extended AI observation analysis to disjunction
[chr.git] / chr_messages.pl
1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Jan Wielemaker and Tom Schrijvers
6 E-mail: Tom.Schrijvers@cs.kuleuven.be
7 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
8 Copyright (C): 2003-2004, K.U. Leuven
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
25 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
26 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
27 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
28 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
29 the GNU General Public License.
32 :- module(chr_messages,
33 [ chr_message/3 % +CHR Message, Out, Rest
34 ]).
35 :- use_module(chr(chr_runtime)).
37 :- discontiguous
38 chr_message/3.
40 % compiler messages
42 chr_message(compilation_failed(From)) -->
43 [ 'CHR Failed to compile ~w'-[From] ].
45 % debug messages
47 chr_message(prompt) -->
48 [ at_same_line, ' ? ', flush ].
49 chr_message(command(Command)) -->
50 [ at_same_line, '[~w]'-[Command] ].
51 chr_message(invalid_command) -->
52 [ nl, 'CHR: Not a valid debug option. Use ? for help.' ].
53 chr_message(debug_options) -->
54 { bagof(Ls-Cmd,
55 bagof(L, 'chr debug command'(L, Cmd), Ls),
56 Lines)
58 [ 'CHR Debugger commands:', nl, nl ],
59 debug_commands(Lines),
60 [ nl ].
62 debug_commands([]) -->
63 [].
64 debug_commands([Ls-Cmd|T]) -->
65 [ '\t' ], chars(Ls), [ '~t~28|~w'-[Cmd], nl ],
66 debug_commands(T).
68 chars([C]) --> !,
69 char(C).
70 chars([C|T]) -->
71 char(C), [', '],
72 chars(T).
74 char(' ') --> !, ['<space>'].
75 char('\r') --> !, ['<cr>'].
76 char(end_of_file) --> !, ['EOF'].
77 char(C) --> [C].
80 chr_message(ancestors(History, Depth)) -->
81 [ 'CHR Ancestors:', nl ],
82 ancestors(History, Depth).
84 ancestors([], _) -->
85 [].
86 ancestors([Event|Events], Depth) -->
87 [ '\t' ], event(Event, Depth), [ nl ],
88 { NDepth is Depth - 1
90 ancestors(Events, NDepth).
93 % debugging ports
95 chr_message(event(Port, Depth)) -->
96 [ 'CHR: ' ],
97 event(Port, Depth),
98 [ flush ]. % do not emit a newline
100 event(Port, Depth) -->
101 depth(Depth),
102 port(Port).
103 event(apply(H1,H2,G,B), Depth) -->
104 depth(Depth),
105 [ 'Apply: ' ],
106 rule(H1,H2,G,B).
107 event(try(H1,H2,G,B), Depth) -->
108 depth(Depth),
109 [ 'Try: ' ],
110 rule(H1,H2,G,B).
111 event(insert(#(_,Susp)), Depth) -->
112 depth(Depth),
113 [ 'Insert: ' ],
114 head(Susp).
116 port(call(Susp)) -->
117 [ 'Call: ' ],
118 head(Susp).
119 port(wake(Susp)) -->
120 [ 'Wake: ' ],
121 head(Susp).
122 port(exit(Susp)) -->
123 [ 'Exit: ' ],
124 head(Susp).
125 port(fail(Susp)) -->
126 [ 'Fail: ' ],
127 head(Susp).
128 port(redo(Susp)) -->
129 [ 'Redo: ' ],
130 head(Susp).
131 port(remove(Susp)) -->
132 [ 'Remove: ' ],
133 head(Susp).
136 depth(Depth) -->
137 [ '~t(~D)~10| '-[Depth] ].
139 head(Susp) -->
140 { Susp =.. [_,ID,_,_,_,_|GoalArgs], Goal =.. GoalArgs
142 [ '~w # <~w>'-[Goal, ID] ].
144 heads([H]) --> !,
145 head(H).
146 heads([H|T]) -->
147 head(H),
148 [ ', ' ],
149 heads(T).
152 % rule(H1, H2, G, B)
154 % Produce text for the CHR rule "H1 \ H2 [<=]=> G | B"
156 rule(H1, H2, G, B) -->
157 rule_head(H1, H2),
158 rule_body(G, B).
160 rule_head([], H2) --> !,
161 heads(H2),
162 [ ' ==> ' ].
163 rule_head(H1, []) --> !,
164 heads(H1),
165 [ ' <=> ' ].
166 rule_head(H1, H2) -->
167 heads(H2), [ ' \\ ' ], heads(H1), [' <=> '].
170 rule_body(true, B) --> !,
171 [ '~w.'-[B] ].
172 rule_body(G, B) -->
173 [ '~w | ~w.'-[G, B] ].