debug_command('\r', creep).
675 debug_command(s, skip).
676 debug_command(g, ancestors).
677 debug_command(n, nodebug).
678 debug_command(a, abort).
679 debug_command(f, fail).
680 debug_command(b, break).
681 debug_command(?, help).
682 debug_command(h, help).
683 debug_command(end_of_file, exit).
686 handle_debug_command(creep,_,_) :- !.
687 handle_debug_command(skip, Event, Depth) :- !,
688 Event =.. [Type|Rest],
689 ( Type \== call,
690 Type \== wake ->
691 handle_debug_command('c',Event,Depth)
693 Rest = [Susp],
694 set_chr_debug(skip(Susp,Depth))
697 handle_debug_command(ancestors,Event,Depth) :- !,
698 print_chr_debug_history,
699 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth).
700 handle_debug_command(nodebug,_,_) :- !,
701 chr_notrace.
702 handle_debug_command(abort,_,_) :- !,
703 abort.
704 handle_debug_command(exit,_,_) :- !,
705 halt.
706 handle_debug_command(fail,_,_) :- !,
707 fail.
708 handle_debug_command(break,Event,Depth) :- !,
709 break,
710 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth).
711 handle_debug_command(help,Event,Depth) :- !,
712 print_message(help, chr(debug_options)),
713 chr_debug_interact(Event,Depth).
714 handle_debug_command(Cmd, _, _) :-
715 throw(error(domain_error(chr_debug_command, Cmd), _)).
717 print_chr_debug_history :-
718 get_debug_history(History,Depth),
719 print_message(debug, chr(ancestors(History, Depth))).
721 print_event(Event, Depth) :-
722 print_message(debug, chr(event(Event, Depth))).
724 % {set,get}_debug_history(Ancestors, Depth)
726 % Set/get the list of ancestors and the depth of the current goal.
728 get_debug_history(History,Depth) :-
729 nb_getval(chr_debug_history,mutable(History,Depth)).
731 set_debug_history(History,Depth) :-
732 nb_getval(chr_debug_history,Mutable),
733 setarg(1,Mutable,History),
734 setarg(2,Mutable,Depth).
736 set_chr_debug(State) :-
737 nb_getval(chr_debug,Mutable),
738 setarg(1,Mutable,State).